Wednesday 15 May 2013

WOYWW 206?

So, here we are. Another week closer to the WOYWW Crop... better start thinking about what I want to take to "play" with this time... I think it will have to be the journal... certainly not going to be Christmas cards like it was in October!!   Julia has all the info here both for today's desk link ups and the Crop and the ATC swap (what do you mean you still haven't done one, hehehe!)  I only have 5...will decide nearer the time how I'm going to "distribute" the spares!!

But today, it's desk time... well I have a journal page drying (see Tuesday's post for the full details)
what a mess...
and this is the pile next to where I perch at the computer (the higher stool I showed you a couple of weeks ago went straight away, it was totally the wrong height) of my recent projects, all piled up in a muddle - must get some of them displayed!  Under the Moleskine notebooks (a recent buy) may be a sneaky peak of today's tag for the DragonsDream tag due to be posted later... tee hee..

and I know how you like to see what I've been splurging on (and I have splurged lately!) well this has mostly come since last Wednesday... oops! Have used lots of it already too, so that's good!

anyhow, this is too long for 'short and sweet' so I'd better go.. I have the day off (waiting for a new phone) so will get to lots of you, hopefully!


  1. You have the best tools and products around. I swear you could start your own studio or craft store. Always enjoy visiting here. I find so many wonderful things I can only hope to have one day.

    Sorry, no number yet. Like you, I'm waiting on Julia to wake (grin).

  2. Ooooh, lots of lovely new goodies I see. I always enjoy popping by and would love to rummage! I must look for those rub ons, though I have some others that I could use I guess..... but they are not Tim's! Hope you have a great day.

  3. Ah - day off, which explains your lateness today - LOL. I have the dentist which is why I can't sleep! Perhaps I ought to pop round to see your sprawl in person - LOL. Loving the blue on your journal and tag and the city template is on my list now - LOL BJ (pipped at the post by Neil) #2

  4. The new stash looks just like the sort of things I need!!! The journal looks great. Happy WOYWW. Pam#15

  5. I might have to succumb to on line shopping as the Tim rub ons have not yet landed in Sunny South Africa! Like those clear stamps too! Hope you get your phone early today so you can play with it and get used to it! #23

  6. I always love seeing your shopping that stamp you bought looks fab enjoy your day off
    Jackie 6

  7. Wow lots of new goodies...are you pleased with your new moleskin?? I love that stamp!!

  8. Happy WOYWW. I agree with another commenter - you could certainly open your own craft shop, but I know that you could not bear to part from any of your stash. Ali x #28

  9. Hey Helen...guess what?? I did my very first stamping this week! Julia very kindly let me use her stash to make some ATCs (I'm just not going to have the time to sew any...) it was great fun and I really enjoyed myself. But that's as far as it goes...too many other crafty things to do at the moment!
    And if you enjoy all your new stash, then yu go right ahead!!
    Hugs, LLJ 29 xx

  10. great desk as always so much too see great that you've already had the chance to use with your new stash have a fab week Andrea#33

  11. OOOH those new sentiment stamps are delish. I've just culled mine and am looking for replacements! So how do you display stuff, it's a bit of a problem here....
    And yep,you'd beter get packing - we've only got a couple weeks to go!

  12. So much new stash but it's good to hear you've already used most of it :-) Have a fun week.
    A x # 47

  13. I always seem to be able to ooohhhh and aaaahhh over your goodies you have the best of everything and constantly new stuff arriving daily it seems, you will find the right stool, or highchair one day when the time is right. I laugh at that by the way highchairs are used for small Children here in Austalia.

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza & Yoda 48

  14. Oooh look at all those pretty supplies! Why don't you invite all of us WOYWWers to your place someday for a rummage or two? lol

    Love your new stamps. Have a lovely day. xx

    Roudi #60

  15. Wonderful, busy desk, pulsating with energy as always! Have a great day off and hope you really enjoy all the lovely things you've splurged on! xxx #58 Julie Ann.

  16. There is always lots to see on a visit to yours, liking the new goodies, enjoy playing with um xo
    Hugz Minxy #19

  17. Helen, love the stash! I have a lot of Crafters Workshop stencils too and I am after Dyan's stamps as well. You have a wonderful craft desk and my eyes keep travelling around to look at all the great things you have :-). I always enjoy visiting your desk. Happy WOYWW.
    Janene #18 formerly 19!

  18. You splurger you!!!! Have a good day ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  19. Your splurges are worthy though, looks fab, looking forward to having a nose at your journal at the crop. I will be bringing colouring I think! Take care Zo xx 75

  20. Hi Helen
    you have a great looking desk going on there today with some lovely art work on show.
    I had a good old poke around your new crafting stash, lovely
    I hope you have a great day today and enjoy WOYWW.
    Ria #22

  21. Wow always such great projects and stash on your desk.
    Sandra @93

  22. A good splurge is mandatory to keep our creativeness going. Looking forward to seeing the new DD challenge tag.

    Thanks for visiting the bears already.

