Monday 20 December 2010

Scribbling distress

Time for another Compendium challenge today - seems like a long time since we did one - over at Linda's Studio L3 - we're up to challenge 25 and page 34.

Let me just say, don't forget step 5, it makes all the difference  - doh!!

This is the somewhat muddy mixture of several different  attempts, and I can't really remember what colours I used now - there's some wild honey inkpad and broken china reinker I do know - but not sure what else!
I decided as it was quite a bluey green effect, I'd better go foresty so used Tim's trees (stamped in black soot) and the little sentiment is his too, on an offcut from a rosette cut, and the other stamp is from a Wendy set. (archival ink)
I found it hard to photograph, sorry!   I did also spritz the ribbon with a shabby shutters/gold perfect pearl mix but it doesn't show up in the photo.

p.s. as suggested by Jennie I am entering this in the tag withdrawal challenge too.  Didn't think it counted as it's not really Christmassy..... but ok!


  1. I think it looks great! I love those trees...I have that stamp, too, but I've used it on a couple of earlier projects so decided to get away from Tim's images this time.

  2. It looks great Helen - nothing muddy about it at all. In fact your greens look great. I think I'm going to have a go at this one - I ran out of rock candy so couldn't try the last one!

  3. Terrific background Helen, its like going through a magic forest. Annette x

  4. Love those trees and background used.

  5. Wonderful background for trees! I can see the sparkly ribbon. Merry Christmas!

  6. looks good to me:) love the effect background.. why not enter it in my withdrawal tag challenge :))

  7. Super background and love the way you've turned it into a forest.

  8. Fantastic Helen, love how your background came out x and your choice of stamping is spot on x

  9. Beautiful tag Helen! Love the colours in your background! xx

  10. I think your background came out great!! Very nice indeed!

  11. Cool tag! Love those tall pines, and the background is fab!

  12. Great background! love how you used the trees with those colours.

  13. Love your technique on this tag. The trees are so pretty!

  14. its beqautiful Helen,
    I hope I get a chance to play, but may be after Christmas.

    Ho Ho Hugs! Lynn

  15. Wow, I don't think this is muddy at all! It's gorgeous!

  16. Yummy tag! Love it!

  17. Nice blue green combo and the trees work well with it. It does look Christmas-y to me....

  18. Nice blue green combo and the trees work well with it. It does look Christmas-y to me....

  19. Love the background colors! The trees are a perfect image for your tag! Love this!

  20. Beautiful colors in your background! I also think the trees was the perfect choice of a stamp to use over the background! Beautiful tag.

  21. How gorgeous, Helen! I love the dreamy, watery look you created with the technique, and it's PERFECT for the tree stamp! It doesn't look muddy at all, in fact, the colors are clear and vibrant. Lovely sentiment, too!

    Happy, happy 2011! It's going to be an awesome year!


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