Monday 28 October 2013

Crafty Boots - Autumn

Morning, readers. This fortnight's theme for the Crafty Boots challenge is chosen by Zoe, and she's asked us to interpret "autumn" be it in colour, or theme ( like pumpkins, she suggests)

I have taken to my journal, my go to point when time is short and I don't have a clue what I am going to do this time... lol!

I used a variety of autumnally coloured paints by Paperartsy (Fresco's of course) and applied them in a drifting sort of pattern across both pages. Of course I forgot to take step by step photos..
 so here is one after I had also applied some Grunge Paste through the "art is" crafters workshop stencil, randomly over the page

Stamped some leaves (Paperartsy) in Orange Blossom archival ink (Wendy Vecchi for Ranger)
and added some die cut leaves .

Brushed some Pan Pastels over the stencilling, only owing to the awful light it doesn't show up....

Wrote on the page with a dip pen and Bombay Ink in black.
Hope you go over to Crafty Boots to see what the others have done for you.
As I am writing this, the weather forecast for the time this post will go live, is for gale force winds and heavy rain - very autumnal indeed - so I hope you are all safe!


  1. As always lovely colours and work Helen.

    Big smiles or what Saturday.

    B x

  2. Fabulous journal pages. Love the words over the top of the background, great technique.

  3. Fabulous as always Helen. Wonderful colours and I really like handwriting and the leaves.

    Dionne xx

  4. I love this & the fact you use a dipping pen! I have one too, & lush ink. Great pages as always! Take care Zo xx

  5. Gorgeous colours in that background Helen, they blend so well and fab addition on those leaves and the GP

    Sam xxx

  6. Love those Autumn shades! Great spread Helen x

  7. Great colours & fab ink work, nice pages:-)

  8. Good grief, those leaves look as if you picked them up off the ground. love the drifting effect with the paint..and that you 'go to' your journal when pressed for time....I just dither until it's too late. Gotta learn how to change!

  9. Morning, hope you survived the storm. I've got just a few minutes to check emails etc. Love your page, the colours are gorgeous. I hope to be on Twitter some time tomorrow night for a little while.

  10. Oh I love when you go autumnal - you hit it spot on. This is just gorgeous!

    We weren't to bad here, couple of felled trees and the bridge to the island was closed, house over the back lost their trampoline netting but that was the worst of it. Hope you didn't get it to bad x

  11. Fabulous autumn pages, Helen - I love the leaves and that Grunge Paste script - beautiful!
    Alison x


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