Sunday 19 December 2010

Tagging out to Rom Coms

Well, don't fancy sliding out anywhere even on foot today, and all the sport has been cancelled, so I've been watching rom coms on video (I haven't upgraded to dvd's yet, lol!) So far, I've watched Love Actually, (yes, I cried again) and now You've Got Mail. (probably - it's only just starting...)  I like this one because I've always dreamed of owning a bookshop! (Could probably stock one.... I buy books like I buy stash!)

I finally finished the tag I was experimenting with the adirondack inks off my craft mat - and my rosette die again - and rock candy distress stickles.  Am putting this in for the Sunday Stamper (music - the rosette is cut with Tim's paper stack featuring music) and Jennie's Tag Withdrawal  Christmas theme.


  1. fab tag hun, thanks for joining in with the Sunday sTamper x

  2. Gorgeous tag, just love the houses, beautiful colours.xx

  3. (Just have to tell you that I've made Love Actually my new annual Christmas film. I love it!

  4. oh this is one beautiful tag,just love the detail on this just perfect hugs cheryl xxxx

  5. What a great way to spend a snowy day! and your tag looks wonderful with the rosettes!

  6. Love it! Those rosettes are so cool! And the little houses are adorable!

  7. So much detail in your tag! Love the colors and everything about it. xo
    Merry Christmas

  8. Great tag Helen - that Rosette die certainly makes them look special. Great experiment with the inks.

  9. Not a fan of Love Actually... I even wrote a review on Ciao about it once entitled Love Actually, B****cks Really :P But alas - Craig is a huge Hugh Grant fan *vomit* so I get made to watch it every Christmas - Bill Nighy and Gregor Fisher are the only things that make it bearable ;) I do however love You've Got Mail - for the same reasons as you said!

    Love your tag, gorgeous colours in that background.


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