Saturday 10 December 2011

Time for Tim's 12 Tags 2011 - Day 10

Today's tag took longer to sort than I thought it would - I had quite a lot of the necessary equipment, apart from the tattered banner die (nearly ordered that yesterday, but stopped myself!)   Anyhow, Tim's tag is HERE and is - of course! - an absolute beauty.

This is my version -
 I even found some metal tape - I was looking for a pack of silver metal to back the facet with and found a pack of metal tape - it looks slightly less metallic than the one Tim used but it worked - and the transfer method he used for the pictures behind the facet is fab - I bought some clear parcel tape a few weeks ago when I saw Tim use it probably on the same kind of thing as here, and had been tripping over it on the floor ever since - finally got to use it.
It works a treat!!

I didn't have the music stamp Tim used for his tag, but instead cut some of the carols from the Seasonal paper stack and stuck that to a tag - same difference!

I cut by hand a banner shape from a scrap of patterned paper - the scrap I had was a little too short so couldn't fit "believe" on it, went for dream instead - same idea, less letters!!!

For my trim I used some ribbon from my Christmas wrapping stash (I bought this several years ago - must be at least 5 as my Dad was still alive!) when I intended to give beautifully wrapped presents - it's heading into my craft stash now!!!!

The silver balls come from a cheapo snowflake garland decoration I bought in a £1 shop the other day, wanting some extra goodies for my tags! I strung them on a bit of wire into a wreath shape and wound it into the ribbon.

This was a really fun one to do - thanks again, Tim!!

I was impatiently waiting for my glossy accents (on the dream) to dry but couldn't wait any longer, the light has gone and I had hoped to get it done in daylight - just about made it!
The reason it took so long, is I had to wait for the glue for the facet to dry, (spent the time tidying in the garden!) but I have also done some Christmas shopping this morning (before I started playing!) and now MUST get my cards written... see you later peeps.


  1. Great tag, love the ribbon and embellishment and the DREAM looks great. Great composition. Tracy x

  2. Gorgeous tag Helen! Love the little garland you made! x

  3. This is a great one, like the backing, paper or not and I like the ideas you came up with in substitute. I have had moments of weakness over the tattered banners ...jut still don't own them...can't quite explain my attraction and then sensible-ness over it!

  4. Hello Helen - Love your take on tim's tag! It's soooo cool to see what everyone is inspired to use from their own personal stash. xo

  5. Beautiful Helen, great improvising! Don't you just Love the packing tape transfer. Now you can do it all the time! LOL

    I'm the same way I hate having to wait for glue to dry. LOL
    hugs Lynn

  6. Loving your tag, and all the little improvisations:)

  7. Gorgeous tag, love the wreath and love the way you've no time to let the glossy accents dry...I think we all do that, brilliant xx


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