Wednesday 30 September 2015

WOYWW 330 - not a lot going on..

So, it's Wednesday again (or will be by the time you read this!) and time to share our crafty working spaces at Julia's the Stamping Ground and there's not a lot happening on my crafty space on the floor (there probably should be, but there isn't!)  Also, it's somehow very nearly blooming October (like tomorrow) and not a sign of Christmas card production having started, guess I'd better do something about that before long too...

So as there's not a lot to see, I took the photo from a different angle- from just in front of the window.  You can see the gap between the sofa and my craft mat where I kneel to work.. not much room is there?!  in the foreground,  the cushions are on the stool I sit on at the computer,  then the boxes that surround the working space.. getting very untidy, they need a good sort out! Then, to the right of the craft mat (at the top of the photo) are my boxes of Fresco paints, and  my most used stamps - my Paperartsy plates, piled high now, (the box is full, so there's another pile on top of my Tim Holtz and Wendy Vecchi stamps - I need another box for them!
The Ikea boxes lined against the wall are all full of my wooden stamps....

I counted the stamps the other day (from the index I keep in a ring binder... not from the stamps themselves. that would have been impossible..) after a conversation on twitter -  there were a lot... especially when you know I list the plates or sets as one entry .. the total came to.... 1877.. that's a lot of stamps.. and a hell of a lot of money!  It's no wonder there isn't much space left for me!

So, having shamed myself  (I am not really ashamed, I love them all!) share what you've been up to and I'll stop by later!


  1. Omgoodness that's alot of stamps I'd never find the time to use them all

    Happy WOYWW hugs Nikki

  2. You kneel to work? You must have young knees lol. Love that warm look in your workspace
    Bridget #1

  3. Wow! I can't imagine finding the time to use all those lovely stamps.

  4. Just keep enjoying your purchases and all will be well. You have more space on the floor than I have on my desk Helen but I am not sure I could craft on the floor. If I got down would I get up at my age?
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  5. Wow, Helen I am in awe of the total number of stamps in your craft collection. It sounds like you have an amazing collection and would love to know if you have catalogued the stamps.
    sandra de @11

  6. Morning Helen. Oh my, no, there's not a huge amount of space for your legs is there? Don't they go "dead" if you spend a lot of time down there on the floor?? I couldn't do it these days - and when I think I used to spurn chairs and nearly always sit on the floor.... Couldn't get up if I got down nowadays!!!
    A great view this morning - lots to see there - and what an enormous amount of stamps! Enjoy them.
    Thanks for visiting - yes, best laid plans, huh??
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #13

  7. OMG - that is some amount of stamps Helen! Do you think you actually use them all though? Thanks for sharing your photo, it's great :D Lyns #9

  8. Gosh, what a lot of stamps but if you use them, why not? I love to buy them but rarely use them but they are clearly your main craft tool, so enjoy them and certainly don't be ashamed of them.
    I love that you craft on the floor, either younger or fitter than I am, need a crane to get up from down there.
    Thanks for sharing
    Chris #19

  9. Hi Helen, I'm envious that you have all those Paper Artsy stamps. I'm working at it! Crafting on your knees - if only I could but I'd never get up. Have fun. Barbxx

  10. My knees are moaning just thinking of kneeling to create. And all those stamps????.....I just wouldn't know what to do with them all but well done you for having such an amazing collection.
    Have a great week.
    Annie x

  11. Ooh, that's a great new angle on things... love your Moppe tower! I quite often expand off the table on to the floor when there's too much going on or I need to do some big spritzing etc - but I don't think I could be down there full time!!
    Alison xx

  12. Oh... and I'm not going to count... but I fear the results! xx

  13. Yeah, absolutely no shame, am totally with you on that. you have decent insurance for them? I ask this because I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't get to replace that number unless you have them 'pre declared' as it were. Interesting view this week - am still in awe (and always will be) at the kneeling thing.. especially as I always imagined that it was a single chair that you could push I see its the sofa and really doesn't give you much room! Hurry up with your Christmas cards would you - I need the inspiration!!

  14. I enlarged your photo and was amazed ! Love the wooden drawer storage units... It's amazing what we accumulate over time, have fun with your collections and enjoy a fun WOYWW.

  15. Love that you have all those stamps!! I have come late to stamping but my oh! my, what I consider a lot seems a paltry few !
    Love the different view of your workspace, I can see carpet in my room but it is too tidy as I am downstairs sorting more boxes ..... where do they come from?
    Have a good week
    Bishopsmate #31

  16. I quit buying stamps long ago after being on a design team and the company was most generous. No way can I ever use all I have and yet I still want more of theirs! I am not retired and don't have the money I would love to spend on things so I'm always asking I really NEED that or do I just WANT it. Most of the time even the WANT it still wins!
    Glenda #29

  17. what do you mean not a lot to see, there is tons of goodies there :) so many stamps, nice!!!

  18. Hi Helen, I so love visiting you as I feel right at home round your workspace. Hope you find time to use all those lovely stamps. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 27

  19. Wow! You have a lot of crafting goodies. #35

  20. Great view Helen - I often think of you crafting away on your knees. I bet Kew looked amazing in Autumn sunshine. x Jo

  21. You have a very busy work space!

    I'm on number 40. You're welcome to visit my blog!

    Greetings, Sofie

  22. I know! How CAN It be October tomorrow? Tempus Fugit and all that. The Christmas cards are flying out of the Oxfam I volunteer in! Aaarghhhhh......
    Hugs, LLJ 17 xxx

  23. Wow, that is a lot of stamps! I admire you for being able to work on the floor!


  24. OMG! That number gives me palpitations like no photo could. Astonishing. I wish you could come over to mine for a week and organize and index my stamps. I always runout of steam half way thru :)

    glad to be back ... finally!
    Mary Anne (33)

    and yes I have cleared the decks for the crop!!

  25. You counted your stamps? Wow! I know you said you have a catalogue... Now that made me say WOW again! Perhaps I should make a catalogue.... In which lifetime I am not sure, but it sounds like a good idea, I will put it on my list of wishful things to do... 32

  26. Oh my goodness! And there was me just thinking I had an awful lot of stamps - maybe not after all :) I started to catalogue mine some time ago but lost the will along the way so it remains incomplete - and will continue that way. I enjoy guessing wherever everything is. Elizabeth x #56

  27. That IS a lot of stamps! Have you used them all? Last weekend, I did a sort out. Sometimes you just have to put some order! Happy WOYWW!
    Hugs, peggy aplSEEDS@4


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