Monday 17 November 2014

twin journal pages...

it's been ages since I played in my journal just for fun, but I was bored yesterday (no football to watch!) and I couldn't summon enough enthusiasm to make some more Christmas cards...

The page on the left was mostly done, and was hanging around on a WOYWW desk recently but I don't seem to have taken a proper sized photograph
 this is the right page. it's gone through a few transformations, I was painting over some random brush strokes that I didn't want, with Plum and Chalk Fresco . The yellow is brusho dropped in the wet paint.  and smudged around... and partly wiped off. Stencilled Marlin and Chalk through a stencil.
the left hand page has had more brushos dropped on it and both have gesso circles (lids from an old glue bottle or something)  The right page I diluted with some gesso first, it was a bit dark to do anything over..
 and black gesso with a stickles lid, and a credit card
 followed this through on the other page too
 the pages needed something to focus on, but I chose to stamp in Cobalt archival ink on Paperartsy Crackly tissue (still hoarding some) but once I glued it to the page, it blends in too much, the background is too dark...
 used Plum archival on tissue for the right page, which shows up a little better.  Would have been better on white card, I think....or the stamping done in black ... or left off altogether!

thanks for looking!


  1. Love how you've thrown everything at both these pages and I think they've come out really well xx

    Sam xx

  2. Or what if you stamped on the tissue, then swiped a bit of paint on the back, then glued it down ?? Perhaps then the stamped bit would pop off the BG a bit. ??

  3. Great pages Helen I like how you tied it all together with black and white xx

  4. Two fabulous pages Helen! I just love those oh so subtle colours and the way you built the layers up to such a glorious couple of pages! I like the almost hidden words - so much more interesting to have to take your time to read them - I love them!! Chris

  5. Yet more another lovely piece of artwork Helen, it looks real fun creating all the patterns and hues of colour.

    Apologies for lack of visits, been a bit under the weather.

    B x

  6. Ah Just playing in a journal - fab fun!

  7. Great abstract layers and stamping. Those tissue stamped layers are really haunting - just hovering in and out of view on the left page.
    Alison xx

  8. I like these pages a lot, lots of fab layers going on.

  9. I think these look great Helen! I do prefer the colours on the left page but that's only personal choice. Love the bottle top rings and credit card marks on both.

    Lesley Xx


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