Monday 13 May 2013

Paperartsy - France - Key Spools

This week, the oh so talented France is the Guest Designer at Paperartsy and today she has made some key spools - after much rummaging and fiddling, I found a spool that I could use.

 The spool I found that fit the swivel clasp didn't have a hole that went all the way through, so I had to find something sharp that I could poke through and force the centre out!

I followed France's video (see the Paperartsy blog, and do watch it, it is fabulous!) for instructions..

I also had to cheat with a stamp that I could use round the middle of the spool, the only one I could find that fit was a Tim Holtz one.

I coloured my crinkle ribbon with watered down Beach Hut fresco and added some other fibres
and a little silver lock from my stash, the cord round the top of the spool is in fact some picture hanging cord, coloured with walnut stain distress ink.
it looks as if the ends of the picture cord trim are going to fray - I may have to remedy this tomorrow!

I didn't manage to make a shrink plastic image to hang off the bottom of the spool as well (I have a hate-hate relationship with shrink, and it is in one of the boxes at the bottom of my stash supplies...)

**EDITED**  as requested, Leandra - with shrink addition..

I still hate shrink... you should see the reject piece!


  1. you're quicker than quick!! thank you for the sweet words and the fight you were willing to put up to get a key spool done! it looks awesome :)))


  2. I challenge u to do the shrink!!! Do it do it! LOL I only use the translucent tho cos that's lots easier to stamp on

  3. Oooo you did it rofl, honestly Helen you amaze me (I'm still trying to find mine)... cudos to you x

  4. Well done, Miss Speedy!!! It looks great.

  5. Yay, well done Helen it looks fab and you were sooooo quick! I was going to have a go at this one but my brother rang just as I was going to see what size spools I have and it was gone 11 pm by the time we finished nattering. If I have a spool I will have a go though.

    Lesley Xx

  6. Wow! This looks amazing! How do you do it, Helen? I loved the look of the spools, but I haven't had time to catch the video yet even. x x x

  7. Helen this is fab u lous, I love what you've done, I
    Try the shrink pastiche it will finish it off, but it's still nice as it is xx

  8. WOW, can't believe you got it done after I'd gone to bed. Looks fabulous, I NEED to find a spool now!!!

    Sam xxx

  9. looking good need to add the shrink if I can do it so an you!!!..fastest spool in town lol!! lot of fun tho aren't they??

  10. This is fab! I am away and desperate to do one! I am a huge fan of shrink. Do you have the hairdryer type of heat gun? They are easier I find. If not, try the oven. Some brands of shrink are easier than others so you could try switching brands. I like Shrinkles, the children's brand,

    Lucy x

  11. I like this idea. It would be a great small gift for Quilters! Thanks for the idea!
    Packed for the 1st yet?
    Haa Haa!

  12. Well done for your addition!!

    Sam xxx

  13. Yay for the shrink!! It looks great!

  14. Wow this is brilliant particularly love the shrink!

  15. fab Helen - going to have to try this when I get a moment.

  16. Well done speedy lol Glad you managed to force yourself to add the shrinkie, it completes the look xo

  17. Fantastic!!! I'm going to try this...just as soon as I find those pesky spools! Lol! x

  18. Oh that's lovely I've seen another one inspired through my blog travels this morning - fantastic work!

  19. Looks fabulous, totally jealous you managed to find a spool !

  20. Fab spool and you managed the shrink too (it looks great btw). Thanks for joining in our GD challenges as always. x


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