Wednesday 30 October 2013

DragonsDream - TIO 153

Hello, welcome to another challenge from the DragonsDream - this fortnight, Silvia would like us to work on the theme of a film of your choice, and use the recipe texture, an embellishment and a hint of red. That's a hint of, not a red, tag!!

Well, this one had me flummoxed.... but then I decided to interpret "The Beach" and went back to my Stampscapes stamps...

I used a small tag today and stamped the beach huts across the tag, added a setting sun and some gentle waves lapping at the shore... My texture is some crunchy sand in the form of Frantage elements (never used these before, had a bit of a struggle.. ) and my embellishment is the "blushing" heart in the setting sun...

Hope you check out what the rest of the team have dreamt up for you, and join in..


  1. It's the c&p lady here just popping in to say hello and take a peek at your latest makes.

    B x

  2. Great tag Helen, love that heart xxx

  3. Wonderful scene...wish I was there! x

  4. Tonight I have put our heating on for the first time this winter. Then your tag pops up, making me think of lazy summer days. What a tonic! Love it :-)

  5. That is gorgeous, the heart looks fab.

  6. So cool, a gorgeous take on this challenge. Love your scene, great texture, too.

  7. Fab take on the challenge theme Helen. I'm usually hopeless at making stamps fit to something like this. Must try harder & keep the grey matter tuned up ;D!

    Lesley Xx

  8. Oh, how this makes me long for a sunny beach and a good book and three weeks of nothing to do!! Fabulous tag - I love the crunchy sand and your blushing sun!
    Alison x


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