Sunday 16 November 2014

Craft Barn Q&L - 23. Friendship/Journey

Hello, hope you are having a good Sunday.  The new Craft Barn challenge for their Q&L reaches no 23. The prompts are Friendship and/or Journey.  Searched out a few.... have quite a lot of stamps with 'journey' on them... but I really liked this quote by Aristotle "Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies".

 I started by stencilling Ice Blue Fresco paint through the large numbers template from crafters workshop
 then, stamped the image by Tim Holtz onto the journal page, and again on scrap paper.  I cut out the main image and added some colour to the dog and layered it over the journal
 stencilled some leaves with Grunge Paste in the corners and when dry, added Pan pastel

typed up the quote on scrap paper and glued it to the page.
 This came together really quickly, and I love this image of the little boy and his dog, which quite fortuitously has a "friend" definition as part of the stamp.

Just wanted to say a big thank you to the Craft Barn (and the for pulling my name out of the hat for the prize for the "nowhere" challenge - it was fun spending the voucher yesterday!


  1. Ooh love the plain and simple look but sends a great message xxx

  2. i love how simple but effective this is xx

  3. A fab little piece Helen. Great image and you portrayed it perfectly! Xx

  4. What a gorgeous image to use with that quote. Such a lovely page Helen.

  5. Love that image too Helen, a great page!

  6. I had planned to congratulate you on your win, because I saw it this morning when first visited CB's blog.

    Second, I wanted to tell you I simply ADORE some of those new stamps you bought on clearance. I have seen those (both) skeleton stamps used in spreads and cards ranging from Christmas to Valentine's Day. I think I even remember once for Father's Day. So it was great that you got some really, really versatile ones.

    Third, I appreciate your statement about the poppies and the soldiers they represent. I should have checked with you before I posted on Veterans Day, because I only got it half right. At least I got the US Soldier part right, just not the Commonwealth members.

    On to your spread. The stencil is wonderful. I should look for a cheap one like that (OOPS, I meant a cheap one unlike yours, which I'm sure was not cheap. You know my idea of cheap: Dollar Store, Pound Shop cheap.

    I noticed you really LIKE using grunge paste and use it a LOT. I've never tried it, not even seen it in person before. But you have shown great examples of how to use it, if I ever have a chance to get ahold of some.

    And finally, once it was finished, I was SO impressed with the entire entry, including the quote.

  7. Lovely page, quote and image. Another fabulous entry for the Craft Barn Challenge Helen:-)

  8. Hi Helen! just popping in to see what you have been up to. Very cool page! The picture and quote go so well together. I love the grunge paste. I have some different types of gritty and thick mediums I have been waiting to try out. The more I am seeing it used, the more I am excited to try it. The leaves in the corners pulled it all together so well! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  9. This is a gorgeous page & the image is so sweet.

  10. Oh great pages Helen and an excellent choice of stamp for that quote!! love that stencil too as you know lol!! friends are precious and we should treasure them :)

  11. Great quote and page. Had to smile when I saw the stamped image.The dog reminded me so much of a Jack Russell my Mum had we we were kids. Mum was his only "true" friend and he was as good as gold for her, the rest of us had to bribe him with custard creams lol.

  12. Love the TH stamp and it goes well with the quote! Great page too.

  13. Love that stamp, and the lettering is a great background choice - lovely page. I've been admiring your poppy photos too - Tom Piper is a long-time RSC colleague and friend, just been working alongside him again in NY, so am very proud of poppies! - though still a long way from doing the kind of catching up I'd like to do.
    Alison xx

  14. Oh Helen I love this! Wish I hadn't fallen by the wayside with this challenge!! Congrats on your win too! Chris

  15. Well done on the win and love the pages as always

  16. That is a great quote. Liking all those layers, and the stamped image is perfect.

  17. A very clean page that gets the message over very effectively. Well done on your CB win. Curious to see what you buy.

  18. Your main image is great - such a close friendship it seems - and love your background too!

  19. Love the overall look of the page and the main image. Great quote too :)

  20. congrats on the winnings, this one is also a winner. I like how you kept it simple, no fussy background, great focal point, what a fab stamp.

  21. Really love this page Helen and that main image is lovely.

    Lesley Xx

  22. What a superb page!! Really well done - and congrats on your win too. Free goodies - the best kind :o))

  23. Lovely entry and a beautiful stamp!

  24. I really like the quote you chose and the subtle layers you achieved. I really benefited from your description. Thanks and congrats on the win!

  25. A beautiful page and a well chosen quote.


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