Monday 9 April 2012

I challenge you...

I was having a tweet conversation with my friend Gabrielle this morning saying that I wasn't sure how to get inky after a morning of clearing out some very old (2006-7) Good Food magazines and other papers and stuff - and she challenged me to use the colour blue and leaves. So, Gabrielle, hope you like this - it's a page in my journal.

It started with a layer of gesso, then tumbled glass distress stain over the page.  The leaves are by Dylusions (I only have one set, at the moment...!) in chipped sapphire ink round the edges, and the smaller leaves in tumbled glass, broken china and faded jeans.

The sentiment is Tim's as is the weeny butterfly which I coloured with watercolour pencils....I stamped the sentiment in chipped sapphire straight on the page and then just select words again on a piece of blue scrap card using the picket fence distress stain to put over the top.

Now, Gabrielle, about that TIO challenge....!!


  1. I DO love it! And you said you were mojo-less! I knew you'd create something wonderful and I was right! I love your journalling and I'm thrilled that you made something so wonderful! Good job my lovely xxx

  2. That Gabrielle is fab isn't she? Inspires me a lot. Love that page, so pretty and I love blue. Zo xx

  3. Lovely work. I've definitely got a flutterby thing at the moment so this is bound to appeal to me. Love the blues x

  4. Fun and happy! Love the flitting butterflies. It feels so good to just create, doesn't it?!

  5. This is wonderful, but 2006-7 is NOT old, especially since I've been rummaging through some 1970s magazine lately. You should save a few of the magazines. You are going to need them one of these days when you work in your AB.

    I hope you had a good weekend, even though it left you "mojo-less" for awhile.


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