Wednesday 30 October 2013

WOYWW 230 - happy mail day

Welcome to another Wednesday...and another WOYWW.  I know we often say this, but are there only one in the week? They seem to happen so quickly one after the other... and here we are, nearly November... don't get me started on where 2013 has gone to!

The end of the month is always really busy in my office, and I was late home on Tuesday, so I was delighted to find on the door mat, not one, not two, but three - yes 3!!! packets for me... oops, Helen's been shopping again!

Stamps, (on offer)  more stamps, (brand new release) and dies..I don't really "do" Halloween, but I saw these little bat dies, when I was getting the cute little birds, and couldn't resist...
I make no apologies. None. I wanted them.....

I always say that I will visit as many of you as possible. I will say so again, but it is likely that I won't get to many of you, until at least the weekend, if then... but I will try!


  1. ah lovely happy mail there, Helen - yes we all know it go shopping love the stash but maybe not the bill :D happy WOYWW Shaz in oz.x # no number yet

  2. Love the Deep Red stamp, quote by Picasso, got this in Sept from HSNW show. Can see why you bought the bat die, very cute:-)

  3. Nice shopping stash from Paperartsy!
    Thanks for the early morning visit!
    Jackie 27

  4. I don't do Halloween in the Trick or Treat sense, can't abide it...but that bat stamp is very cute indeed and I can see why you fell for it! I like your autumn pages from the previous post too, luvverly colours :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 35 xx

  5. Lots of lovely fantastic! I love the set of TH stamps, I find myself using them quite a lot! Hugs. Pam#39

  6. Always nice to see the arrival of happy mail like that....have fun.
    A x #47

  7. Oh how exciting is it to get stuff in the post lol.Those bats are too cute! Happy Wednesday!
    Karen no.51 x

  8. Thank you so much for your visit, Helen: it meant a lot; as I know you've been rushed off your feet at work. You deserved those lovely new stamps! No need to apologize - you worked for them! Now let's hope you get some playtime when you can use them soon! Julie Ann xx #20

  9. Ah we love stamp shopping. We've been banned right now so wilbear can buy us some lovely christmas stash (we hope)

    The bears #62

  10. Lol! I agree, not sure if being able to shop from the comfort of your computer chair is a good or bad thing!I know my room is full of stuff that wouldn't be here if not for internet shopping. Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #56 xx

  11. Nothing better than coming in from a busy day at work to parcels on your doormat... cute bats, I tend not to buy them because I can't think of anything to do with them for the rest of the year! LOL Annette #11

  12. New toys yea...such little cut. Happy snooping Carole #65

  13. I am with you if I want it I get it, so good for you, cute bats I can see why you wanted them. The rest of the stash looks good fun too.

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza & Yoda 17
    Thanks for visiting.

  14. Lookie at all that lovely stash on your desk I love the bat dies I tried to get them but by the time I went to buy them they where sold out have fun with them hugs Nikki 1

  15. Happy mail!!! Oh yes, I do agree about having them just because you want them!!! SOOOO much better than wanting them and not having them. Liking the Christmas stamps.
    Happy WOYWW
    Krisha #18

  16. Happy post! Yay, I had 1 parcel today but can't share as it's Deb's Christmas pressie!! I wanted to do a mass desk dash but not been good so back to who I follow for now! Take care Zo xx 81

  17. Fab shopping Helen, and if it brightens your day then do it is what I say. Looks like some good choices made there.
    Hugs, Neet 16 xx - thanks for visiting me earlier - my server has been playing up so only just got on.

  18. Don't you just love happy mail. I'm always so excited to rec'd packages. #5

  19. Hi Helen, thanks for swinging by earlier...LOVE the bat dies, they are so cute, I want them! I am about to do a little bit of craft retail therapy. Cx #22

  20. Beautiful tag and 3 packages. You lucky girl. Have a wonderful woyww week. Rasz #86.

  21. Love the bats n birdies! And yes one does need them! I'm sure you'll find a way to use them non halloweenish. Love this classic stamps too! Thanks for the earlier visit! Happy WOYWW! Nan G #6

  22. how great to come home to all those lovely goodies, thanks for my earlier visit Donna #32

  23. Helen, looks like some fun things. Enjoy! Thank you for your earlier visit!
    Sharon #7

  24. Shopping. Coveting. dear me. Your blog is a must visit every week but so BAD for me and yet, so GOOD.


    Busy with DS's visit yesterday so Happy (late) WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (12)

  25. nothing beats a crafty shopping trip and that's a great haul especially if some are on those dies . thanks for visiting and your kind comment belated woyww wishes and hope you have a fun with your new crafty stash crafty hugs Andrea#25

  26. Oh I have those birds and the flying set too, they are all great. Craft Club Tuesday isn't it? Really must do something for that, although I went to a knitting group yesterday and now am into knitting sheep! Thanks for the visit BJ#50

  27. well why not ? must put those architec stamps on my neeed to list
    zhave a good week

  28. well why not ? must put those architec stamps on my neeed to list
    zhave a good week

  29. well why not ? must put those architec stamps on my neeed to list
    zhave a good week

  30. well why not ? must put those architec stamps on my neeed to list
    zhave a good week

  31. Lovely goodies - been coveting those Stampers Anonymous architecture ones for a while... can feel the willpower slipping!!
    Alison xx


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