Saturday 5 September 2015

Hey... more circles for Paperartsy

The Hotpicks plate with the clocks was one of my favourites from the last Paperartsy release, and I had some fun on a canvas for the Circles challenge that closes tomorrow. I loved Ruth's stencilled circles from Friday's post,  although this is nothing like it, (apart from the stencilled circles!)

I had in fact already stencilled heavy gloss gel through a Memory Box stencil on a small canvas, and painted it..

 with Bougainvillea Fresco - I love this bright vibrant magenta pink!  The paint did dull the gloss of the gel down a little too much, so I carefully replaced the stencil and added another of gel over the circles to re-emphasise the gloss.

I stamped some of the blobby circles from EEV06 in plum archival
round the gel circles.

I had been playing with a  brayered tissue background and the column of clocks (HP1502) for another (secret!) project.. and had plenty left over.
I tore them out and glued them to the corners of my canvas, and then stamped the row of small circles from HP1504 in Bougainvillea fresco, round the whole canvas as a border

and then stamped the "hey wait for me" (HP1502) a single clock (HP1107 - the clockwork birds set) and the wings (ID09) on some more of my spare tissue and cut them out

I like the impression of the clock (time flying for real), calling out to the rest of the clocks, "hey wait for me.... "

Entering this to the Paperartsy circles challenge here


  1. I too lope that vibrant pink Helen, might be a colour I need to pick up tomorrow, I don't think PA are there but one of the others stands usually carry some of their products.

    B x

  2. Gorgeous page Helen, love those stencilled circles! Such a pity Bougainvillea is no more!

  3. Very much liking those glossy stencilled circles, even before the pink arrived! Love the flying clock.
    Alison xx

  4. Love the brightness of this page and the glossy circles look fab X

  5. Lovely canvas but I can't concentrate... secret squirrel??? Will we know tonight? You're such a tease!

  6. What a lovely canvas, Helen! I love circles and this take on them is so beautiful! Great use of stencils and gel. xx

  7. This is lovely, what great ideas!

    Lucy x


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