Saturday 18 December 2010

More snow here - go away!

Had to go out shopping this morning - also had to post some Christmas presents to some people I won't be seeing - hope they get there in time!! 

Anyhow, it started snowing as I was in the queue for the Post Office to open at 9 - and now it looks like this.....

 This is from the front door.
This is from the window at the top of the stairs. You can't really see how heavy it is - it's got worse since I took these and starting writing!
This is from my living room - through my Christmas cards  - I probably should have turned the light out!
This is a shot of the tree at the bottom of the downstairs flat's garden - I love this tree when it's snowing!

And this is my favourite bush - it's quite big now, lol about 6ft - outside my front door - it's an escallonia - has really pretty little pinky red flowers all summer - but not today!

 Finally, some crafting! A few days ago Wendy Vecchi blogged about making some tag envelope-y things for sending gfit money in. So as I send my nephews cheques so they can choose for themselves, I thought it was a great idea. 
See the expert version here!

But these are the ones I made
 All 3 ready to go (they've gone now, in the post!!)

I have just realised that as I have used a script background stamp on them, I can enter them as a very late entry to Sunday Stampers "script" challenge for this week!


  1. Oooo lovely job Helen, they're gorgeous. I saw them on Wendy's blog and thought I might have a go.

  2. It started about an hour ago here. Unfortunately I was at my sisters and although I left almost immediately I still nearly had an incident where my brakes didn't work when we got to the roundabout. Very scary. Car will be staying in the carpark till the roads are clear again methinks.

    Love the tag envelopes - you really are the Queen of the tags!

  3. Oh and am def going to Ally Pally next year. The September one - can't go to the April one as am orf up to Yorkshire again to meet up with Myzdamena. (Gail) Meet you at L.B Crafts - lets gang up on Linda if she's there ;)

  4. ooh your snow secen looks like mine! lol and thanks for the comment on the rosettes :)

  5. Beautiful snow there. Glad it isn't too much to keep you indoors. Love your ideas for gift cards - and the rosettes. Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Hi there Helen

    Another great piece of work and great piccies, weathers much the same here unfortunately.

    Hope you are nearly ready for the big day.

    B x

  7. Fab wallets, love them.. thanks for joining in with the Sunday sTamper... I am oh so Peeled Paint you know, we had about 2mm of snow... I want a nice big fall of it so I can make a snowman LOL

  8. Love the wallets Helen and a great idea for giving money at Christmas, makes it look more like a gift and a keepsake too. Your snow pictures look so picturesque, well especially if your inside LOL. Have a fabulous Christmas Helen and Best Wishes for The New Year. Tracy Evans x x

  9. Love the wallets Helen, they look fab. The snow looks great from inside, but not so much fun when you are out in it! Keep safe and warm hun x

  10. Your tag looks great Helen! I love your tag-a-lope too, great idea! We have the same taste in movies, 'You've Got Mail' is one I've watched over & over, on DVD! Lol!
    Happy christmas!
    Alison xxx

  11. Seems like everyone is getting their share of snow this winter! Pretty pictures, though! Your gift card envies are really superb! Tell them they have to keep and use them as ornaments! lol!


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