Thursday 11 April 2013

Distress backgrounds - Helen Chilton style!

This week at Paperartsy, is Helen Chilton's final turn to wow us - and wow us she has! However, I've only just had a chance to play, with her Wednesday idea, distress inks on a glossy card and stamping on top with white pen highlighting..

I made two backgrounds, with squeezed lemonade, picked raspberry and salty ocean distress inks.  One of them I spritzed the ink on the craft mat, and one I didn't.

I used Lynne Perella stamps for my main images (I only have two sets, so I am a little restricted)

I thought I'd taken a picture of both backgrounds before I overstamped, but obviously not!

For the second one, I added a couple of Maya Road swirls that I inked with salty ocean distress ink.

both are mounted on some offcuts of black card.


  1. Wow, spectacular page Helen! Love how that background turned out!

  2. I love it, Helen, very true to Helen Cs, but still your very own. Just need to upload mine,

    Lucy x

  3. Wow Helen your backgrounds are stunning, such gorgeous creations :-)
    Kezzy xxx

  4. oooh these are lovely and colourful the stamps you've used!!

  5. Gorgeous colours - I love the way that every time you splat it comes out different!

  6. I love the colours and the white highlights you've used for this challenge. I have just started a blog called - I am such a novice. Please, please give it a look, as I am feeling quite lost in the land of blog and I've had very few views or comments!

  7. Hi Helen thanks for the fab comment, the wire is just off a reel of cheap wire, I made it squiggly by hand and pliers so I could cover the block a bit as it wasn't square. I am quite pleased with it lol. Xxxx :-) Kezzy

  8. Hi Helen, I am loving your colourful backgrounds and the white highlights. Hugs Mo x

  9. Lovely colours, great images

  10. Gorgeous work, love the colours xx

  11. Brilliant Helen, the colours are gorgeous. Hoping to find some time today to have a go xx

  12. Great pieces today Helen!
    Maybe see ya tomorrow?

  13. They are both amazing! Love them!

  14. Love both of them, great backgrounds !

  15. Those colours are amazing - really love those backgrounds - will have to go check this technique out :)

    The black background is perfect - really makes those colours zing even more.

    Hope you are having fun today - leave me some bargains!

  16. What a fabulous page - those colours really zing, and the images are so cool with the highlights!
    Alison x


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