Sunday 27 September 2015

Paperartsy - Pigment Powders - challenge 17

The latest Paperartsy challenge is to use pigment powders, and time is running out - it closes at 5pm tonight!
There have been some fabulous projects from the guests, I particularly liked Catherine's clean and simple cards  and Kay's garden of dreams both of which inspired me, although this is not really like either!

 I decided to have a little play with the Bistre powders I bought last week at Ally Pally, on some watercolour paper
I didn't buy all the colours, and have used mahogany, blue and natural here. I spritzed first and then added a little of the powders randomly, and let them drip down (or up!) before drying
 I decided to use them dripping down, and stamped the flowers (JoFY33) approximately over the colours
I put a couple of crystals of the mahogany and blue separately on the craft mat and added some water to mix, and then painted in some of the flowers to fill them out a little.

for the leaves at the bottom, I stamped and then painted the leaves with water, then dripped some Leaf Green Brusho into the leaves, and painted them out.

I stamped the text (ESN14) on a separate piece of watercolour paper and tore out, wet the paint brush and dipped it straight into the blue Bistre pot, to stick the powder to the brush, and then painted the torn edges, so you get a really intense pop of colour.

I finished by mounting it on a piece of black card.

I like the much more grungy colours to the Bistres, and have noticed that some of them are quite fine powders, whilst others are more crystally (if that's a word!)

Entering the Paperartsy challenge here


  1. Ooh, nice!! Do like those grungy Bistre colours, and it's so cool how you've stamped the flowers to almost catch the drippage - fabulous pages.
    Alison xx

  2. Love it Helen, works so well, looks very organic! X

  3. Ooh Helen. I love what you did here. These bistres are so versatile aren't they? Really love how you followed the pigments' trace with the stamping. I think that's your favourite stamp!!! Clever stuff!

  4. Beautiful! You captured the Autumnal hedgerow feel very well

  5. Fab technique, your page looks great xx

    So which do you prefer, bistres or brushos?

  6. Lovely grungy colours, they look great - really different effect compared with the brushos Xx

  7. really lovely Helen - wish I'd bought some of these, the colours are spot on for this time of year xx

  8. Right after this comment I'm checking the Bistres powder on the PA site... Love your page and your choice of colours!

  9. This looks fabulous Helen, great effects!

  10. Hi Helen, pleased you liked my Garden of Dreams. I've not got any Bistre powders, but the colours look interesting, and particular grungy. Would probably mix well with Brushos too - have you tried that? Just noticed you live in Sutton - I'm in Worcester Park!

  11. Love those colours!
    When/if I go to get some more stamps will have to look at the powders - I have basic colours of Brusho at the mo.
    The finished page really appeals to me .... for all sorts of reasons.


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