Sunday 11 December 2011

Time for Tim's 12 Tags 2011 - Day 11

I nearly missed the 8am (UK time) launch of today's tag as I only woke 5 minutes earlier.... rushed to get the computer on!

Today Tim is using shrink plastic in the melt pot - things I own but rarely if ever use - but gave it a go!

Tim's is here using his Santa which I don't have and couldn't find one of my own in the right size - so I used a Hobby Art bear that I have had for years and years.

Don't have the holly die so used the tattered leaves - need practise with the shrink/melt pot game - couldn't get hold of them to drag them out of the UTEE... anyhow, this is the penultimate tag - already - wonder what masterpiece Tim is keeping for the final day tomorrow!!

Am entering this for Hels' Sunday Stamper where her theme is Christmas.
Now I must go and find something to eat - I have a headache which I think is caused by not eating enough this morning - or maybe the UTEE!

(Just realised, this is  my 600th post - CRUMBS!! )


  1. Wonderful tag, so Christmasy, love the image you've used xx

  2. Oh I love your tag, and your leaves are brillinat.. a small pair of tiny end pliers helps to pull them out.. mind you don't scratch the bottom of the pan :)
    last one soon :(

  3. Oh I love this one :D The bear and the leaves are fabulous!

    Happy 600th!

  4. Love all your tags. Too much thinking I reckon to get a headache. Never mind, nearly over. Thank you so much for the lovely comments you have left for me.
    Hugs Joanne xx

  5. Great job with the UTEE and shrink plastic Helen! That's one that will take practice, I'm sure. Haven't tried it yet. Your tags are coming along fabulously!

  6. Love your take on Tim's tag - that polar bear ismso cute! Well done on your 6ooth post.

  7. fabbydoodles indeedily Helen... UTEE for breakfast... that is true dedication to the crafting cause lol Thanks for joining in with the Sunday Stamper... I can't believe how far behind with the tags I am... have done the first three... eeeks!!! x

  8. Such a beautiful tag, lovely image. Congrats to your 600th post.

  9. Oh my word, that polar bear is adorable!!! LOVE the colors you've chosen--gorgeous! :) Found you via Sunday Stamper!!!


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