Wednesday 13 August 2014

WOYWW 271 - more new stamps!

Good Morrrrrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing Desk Hoppers... I was so sad, like everyone I know, to hear yesterday of the death of the comic genius that was Robin Williams.  Sitting here writing this post for WOYWW listening to the radio,  many glowing tributes and clips of his films...

But, it's Wednesday (or it will be when you read this!) and you're here to see a desk... or at least, my space on the floor.  and as the title suggests, I've been shopping again!

the 4 sets of stamps at the front, are the new purchases - two sets of JoFY stamps that arrived today (Tuesday time of writing!) and two sets of Sara Naumann stamps, all for Paperartsy, that came at the weekend or Friday maybe.

The box full is a fabulous box of goodies I won on a blogoversary giveaway from a non-WOYWW crafty friend (yes, there are some!) Lesley - and boy it was like Christmas opening it and seeing what was in there.
I will be finding homes for it soon (well probably next week, when I'm off work)  All the rest round about is my normal "desk"!! Rapidly running out of floor... (and yes, I've already got stuff in the hallway...)

In case you missed the post on my photosbyh blog I'll just share this one* photo here with you of the Poppy installation at the Tower of London to commemmorate WW1 from Saturday - if anyone is wondering whether to go - YES if you can, go!! It was fabulous - and will only get bigger and better before November when the final poppy is "planted"
 Staggering. Poignant. Beautiful.
*ok 2!

If you want to know more,or want to buy one of the poppies (I have - wonder which is mine?! ) this is the link you need.

If you come back later, there'll be another post with my DragonsDream TIO tag.. see you then!


  1. Look at all those treats you have there. Have fun with all your new toys
    All those poppies look amazing.
    hugs Nikki no # yet

  2. Your going to have fun with all the goodies . I know how sad I was feeling yesterday after hearing the sad news about Robin Williams , the world has lost a very talented artist. Happy woyww Jill #10

  3. It was lovely to see your photos at weekend, what a magnificent display and what a wonderful idea. I bought my poppy after reading your account.
    Love your new stash, and congrats on another win. Just hope you have room to house it all.
    Take care
    Hugs, Neet 11 xx

  4. Hi Helen ooooh such a box of goodies... Better than Christmas .... Enjoy.
    I couldn't bring myself to mention the sad death of Robin Williams on my blog as I like to keep it light hearted but yes such a shame ... He was one of my favourite actors and will be missed by many

  5. Nice tribute to Robin...he will be sadly missed.....

    Re your comment on my blog. I know exactly what you lot are like, that's why I aim to make you snigger! Sometimes people takes their craft a little too seriously so I aim to make you grin!

    Still love that poppies shot..amazing!
    Hugs, LLJ 12 xx

  6. Oh, so your passage is already in the crafty take over stage...Lucky you are on leave next week, think you might need a month or more though to play with all that new stash! #21

  7. Gorgeous stamps you purchased, cant wait to see them made up. That is a wonderful tribute of poppies to WW!.
    My squeeze me is a bottle for water tee hee
    Bridget Larsen #20

  8. HA! I cannot believe I actually have stash shopping on my desk that rivals yours! That poppy installation is fab - so glad you shared. Almost worth making yet another visit to the tower to see.

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (1)

  9. Helen where do you find space for all your new goodies LOL!

    Loving the poppy installation would love to see it, have bought one too - wonder which one is mine!

  10. Amazing pics of the poppy installation I had no idea it would looks so gorgeous.
    Sandra de @33

  11. Love your new JOFY stamps!
    The poppies look amazing
    Jackie 16

  12. A lovely but poignant blog post - very sad news about Robin Williams - a great talent who will be sadly missed. And beautiful photos of the poppies at the Tower of London - what a wonderful tribute to all the men who died. Hope you have a good week,
    Diana #43

  13. Ooh, lots of lovely goodies on your floor today - love those stamp sets and can see you were so lucky to win that box of stash from Lesley. I was so sorry to hear about the death of Robin Williams too - loved him since his Mork days and stunned to find my DH has never seen Good Morning Vietnam! The sea of poppies is just so stunningly beautiful - and very moving. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos. Have a lovely WOYWW and a great week. Elizabeth x #45

  14. All those new toys - not envious at all. The poppy installation looks amazing - I think I will try to get up there with my friend. Happy WOYWW

  15. Love all the new goodies, you just need to find a space for them.
    Wish we were in England to visit the poppies, how amazing are they, so impressive especially the ones flowing down the wall , such a worthy cause too.
    Jan s. No 55

  16. The poppies! WoW! Thanks for sharing that!
    Lots of new stuff for inspiration.
    thanks for visiting.
    Robyn 13

  17. Love the NEW stamps and goodies. What a fantastic win!

    The poppies are just gorgeous, I would LOVE to be able to see them in person.

