Wednesday 7 December 2011

Time for Tim's 12 Tags 2011 - Day 7

Day 7 - another masterpiece from Tim (here) but it took me HOURS!!!!

I didn't have the holly die - used the tattered leaves die instead and made the best of it!

The branch is the one from Tim's Urban Tapestry set minus the bird! (I knew it was a good idea to splurge on that set the other week!) and so is the splatter stamp from that set.  The holly berries are from an old 'pearl' necklace I donated to my stash and I coloured them as Tim shows in his blog.

Fiddly fiddly tag - but I loved it!! I have done nothing else I should have tonight, so I hope tomorrow's is a bit more straightforward!


  1. Don't know how you are keeping up and working too. Love the use of the tattered leaves and great background. Tracy x

  2. Great job! Love that stamp :) who would know those weren't the right leaves? They look perfect x

  3. LOL. It looks fab. Really worth the effort Helen :D

  4. Your tag looks fabulous Helen, great idea to use that branch & your leaves are brilliant! x

  5. Love your tag Helen and the tattered leaf works equally well.

    All I can say on the other matter is last nights results brought a wry smile to my face.

    B x

  6. You did do something else last night Helen - you enjoyed yourself which is what you should do. You work hard all day so if you get pleasure from making tags (however fiddly) go ahead and do it.
    I think this is my favourite. You have made a fab job of it - not seen Tim's yet but I love how you coloured the pearls. Brill!

  7. I think your tag is gorgeous, great improvisation. xx

  8. Fantastic take on Tim's tag. Your leaves look great.


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