Thursday 5 April 2012

Artful Times #1

There is a new blog in town with challenges - run by the uber- talented Neet, Sam and Von - Artful Times.  Check them out!  The first challenge is - make a tag.

Oh go on then!! I had to get some inky stuff done tonight before the weekend decorating kicks in at my late mum's house, with my brother...and before I am cast ashore without internet, blog or twitter.... oh my!!  so here goes.

It's a size 8 tag, coloured with distress stains - spiced marigold, wild honey and mustard seed - spritzed to make it run and blend - edged with walnut stain distress ink. Stamps are by Paperartsy - the main image is stamped in the limited edition ripe persimmon - boy that's a bright orange! and the others are brushed corduroy (twigs) and black archival (text).  The moth is stamped in coffee archival on a piece of Tim Holtz tissue wrap, which I swiped with picket fence stain first.  The flower trim is stained with the same colours I used on the tag.  I sanded down the philosophy tag and applied some distress stain to that too though I can't get a very good photo tonight with the flash!!  The words are from the 'Chitchat' idea-ology, the pearls from my stash (an old necklace I no longer wore)

Good luck with the blog, ladies I am sure it will be hugely successful and I look forward to joining you as often as I can!


  1. Lovely tag Helen, love the warm tones. Off to check the new challenge out. Tracy x

  2. Fabulous colour combination on your tag :) Thank you for joining our first challenge at Artful Times and hope to see you again :)
    Von x☻x

  3. Thanks for dropping by my blog! Love the bright colour and the beautiful stamp you have used. . . . will visit again!

  4. Hi Helen

    Wow what a striking tag and love, love, love the colour, but then I love anything of T!m's!!!

    Thanks for playing along iwth us on our very first Artful Times blog challenge.

    Hope you can stop by again some time.

    Sam xxx

  5. Loving your bright and colourful tag Helen. Enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  6. fabby tag Helen... have good weekend x

  7. That's a lovely tag Helen, thanks for joining us at Artful Times, it is appreciated, especially when you are so busy.
    I love the oranges you have used, some of my favourites there, must try out the persi one now that I have seen it used. Love those flowers too.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  8. Talk about being gone from the internet. I didn't even get on until just now, since I left on Wednesday morning and I wasn't even cast ashore, either. I've been holed up in my studio making a challenge piece. I may just check out Neet's new site. You sound excited about it. This is one gorgeous tag. I love it!

    Sounds like a very, very busy weekend and you may to DEstress when you get home by distressing some more tags (grin). Have as much fun as you possibly can. Have a happy Easter, regardless.

  9. All my favourite things on your gorgeous tag Helen, right down to the rich colours.

    Hope you have a good Easter break.

    B x

  10. Great tag - the colours with the moths made me think of warm summer evenings. Super work

  11. This is a gorgeous tag Helen, love the bright colours, wonderful. Hope the decorating goes well xx

  12. Love the tag! The flowers are so warm and the moths look so at home! Hope all goes well at your mum's - I'm already missing you loads xxx

  13. Love the tag! The flowers are so warm and the moths look so at home! Hope all goes well at your mum's - I'm already missing you loads xxx

  14. Such nice bright colors on your tag!

  15. Beautiful tag! waving hi from the sunny hills of North Carolina and wishing you a Happy Easter :)

  16. I really feel for you Helen. Having been without my PC for ages, it feels so good to be back and catching up with people.

    Beautiful tag, you mix colours so well!

    Hope the decorating is going well, bet you are shattered!


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