    Not linking this week, just making a few rounds whilst GD is still asleep.

    Have a great week.

  18. I haven't popped into woyww for a few weeks but you don't disappoint with your lovely new stash and winnings too! LOVE the poppies, I saw a couple of other photos online, and yes, very, very poignant but so beautiful.

    Brenda 53

  19. Oh, Lovely stamps you have there, you are going to have fun.
    And thanks for the pictures of the poppies, they bought tears to my eyes, so moving.
    Chris #63

  20. Oh! You're going to have a great week off! The poppy installation does look beautiful wish we lived nearer to London! Agree with you about Robin Williams - so sad! Not linking- felt guilty about not returning some visits last week! Chrisx

  21. Looks like you helped yourself to a lot of fun! These poppies really look cool!
    Gabriele 29

  22. Looks like you helped yourself to a lot of fun! These poppies really look cool!
    Gabriele 29

  23. Not more stuff!!! Love the poppies and thanks for the link. Stopped by your tag too and it is super. BJ - yes I am still alive - #69

  24. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with big piles of goodies this week! I really need to clean up my space! Haha!

    I was so distraught about Robin Williams this week. I've actually cried a few times watching some of his old work online. He was absolutely one of my all-time favorites. I cant believe he's sad.

    The poppy pics are gorgeous! I have a few of those in my yard...or did last month when they were blooming!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Amy E. #8

  25. Those poppies are just amazing. Wish I could see them in real life.
    Enjoy playing with your new goodies.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #41

  26. Hi Helen,

    Wow - your floor is getting as piled as my table (which I didn't show because I now have my desk upstairs in my bedroom). I'm amazed that you can work on the floor!

    Love all the goodies you've received. I have the bird stamp set on order from the locally owned stamp store.

    The poppies are absolutely amazing. So glad you shared the two photos!

    Also, I was saddened to hear of Robin Williams. I grew up watching Mork and Mindy.

    Today I'm off work so hoping to get around to at least those that have visited me so far.

    Happy WOYWW
    Peace, Kay (14)

  27. Wowsers..nice new stamps, may have to go look more intently at them...! What a generous win too, how lovely! I can't tire of your poppy pics..really just talk to Mr D about a day off....

  28. Lovely things to play with there Helen. What a wonderful 'win' you had there. The poppies look amazing don't they. I knitted some, along with another two members of knitting group I used to run and sent them off to be made into wreaths as part of celebrations. Thanks for visiting me. Anne x #32

  29. Hi Helen - wow you shop even more than me ! Love the poppy project - planning to go early next month !Ali xx #7

  30. Those stamps are gorgeous! That is a mind-boggling floor of crafty goodness : D. Kudos on winning the blog candy! And thank you so much for sharing the pictures of the popppies! #4

  31. Lovely new crafty goodies! Hope you get to play with soon :)
    Great poppy photos too!

  32. I love those stamps and what a great box of goodies. It'd be fun to rifle through all of that. We saw those poppies on the news here in Aus. They look really beautiful.
    Have a great week,
    Von #30

  33. I love giveaways and winning is so exciting! What a wonderful idea about the poppies! Fabulous! patsy

  34. Lovely new goodies you have there. Thank you for your visit. Karen #22

  35. love your awesome workspace and all the fun things scattered about to snoop through. Love those eclectica stamps and I am going to have to see if I can find them around here! Love the owl tag in the previous post! Thanks for sharing Vickie #75

  36. Always guaranteed to see new supplies here and what a beaut collection you have purchased and a box f goodies that you won. Thanks for showing the tower do poppies it is such a beautiful sight.

    Happy belated,WOYWW
    hugs Eliza & Yoda 67

  37. Amazing poppies and i love your travel updates always some fabulous photos. Also really like your rusty tag on the next post too.

    kyla #24

  38. Hi Helen, running late this week. Saw your poppies pictures on FB- they look a stunning sight. Lol at your storage dilemma, Have a great week, Hugs. Shaz

  39. Good shopping! And thank you for sharing the poppies - I've been meaning to look up some photos since I discovered I know the designer who helped create it. We're about to work together again on this NY job! Utterly beautiful, and so haunting.
    Alison xx


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