Wednesday 10 October 2018

WOYWW 488 don't all faint, but....

Well hello deskers and happy Wednesday....
time to report for duty once again at Julia's   share and bare all.... desk wise 

so, why am I warning you?  
I had an idea pop into my head, for a theme for some of this year's Christmas cards....
when I unexpectedly went to Kew after all on Saturday (yes, I got WET!) I put it off for a day but..

I was awake early on Sunday to watch the F1 Grand Prix which started a stupid-o'clock (6am uk time) and afterwards I thought.. well I'm up... get on with it.

It's one of my all time favourite stamps, a poinsettia by Penny Black, one of their brush art range, from years and years ago..

and  of course, Distress Oxides...

I used a variety of not very traditional Christmas colours (love to do that!) and in no time at ll I had about 18 (see first pic) stamped up ready to mount up - my favourites turned out to be the blues! 

and I have even matted and layered some of them into almost finished cards!! 

It took me a while to find card blanks to match the colours of ink I had used - but at least they're all stored in colour-organised boxes!  of course, the ones I wanted were all at the bottom of the piles..

can you tell I used to make a lot of cards!  

Go me!!  Early October and I've started.... will probably all grind to a horrible halt now, but at least there are some done.

well partly done... no middles stamped (I don't use inserts, just stamp straight onto the card base.) 

so, that's me... what have you got to show and tell this week?  I'll be over soon.. 


  1. Well aren't you the cat's meow. I actually LIKE that poinsettia and I also like the blue ones. I can't believe you have so many card blanks. I swear you have more products, tools, and goodies than most craft stores handle.

    Obviously NOT playing, since I still can't figure out my problem. Scott tried, then somehow managed to lose my clocks. Not sure anyone else can see them, but I sure can't.

  2. Well you're definitely plenty up on me Helen, I have made precisely 2 Christmas cards so far, and only then as my sister was taking them out to Canada for me when she visited. Love the non traditional colours! Thanks for visiting already. Sarah #3

  3. Oh my, I am most impressed!! It really did rain on Saturday, didn't it??
    Happy WOYWW :)
    Claire, no.1 (don't know how - Mr Linky's funny like that...)

  4.'re doing well. I still haven't thought about them! I love that image too.

  5. That's a beautiful stamp Helen, you have to keep going now.. make it your must complete for the week!! It will feel so good ;)
    Thank you for visiting it's good to be back.
    Happy WOYWW Tracey #6

  6. What a lovely design for your Christmas cards....well done you for making a start.
    Annie x #12

  7. Morning Helen. Well... I would have taken a photo of the desk full flow... but it was piled so high I couldn't even see the camera... hence the after pic. Sorry - It really WAS bad! Well done on a day at Kew - even though it was so wet - that makes for a completely different atmosphere on your photos I imagine - raindrops on roses, and all that. Well done, too, on the Christmas card start. That stamp is gorgeous - and does it have to be traditional colours??
    Trust you now have your readers on!!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  8. Go you indeed! Horrible halt ? well at least you’ve got a good wedge of cards done! Funny how often we return to a favourite stamp. I reckon in an auction of just stampers, that PB Poinsettia would reach a ridiculous amount!! The weekend weather looks horrible, I think you may need a rain check!

  9. Hi Helen, love the PB brushstrokes stamps. I have the Reindeer- must get him out again. Great job in getting so many done, I have a lot of smaller ones, but need to get the bigger Family ones done next. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #5 X

  10. Well done you. This reminds me that I have some coloured card blanks that need using as I tend to only use white now. Guess I could cut them up and use them to layer. Whatever I need to clear some of this stuff. Have a lovely woyww, whatever you choose to do. Angela x13x

  11. Well must confess Helen I can truly see whhhyyyy that is a fav stamp. Gorjuss!! Go you clever little vegemite...
    Yes I too was sad you couldn't make it to crop. I'd hoped you could but it was grand to see all who came so I shouldn't be tooo greedy!!
    Hugs Shaz in Oz.x #7

  12. Blimey Christmas has started early this year, great job on getting started with fabulous designs and colours. You’ve got me thinking now ....

  13. Happy WOYWW #488 xx Jan (21)

  14. I am grinning Helen because, I also still play with that stamp :) love the blue version too. Go You! :) ~Stacy #22

  15. That's a gorgeous stamp Helen - well done you on the card achievement - we were awake at silly time watching the race too!! xx Jo

  16. That really is such a gorgeous stamp, and well done you for getting such a good start on your cards - I'm feeling pretty clueless about what I'm going to do this year so inspiring posts like yours are just what I need.
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana x #16

  17. That's a gorgeous stamp! Love the colours you've used as well. We cheated for the F1 and watched the recording later in the day at reasonable o'clock!
    Have a good week
    Christine #25

  18. I started well earlier in the year then came to a halt! Well done for setting an example! Hugs,Chrisx

  19. Hi Helen, I didn't get up that early to watch F1. We watched it on tv later. I love the Penny Black stamp, poinsettas are one of my favourites. Well done on making such a good start on the Christmas cards. And, wow, you have a lot of card blanks if all those boxes contain them! Have a lovely week Heather x #27

  20. Love all the stamped images!! Very colorful! Haven't decided which color scheme is my fave. Thanks for popping by and have a great rest of the week!
    Carol N #20

  21. Great images and love the non trad colours!! I love rainy days when you give yourself permission to stay in and craft (well, it beats housework!)
    Hugs LLJ 10 xxx

  22. Hi Helen, Your cards look fab. Looks like you may be getting low on card blanks:) LOL

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #14

  23. Djee... that's a lot of work done on 'just a Sunday morning'... love the stamped image! I like both the colours by the way. Thanks for your visit to my blog the other day, I'm pretty late with my round again but hey, at least I made it before Wednesday ;) so happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #11

  24. Oh wow- those colourfully stamped poinsettias look just fabulous - what a lovely stamp, and even better in the multi-coloured stamping. Glad to hear you got your daily exercise hefting the boxes around!
    Alison x

  25. That's a very nice stamp, and what pretty cards you've made with it, Helen. I love the colours. Thank you for your visit and I'm so glad you like my boxes. Our friend was so thrilled - I don't think she expected that the box would match the album! Thank you also for your good wishes re my appointments. There always seems to be something!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #15

  26. Re the egg puns... no, I didn't run out - I just thought it would be over-egging the pudding to carry on! xx

  27. Sorry I am so late - had a mixed week.
    Oh Helen, you are shaming me into starting C Cards, although I have decided not to make many this year. It becomes a task and not enjoyment like it used to be - part of getting old I guess.
    It's lovely sat here today seeing the sunlight dappling through the trees so I am not thinking of Christmas today.
    Hugs, Neet 9 xx

  28. Good for you and your start on Christmas! You have me beat! I love the poinsettia stamp you used, and how the cards turned out, I like both the red and the blue ones, but the blue ones are unique, and give that "winter" feeling! Sorry I'm so late, it's been a crazy week! Lindart #23


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