Wednesday 23 September 2015

WOYWW 329 another post show haul

Happy Wednesday deskers!  Time to link up with Julia once again and share our crafty spaces...

so this is the pile of goodies I bought on Saturday and Sunday at Ally Pally... before I did my demonstration stint.. which went well and I really enjoyed it (read about it and see the pics here if you haven't already, together with a better look at what I bought!)

Day two (Sunday) at Ally Pally involved just a mooch around and a smaller stash haul.. (yes, I did get more on Sunday.. well there's always something else you decide you need!)

This is the workspace late Tuesday evening, taken from a funny angle sitting on the sofa.. when I should be making tags and atcs for a swap due this weekend... theme is resist techniques, and I'm struggling..  The atc that looks black is actually Hickory Smoke distress over clear embossed stencilled raindrops.. and I don't know what's happening with it next!

the journal is open at a page (the one on the right)  I was experimenting with the Bistre powders I bought on Saturday - they're a bit like Brushos, but more grungy colours, all having a brown base note to them... as you can see, not done a lot with them yet!

Thanks for stopping by.  It's great to read that Shaz is making a good recovery now from her major operation, Shaz - we hope you get home soon!


  1. Wow that is one huge Haul looks like you'll be busy :) hugs Nikki

  2. oops, Helen, I just realised today is WOYWW already where did the week go?? not blogged yet but hope to do so.. meybbe a day late lost a day somewhere. What lot of lovely loot, yay!
    Thanks so much for popping over.
    Shaz in Oz.x

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

  3. I love resist technique, although I havent done it in awhile
    Bridget #1

  4. Hi Helen,
    Fabulous new stash! Hope you get to play with it real soon :)
    RosA # 10

  5. Sadly we didn't make it to Ally pally this year as Rugby tickets and a fab day in Cardiff got in the way! Enjoy all your new things you bought and well done you for sharing your talents with everyone else!
    Lynda B

  6. Sadly we didn't make it to Ally pally this year as Rugby tickets and a fab day in Cardiff got in the way! Enjoy all your new things you bought and well done you for sharing your talents with everyone else!
    Lynda B

  7. Is this first demo just the start of a new career? I'm glad it went so well for you....would you do it again?
    I'm happy about Shaz too, spoke to her on Monday and she was sounding really good under the circumstances :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 12 xx

  8. Well, I think that's the shape of things to come really - a quick run around the show and then demoing! Interesting about the bistre powders..I've only seen the brushos in action once, so will just bide my time! I know why you were stuck -because you had to do ''s crippling when you set yourself a chore!

  9. So good to hear you had a great time at Ally Pally and you never disappoint us with your haul of new goodies Helen. Have a great week.
    Annie x #18

  10. Just read your post about demo-ing at AllyPally. Well done you! I love the heart!
    The stamps you bought are gorgeous. No wonder you 'needed' those badly!
    Have a good week,

  11. What a fabulous haul of goodies. Glad you enjoyed your stint of demoing.

    Fiona #27

  12. Looks like you had a great time at Ally Pally - I love your new stash and those PA stamps looks great. Hope the demo-ing went well - sounds exciting! I am having real trouble using my Brushos at the moment - I've had them years and barely used them, and now I remember why - they go everywhere! I haven't heard of the Bistre ones but I like the idea of a more grungy colour scheme - but I don't think I'll buy any more until I've mastered what I already have!
    Hope you have a great week trying out all your new stash,
    Diana #22

  13. Wow justy LOVe your desk this week. I wish I had organised myself to get to Ally Pally- not been for a couple of years. I love your stash!. I love my brushos but would like some more colours Take take . Soojay 16

  14. I always had to buy myself something when I was visiting the dentist because I was scared. Did you buy all those goodies before the demo for the same reason - a kind of comfort blanket I guess. Whatever the reason it is good to see all your stuff, look forward to seeing it being used.
    Hugs, Neet 15 xx

  15. What a wonderful stash! Lots going on your work space.
    Happy WOYWW - thanks for stopping by.

  16. Whahoo! My kind of desk! Love all the paints, sprays etc. :) Thanks for the great peek! #50

  17. Glad you enjoyed ally pally. P.S. I only joined Twitter yesterday Helen. Will need to work out what it's all about

  18. You may not have had long to shop but you obviously made good use of the time you did have. Love your goodies. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 36

  19. Lots of goodies! Busy girl!

  20. Have fun playing with all your great finds. I've the Crazy birds and hope to get some time to play with them too. Have a fun week.

  21. Lol - I need to read more carefully - I could have sworn you said you were working with Bisto powder!! And I was thinking no wonder the colours are more grungy!! I need lessons in all that lovely stuff you use Helen!! x Jo

  22. I am so glad your demo session went well at Ally Pally, Helen, and that you were also able to come home armed with some new stash! It sounds like a good event. I am very interested to read that you got some Bistres - I have been looking at these recently and love the more subtle shades than the Brushos, but I have been unable to source them anywhere! Do you know where you can get them? I'd be most interested to know.

    Thank you for your visit and your lovely comment - I am like you and don't make cards from choice, but our family and friends do rather expect them from us, don't they! There are other things I'd rather be doing these days. I agree with you about purple too - it's such a gorgeous rich colour and I love it with other colours too - turquoise, orange... I'm looking forward to getting stuck into my new Brushos.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #32

  23. Hello Helen. Took a sneaky peek at your experiences at Ally Pally. Well done. Seems there were some smiles on your face as you got into it - hope you really enjoyed it all.
    You have certainly been busy the past few days! Great stuff.
    Thanks for visiting. Life has indeed been different with all the mileage up and down the A55 - and not much more anywhere else...
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #7&9

  24. What a great haul!
    So pleased your demo went off well, I knew it would - easy to talk as you create I always think, maybe cos we don't have to look at the audience!!
    Have a good week
    Bishopsmate #57

  25. A fab haul - and you really earned it this time with your great demo session!
    Alison xx


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