Wednesday 19 November 2014

time for another WOYWW....

... but not a lot again! some finished but slightly disappointed with, journal pages (the one I was faffing with a couple of weeks ago) Head to Julia's for the wheres, whyfors and hows - once you've checked mine out!

The previous post tells the pluses and minuses of how this page came along.... and the eagle eyed amongst you may spy a little something hiding under the journal.... to find out what, you'll need to visit the post after this one later today!!
tee hee! Happy Wednesday (unless like me you do most of your visiting later!)


  1. Well I spy the tip of what appears to be a very pretty tag!
    What do you think is so wrong with your journal pages?

    Happy WOYWW no # yet either

  2. OK, so I zoooooomed in...I spy a pretty ribbon on top of a tag....and as for your pages, they seem fine to me, but I know what you mean when you say they just aren't "doing" it for you. #7

  3. I spy a tag too. I'll have to come back tonight to take another look! It's so disappointing when you end up not happy with something isn't it!
    have a happy week
    Lynda B 14

  4. So frustrating when you and mojo seem to be going in different directions. I hope that time away from the pages will give you fresh eyes when you return, though they look fine to me. Have a great WOYWW, Chris # 8

  5. I think the journal pages look great. I usually dislike a lot of mine also and have to just put them down and walk away. A friend of mine to teach me a lesson submitted a couple pages of mine to a contest and I won a prize and I thought they were pretty bad…guess we are our own worse critics. I'll be back to see the…hmmmm…tag? Have a great week. Vickie #17

  6. I spy a tag peeping out and in my favourite colours too. The card on my blog is deceptively simple. I'll be adding a tutorial on Saturday.

    Fiona #22

  7. I loved your journal pages! I spied some Colorbloom sprays how do you like them? Lots of lovely stash too but what is that gorgeous colour peeping out from your journal ? Looking forward to see what it could be xx

  8. Yep, def. a tag top but I wonder...Tim's tags, maybe? I'll be back for sure. And love the journal pages, very colourful with lots of interest as the backgound.

    Happy happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (1)

    ARGH! I KNOW I typed the right numbers and it kicked me to word verification. Damn. I cannot read the darn thing but HAVE to make this one post then I'll try again tomorrow. Poop.

  9. Is it that purple what's it sticking out? The other folks seem to think its a tag...could be, my eyes aren't fully awake yet.....!!
    Hugs, LLJ 18 xx

  10. Looks like a lovely spread in your journal. Do you mind telling me what type of Journal you have used. It certainly seems to have coped with lots of mixed media on the paper. I am always on the look out for a journal that can take lots of paint etc.
    Sandra de @21

  11. Purple for the Dragon's team tag today then! I like the journal page..tell me please that those are single word stamps not a jaunty style alpha? Because they are so well spaced and placed that I'd be even more cross and jealous at your ability!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. A lovely inky work space - very cozy everything within an arm's reach. I like your journal pages! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #39

  14. Looks like a tag hiding under your journal!!!!
    Jackie 54

  15. Hi Helen, definitely a tag lurking under there! I think we all make stuff that everyone else thinks looks great, but just doesn't 'grab' us- its a very personal thing, isn't it? Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #2 xxx

  16. Hi Helen, of course I had to scroll up and love your tag. A very clever way round the difficult letter X :) Have a great week. Elizabeth x #46

  17. Ooh, you little tinker teasing us like this. Now I have visitors arriving and may not get back - dash!
    Don't give up on a page you do not like, just go on and on adding stuff to it, you might be surprised by the result. Thus speaks the voice of experience - NOT! Think I read it somewhere.
    Am bumping into Sam and Emma tomorrow - will get a photo so you can see us all.
    Hugs, Neet 27 xxx


  18. Hi neighbor!Be kind you yourself! pages to fine to me from here.
    Such a tease- I'll be back!
    Thanks for visiting and your kind words!
    Robyn 3

  19. Page looks good to me, and I've already seen your tag. You just have such a knack with ink, I end up with it everywhere other than where it's supposed to be!! Take care Zo xx 50

  20. Oh, I do so love an art journal page. And a hidden element....Hmm I will be checking back for sure. Keep smiling and creating

  21. Yep I would also say it is a tag. Nice journal pages!
    Gabriele 26

  22. Page looks good to me and the tag looks interesting, back later to see it.
    Have a great crafty week, Angela x 28

  23. Looks like a tag maybe ? I like your journal pages! :-) Happy WOYWW Anne x #34

  24. He! He! I think it's something x-citing you have hiding there! We really did have fun on Monday - lots of textile stuff to excite!! Hugs, Chrisx

  25. Hi Helen, now that is one well loved work desk! I was so busy looking at all your crafting goodies I almost forgot to look at your journal! LOL! I saw a hint of purple sticking out from behind your journal and of course now my curiosity is peeked! I'll be back later to find out about that little hidden treasure...
    Beth P

  26. Hi Helen, Thank you for visiting me earlier.
    Your desk looks lovely and busy. What's wrong with you journal pages? I don't see anything wrong.
    I noticed the purple ribbon peeping out from underneath, so I was curious and I had to go and look at your next blog to find the genuine article. Looks great! I must say. Good solution to the 'x' problem and beautiful colour too.
    Have a lovely week and God bless you.

  27. I just had a look at your purple tag and that is so clever. I love the colour and those skeletons are gorgeous. I really like your journal pages.
    Have a great week,
    Von #23

  28. Oh bummer, self doubt is the worst isn't it? I think we all do it but walking away and leaving them for a bit sometimes means I can go back and see them in a different light or maybe add some more though from my spersepctive, they look great! LOL. Annette #11

  29. Hi Helen, thanks for visiting my desk and a late happy WOYWW. I checked out your previous post...and I think the journal pages are progressing really well - like Annette said step away for a bit. Cheers Robyn

  30. Those journal pages look awesome, and I think I recognise those work stamps you have used. I did follow p and look at the next post as well, which has reminded me of how lovely those Dylusion sprays are. Time to get mine out again, I feel. Thanks for your visit and your lovely comments. Hope you have a good week. xx Maggie

  31. Helen, so frustrating when you put a lot of work into something and it doesn't turn out how you imagined it, poor you. However the tag turned out really well, beautiful colours.
    Thanks for dropping into my desk, the 1st birthday was good, will share next week.
    Chris #25

  32. I love the way if you don't like the way it's turned out you just keep going but I must admit it's not like your usual pages.
    Going to look at your purple tag now

  33. We don't know what the image was in your head, I can't see anything wrong with it.

    I hate that though when I have a grrrrr moment.

    Carmen x #52

  34. Sorry for the late visit to your desk. Thanks for stopping by to take a peek at mine.

  35. I can't see anything wrong with your pages they look well next to each other. I'm playing catch up with visiting this week. Thank you for popping by Anita #35

  36. I think the journal pages look fine. I like the white on them as it brings a bit of wow factor.

    Hmm, I enlarged the photo and couldn't see anything - and I even have my glasses on!

    Thank you for visiting me earlier. I'm slowly making my way around to desks. It will be an all weekend affair!
    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Peace, Kay (12)


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