Thursday 8 December 2011

Time for Tim's 12 Tags 2011 - Day 8

WOW I don't know how Tim does it - every day's tag is better than the one before. Today's is no exception - Steampunk Christmas - the original is here and this is mine - I had quite a lot of the things Tim used today, but not all, like the die for the gears which I left out.

I had to reverse the placings on my tag because I did the white stamping on the opposite side of the tag - that caused me a few hiccups - like things facing the wrong way - but I got there...  I also discovered I had the Alpha Parts (for the JOY) which I had forgotten about - or not remembered what they were.... they are fab!

This was a whole bundle of fun and I like the way this has turned out. Loving the winter seasonal inks all together - such gorgeous colours!


  1. Your steampunk tag is amazing! Love it very much!

  2. Fantastic version of Tim's tag Helen! Definitely his best this year! x

  3. This is my favourite so far, love the background, the colours and images . Tracy x

  4. Terrific tag Helen, especially love those great colours. x

  5. It's Helen's tags for me - visit you first to see what you have been up to and then follow the link to Tim or just go myself.
    Can see why this is your favourite and you have made me want to use my new inks (yes, got them and not opened as yet - tut tut).
    A fab tag Helen - and I just love how you are enjoying yourself.
    Hugs, Neet

  6. Love your version of this tag, Helen, it's one of my faves so far! You're doing great keeping up with these! Yahoo!


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