Sunday 6 September 2015

Paperartsy at Ally Pally

I was thrilled (and not a little nervous) to be given the chance to take a spot on the Paperartsy demo desk at this month's newly renamed "Crafting at Ally Pally" show in London (formerly The Big Stamp and Scrapbooking Show). in a couple of weeks time .I've never done anything like this before so be kind to me if you are there!  It's getting close now!

I will be demoing Hot Picks and Darcy's new Christmas stamps (ooh new stamps ?- yes!!)  - here are a few sneaks of what I will be doing/stamps I'll be using..  I'm up at the end of the day from 3.30 till closing time (and hot-footing it to the bar afterwards for what is becoming the regular "after show" drink/chat/tweetup) I think I'll need it more than usual this year...

a mashup of one of Darcy's new stamps and JoFY's from July
over a stencilled background
pure Darcy on this, some fabulous Christmas stamps.
and this!

 Hotpicks from July on this tag - some of my favourite tissue brayering/background stamping here
more Hotpicks from July

Paperartsy are very generously giving away some free door passes for the show, and have kindly donated a pair of one day tickets for me to give away here too - so if you fancy coming along (it's a cracking day out, can't promise for my part in it...) then mention in your comment that you'd like to be included in the draw.  The draw closes at midnight UK time on Friday 9th September and I'll pick a random winner out of a hat next Saturday 10th September - to give me time to post the tickets to you.  Please make sure your comment allows me to contact you.
The show takes place on the weekend of 19th and 20th September.


  1. Fab Helen :) You will be great. I am not sure I will be able to stay to watch you as I need to get back home to come back to grays for a party. Would like to enter your prize draw x

  2. You'll have a ball, Helen! And yes, I'll see you there (so don't put my name in the hat!!).
    Alison xx

  3. Wow Helen this is amazing what a great piece of news. Never made it to Ally Pally so a chance in the hat would be great. BJ

  4. That's brilliant, Helen. You're so talented you will do just fine :) Elizabeth xx

  5. These are great projects Helen made with some fab new and current stamps! Intriguing. I'm so pleased for you being able to demo on the stand. I really hope you enjoy yourself. Sadle I can't be there as I'm away for the next three weekends but I will be looking for some photos!!

  6. Wow Helen, I'm so pleased for you. You'll have a fabulous time. I love your samples, they looks fantastic. Xx

  7. You're going to be great Helen, those peeks look fab! x

  8. You will have a fab time, it will be hectic but go with the flow and enjoy it. X

  9. Love your sneak peeks Helen. Huge huge congratulations on your demo spot. Enjoy every minute x x x

  10. Woop woop! Go Helen! U will be fab! :)

  11. How exciting for you! Shame I can't come this year I would love to see you in action... Enjoy, I'm sure you'll be brilliant at it.

  12. WOW Helen! How exciting, will look out for you If I manage to make it.Would love the chance to win one of the tickets xx

  13. now I'm even more disappointed that I can't go! All the best my friend. You will be fine. I demoed on the inkylicious stall at Doncaster once and thoroughly enjoyed it! Wonderful sneak peeks too

  14. Excellent news, I'm thrilled for you. The sneak peeks look very interesting.

  15. You'll be fine Helen, just get stuck into your inks and forget the world and you will be well away.

    B x

  16. I'll be there with my camera lol..can you put me in the draw please :-)

  17. Congratulations! Can just imagine how thrilled you must have been to be asked to do this. Brilliant! Sadly will be away so no chance of seeing you. Have a brill time.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  18. Oh big congrats Helen!!! I'm sure you'll do just great! I so wished I lived closer..... but alas, I won't be there this year, would love to see you in action....

  19. I will be coming! Please put me in the draw! You have nothing to worry about, you have loads of techniques up your sleeve and everyone will be really friendly!

    Lucy x


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