Friday 9 December 2011

Time for Tim's 12 Tags 2011 - Day 9

The last few days have flown, doing Tim's tags!! Today Tim is double embossing to get his fab rusted enamel look, I have had less success.....

Check Tim's blog here for the original - this is mine, with loads of substitions/omissions again!!

This is mine - the background stamp is a B Line design stamp and judging by the state of the rubber, I can't have used it before - it was pristine clean!!  I used the same ink colours as Tim did - evergreen bough and festive berries - my first version, I used wild honey (which I really like) instead of the red, but anything I tried to put on top looked rubbish.   As I don't have the candles or the lamp-post dies, I had to use a stamp - this is by PSX - and it has it's own greenery which I coloured with gel pens, so I didn't need the festive greenery die that hasn't arrived yet.... yes, I succumbed and went stash shopping!!!!

Anyhow, I did have one of the alphabet dies, though not the one Tim used, which I really want too - cut from a piece of textured card (don't have any core-dinations!) and coloured black with a glaze gel pen to get the shimmer - just too lazy/tired to wait for glossy accents to dry tonight!  

I was hoping to stay up to join in some of the BTS fun with Mario and all on Twitter tonight, but I don't think I will be able to stay awake - may just get up early instead!!!

We're on the closing straight now so I am determined to keep up doing the tag on the day Tim does.... 3 more to go....


  1. Only 3 days to go, good grief how fast it's gone! Ah the PSX stamp takes me back..looks nice in that background...and great idea for shiny-ing the letters. Keep going gal, I'm loving the 12 tags by H!!

  2. Fabulous background and great stamp. Wow only 3 days left, well done you for keeping up. Tracy x

  3. Fab impro Helen, love those colours! x

  4. Well done you for keeping up - as I said before - I have yet to start. Love that lampost - I have that stamp and it is one of my favourites. Comes out year after year.
    I like your tag - now to see his.
    Hugs, Neet x

  5. Wonderful tag, love the red ribbon around the lamp post.


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