Tuesday 14 May 2013

I'm feeling blue...

This afternoon I started playing with a journal page... as usual, no real idea where it was going...

Indeed,it was going to be this way round for a while.. I saw a journal page somewhere, (wish I could remember where!)  done this way round and thought it was really interesting... but in the end I turned it back

 the 'normal' way! I used the pointy circles stencil (crafters workshop, Balzer Designs) this is the large 12x12 version.

The paint is Ice Blue Fresco, applied with cut and dry foam, filling the page.

I outlined each pointy circle with a sparkly blue gel pen and stamped inside each circle (stencil in place) a script stamp in Aquamarine archival ink (mini 61, Paperartsy, one of my faves)   I didn't use a block to get a random stamping.
 I then took a foam stamp (designed for use on gelli plates) and used South Pacific Fresco, stamped in the four corners, turning the stamp each time.  No, I don't have a gelli plate, just the stamp...

and a narrow stamp that looks like twisted rope (Dylusions) using South Pacific again, again without the acrylic block, filling the gaps between the circles.
I found 4 single word stamps (Wendy Vecchi) and black archival, stamped them randomly around the page, roughly outside where I was going to do the next stage..
 Then laid a piece of sparkly pale blue fibre around the page, draping it "carefully" and then gluing it in place section by section.  I used Matte Accents rather than Glossy, so hopefully when it dries, any excess won't show too much...
Obviously I haven't waited for it to dry before photographing it... that would require patience!

The fibres came on a 'thank you for your order' tag with an order from Craft Obsessions, and was a lovely long single piece, ideal for my journal page!


  1. Oooh, I like that a lot!!! the fibres look great.

  2. looks great Helen - love the stencil you used.

  3. Fab stencil, but I love those word stamps, not seen them before, great idea of how to use the fibres too, not sure I'd of had your patience to glue them all down though!!!

    Sam xxx

  4. great pages as usual love the colours and the fibres make it look unusual... quite liked it the other way up too

  5. Lovely page with great texture from the fibres. xxx

  6. Oh, yum... what a great idea for using the fibre - a fab addition to the pages!
    Alison x

  7. Oh I love love love those fibres - beautiful!


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