Saturday 13 April 2013

Ally Pally - a grand day out indeed

So today was finally time for the Ally Pally show - and a whole load of us from blog and twitter land were going and arranged to meet up, some I have met before and others would be meeting for the first time.

I apologise that my photos aren't very good... apparently I need a better camera!! They're not in order either..

Michelle, Leandra and Darcy
 Gabrielle, Emma, Lily, Nicky
 Sam and Emma
 Michelle and Darcy, demo'ing to give Leandra and Lin a break
 Fab work from Darcy

 Michelle and Darcy
 The after show Twit Party! far end of table, Lin, Karen, Sam, Penny, Carol
Leandra and Lin
Anna, Rachel and Kirsten

and a little bit of shopping... lol!!

Met so many lovely people today, blogging and tweeting is such fun, you feel as though you've already made friends so when you finally meet, it's not like meeting "strangers" at all...

Had such a great day, thank you all....

edit...somehow this one got missed..
Hzel, Alison, Nicky, Gillian, Emma, Leandra, Millie,
Lin, Karen (and with backs to camera, Penny, Carol)


  1. Hi Helen
    looks like you all had a blast and some lovely stash too. I wish i could have gone

  2. Great photos Helen - looks like a great day was had! Lovely haul too. Am trying to get ready tonight and getting nowhere fast! Aaargh!

  3. p.s I agree with what you say about blogging :)

  4. That's a stash and half! Glad u had a lovely time. XxX

  5. WOW looks like you had a ball - and found time to shop too. I'm turning just a slight shade of green as I was really, really hoping to get to Ally Pally this time but it was not to be in the end - never mind there's always September and if I can't do that then the new East Midlands venue is only an hour away.

  6. Brilliant day wasn't it!!! Thanks for sorting our twit list. Reckon we gave another 15 additions now!! Lol

  7. Looks like a fabulous day - how great that so many of you were able to meet up... and that's quite some haul you have there: look forward to seeing what it all turns into!!
    Alison x

  8. Great photos & well done for doing such a speedy blog post. It was a lovely day.

  9. great photos Helen, i shall steal a few. So glad we got to meet you and everyone else. x

  10. Oh you look like you had a fab time Carmen is heading there today with a few of the motley crew I've got to know in blogland - wish I was there! Fabulous haul too - can't wait to see your new creations!

  11. It's nice to put names to faces.....

  12. It was such a great day wasn't it Helen? It was brilliant to finally meet lots of people we only have silent conversations with! It was well worth the drive I tell you. I will defo stay over next time so I can go for a drinky poo's afterwards. Fab pics Helen, I'll be whipping a couple of them too as Darcy say's. :) Thanks for taking them. You're a star! Michelle xx

  13. Sounds great Helen and the pile of stash looks good too. Wondering what as happened to The Craft Barn letter today??? BJ

  14. Looks like a fab time was had by all! Cannot wait to see what you make with your goodies! Hugs trace x

  15. Hmmn! No sign of you cutting down on buying new stash then Helen?
    So sorry we missed each other and still cannot believe how...I walked around Paperartsy stand three times thinking I would bump into you!

  16. Although I know I was THE lucky one to be at Version Scrap with Leandra and Lin, I still have to say that I'm green with envy not to have been with you all. It looks GREAT!!! Next time?????!!!!
    Love to all from Sally in France xo

  17. Looks like a fabulous day, and wonderful to meet so many wonderful blogging friends. Great stash too, cannot wait to see what you create Helen. I will have to visit the show one day. Tracy x

  18. Aww brill photos Helen! Was a great day and lovely meeting you! xxx

  19. Great photos - glad you all had a great time.

  20. Had an absolutely brilliant day, was fantastic to finally meet you after tweeting all this time. Thank you for sharing with us and taking all the wonderful photos.

    Sam xxx

  21. Oh it looks like it was a fabulous day...some great stash too!


  22. Oh yes! We had such fun! I am so sorry I missed out on the post fun drinkies - perhaps next time! Much, much love as always (and a little stash envy too!) Mwah x

  23. Fantastic photos Helen, & great new stash! Wasn't it a brilliant day, so lovely to meet up with everyone?! I've pinched a few photos too, feel free to have any of mine you want.
    Alison xxx

  24. Looks like a wonderful time Helen! What a fun group to be in!

  25. It looks like you all had a real hoot of a time!! did you miss Dolores? I know she came over to attend the show.
    I wish I'd managed time to buy so much stash in Holland!
    love Jo x

  26. Great photos! So sorry not to have met you, Helen, as I was there on the Sunday. We are not to far from each other, so maybe we can meet up soon,

    Lucy x


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