  23. G'day Helen
    thanks for coming by my blog but after being to yours I'd like to come to your house and bury myself in yr glorious stash LOL. Love the new splurges and the journal double spread you have created.
    Annette In Oz #12

  24. {sigh} Yet another tempting shopping reveal, as well as a lovely project. I'm looking forward to the crop too, but no idea what to bring. I get so wrapped up in the visiting and the chatting, last time it was almost a waste to try to do something. I'll bet it will be something simple, small and fast.....

    Happy WOYWW!
    MA (3)

  25. Oh good grief . . . my inner neat freak freaked at the sight of your desk space! Aaargh.

    Have fun at the Crop.

    Thanks for visiting.

    Sarn xxx (#79)

  26. Ha, my entire desk is one giant splurge this week, as is usually the case when I return from England! I like the LO's on show and agree, you should do something with them if possible. Shame the crop and my visit didn't occur at the same time, it would have been fantastic to see more people. Have fun though.

    Brenda 104

  27. THe Olloclip fits on the iphone only I think, click on the link I have on the word Olloclip and it will take you to the site and let you know what you can use it on
    Bridget #39

  28. I have been advised to try art journalling as a therapy so I will be back to look at your stuff again!

  29. Helen!!! How on earth do you remember what you have and where?!! I am not in any way shape nor form an OCD sufferer but I do have a "system" of sorts! You remind me of my former boss and that is no compliment!!
    Tee Hee! You must have some system or else you would not turn out nice stuff though!
    See you very soon. Shall we swap there to save stamps?

  30. LOL

    You've made me scratch my head at what I'm actually going to do at the big Crop next month..... decisions, decisions!

  31. I'd really like to visit you! SO many cool things to spot on your desk... :)
    Thanks for your visit (on my blog ;))
    Jana #30

  32. Wow ! What a fun Muddle. Love your pics this week.
    Marianne #24
    (thanks for stopping by my blog this morning )

  33. Hi Helen! I do love coming to visit you - each week on WOYWW I almost expect to just see a pair of feet peeking out from under a slipped mountain of craft goodies!! As has already been said, you could open your own store!

    Yup, I guess I will enjoy the reunion but will miss seeing you gals at the Crop! :(

    Hugs and happy WOYWW! Di xx

  34. Lovely looking busy desk, and love your journal pages. Happy WOYWW

  35. Well, now I have to clean off the key board from drooling over all you GREAT stash. LOL
    Krisha #113

  36. Hey helen,
    Hope you are having a good week so far...enjoying the lovely rain!!
    Thanks for visiting my blog. I have been looking at your beautiful usual they are great, love the cherry blossom.

    You're desk is great, just as messy as mine normally is and your goodies look have the doll stamp (love those).

    will catch up in a few weeks after my hols.... Julie XX

  37. Moleskin journals! Your page is pretty. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #125

  38. creative chaos, my kind of desk :)
    Happy woyww
    Antonia #76

  39. You always seem so busy when we call in - moleskin journals sound fun but it's not real mole..... no of course - only joking!! x Jo

  40. Looking at your desk makes me want to come and play! I love your journals and recent projects. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#61)

  41. Hi Helen, Glad to see someone else has had a splurge. It feels so good, and your goodies are scrummy. My favourite is the cityscape mask, must get this. I am afraid the suspense of sneaky peeks was to much for me and I had to go ahead and have a nosey at your next post to see the tag, brilliant flying bulbloon! and the townscape - love it. Hugs Mo x

  42. Hi Helen, as usual your floor space is heaving with creativity - love the Moleskine book and all those lovely goodies you've treated yourself to - splurging may be bad for your bank balance but it's good for you :) Hope you have a great week. Elizabeth x #36

  43. You have the energy of a hummingbird, Helen, I swear! And just LOOK at all those new toys! You must be a blur of creativity!!

    Thanks for coming by earlier! Have a wonderful week! Darnell #37

  44. Oh, yum, yum... I spy Donna Downey quote stamps!! Looking forward to seeing what you create with those... fabulously busy, creative desk!
    Alison xx

  45. What a great new stash to enjoy and those little quote stamps love those :) Happy WOYWW hugs Nikki #2

  46. What wonderful splurges you have made. I was chatting with a friend the other day and we were congratulating ourselves at what good shoppers we were - we always get the right thing! Those Dylusions dress stamps look like so much fun. Heck, everything looks good on your desk. Hope you have a great week - sorry I'm a bit late this week. Sara j #46

  47. Oh I love the city skyline stencil! Lucky you. Wow would I have fun snooping and playing in that pile of stash! Thanks for the earlier visit. Happy WOYWW. Nan G #17

  48. fun stuff going on at your desk. :-)
    April #147

  49. Lots of fun ideas and stash...looks great and wonderfully creative!!!

  50. Wow lots going on. This is where my distress storage is from

    Thank you for visiting

    Karen #53

  51. If I want to know what is new I know I can rely on Helen's desk to show me. Love your new stash and your other shots.
    Sorry I am late, been away and since coming back am suffering with hay fever which has meant eyes almost closed.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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