Sunday 10 August 2014

Craft Barn Q&L 16 - Family/Thing

My second challenge of this now sunny again Sunday, is for the Craft Barn Quotes and Lyrics challenge - the 16th.  We are to use either Family and/or Thing... much searching of quotes.. lots of quotes include the word thing , and indeed family, but none really grabbed me... I turned to lyrics. One was already going round (and round!) in my head, so I decided to stick with it!

The resulting page though, is the second incarnation of what I intended.

I was going to use a different stencil but couldn't get it looking good, so painted the entire page with the Fresco Mudsplat that I'd been stencilling... too dark, so mixed over it with Nougat... didn't really like that so added some Chalk with a babywipe.

Stencilled the 6x6 Stencil Girl bird in a church window, using Black Soot distress ink.  Stamped  two of the Dina Wakley Scribbly Birds in archival ink, and painted them in Caramel Fresco, watering it down, to it became more translucent than it is.

Wrote the song lyric - or at least, the first two lines of the chorus, in a Stabilo Write-4-All pen at the top.  I did take some close ups but my computer refuses to rotate them for you, so have left them off!

Entering the Craft Barn challenge here 


  1. Think i've missed two of the challenges now :-(

    Beautiful page Helen, great stamps and love the lyrics :-) xxx

  2. oh I love this Helen..the stencil looks brilliant as do the little birdies xx

  3. HMMM! When I first saw the words, that was the first thing that popped in my head, too. Sadly, I had NO idea what the name of the song was, and all I could think of was "We are family." Couldn't even come up with the second line, just those three words. So, instead of trying to wrack my brain, I went looking.

    Your art matches the lyrics and artist(s) SO well. Your second attempt was beautiful. Not sure what the first one was, but for this one, you totally outdid yourself.

  4. Very cool page. I just love these bird stamps. They will go in my wish list :)

  5. When I saw the words this was the firs song that popped into my head! Brilliant page, love the church window and those little birds.

  6. When I saw the words this was the firs song that popped into my head! Brilliant page, love the church window and those little birds.

  7. Fabulous page and I love that stencil, love what you've done with it, it looks fantastic - need it!!!

    Sam xxx

  8. Fantastic page, love the birds.

  9. Oh that's fab I love the look of that window at the back, looks all dreamy!

  10. A lovely page, I love these birds.

  11. Brilliant!!! A wonderful page Helen! xxx

  12. It's those birdy stamps again, which I am seriously wanting! Great page.

  13. Fantastic. All that painting and re-painting etc with the church window makes it look like stone. And those 2 birdies just finish it off nicely!

  14. Lovely page! The bg is really beautiful without other colors. And those birds - one just HAS to love them!

  15. This is a very sweet page. I really like that church window stamp!

  16. I do love those scribbley birds and that song is one of two that have been in my head all week. The other id A Family Affair. Your page turned out great in the end :-)

  17. Hi Helen, I LOVE it....I need me some Scribbly Birds, me thinks! xxx

  18. I love the church window and the birds.

  19. Love how the scribbly birds echo the one in the window... stop tempting me with that stencil!
    Alison xx

  20. Love the stencil and the stamps. The background turned out well in the end too...

  21. What a beautiful page!! Those wee birds are just adorable! :D

  22. Perseverance paid off - a lovely page. Just love the bird stamps and that stencil.


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