Wednesday 22 December 2010

WOYWW - the Christmas edition!

Well, here we are - is everyone ready now? I have my presents wrapped and waiting delivery, the cards all went a week ago and hopefully aren't stuck in a snow drift somewhere! 

So it's the last WOYWW before Christmas - and I haven't tidied up the Christmas stamps yet - but they are clean Julia.....!!!
 Hopefully I will get time to put them away before I go to Mum's - which isn't till Friday morning. I was hoping to go Thursday afternoon (we finish at lunchtime) but I will have too much to do here, and if the weather/trains are stil dodgy I don't want to risk getting stuck halfway in the dark (even by train!)
This pile also needs tidying up - bits of leftovers and little bits of paper that probably won't be usable but just might!  And the crafters best friend - paper towel!
And this is the work, work desk on Tuesday morning (I took the camera in case I could see anything of the lunar eclipse but it was too cloudy). We are meant to be moving offices this week but it probably won't happen now till after the holiday - hence the large tower of boxes in the edge of the shot, waiting to be filled.
This was taken about 7.30, I am always first in (surprise, surprise, at that time!) and it's only a traffic thing that I go so early, I don't start till 9..... I only loaded the spreadsheet for show, I blog hop and read the paper till anyone else gets in....

I hope you all have a very happy Christmas and get to where you are meant to be for the holidays, (and home again!! and I will see you all next time - though I may not be home in time to be here next Wednesday.
Thanks for all your comments and support this year, it's been great fun getting to "know" you all on these blog hops each week - here's wishing everyone a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year.
Love and hugs, "H"! 


  1. Way to go Helen! Just a quick peek, but Merry Christmas! You look organized enough to start the New Year already!

  2. Merry Christmas Helen! Your desk is looking great! Happy WOYWWW! No Mr, Linky...hugs, Rhonda

  3. Your desk looks very busy this morning and creative not messy!
    Wishing you and yours a Very Merry Christmas and Happy ,Healthy,Crafty New Year
    Hugs judex

  4. I like the look of your stamp with the stave of music floating through the air!
    Are we looking at your floor?
    Have a wonderful Christmas!

  5. Happy Woywwing Christmas!!
    Have a good one
    Hugs x

  6. Loved seeing your desk again week after week but most of all getting to know you through WOYWW. I really feel I know you personally now.
    Hope you have a lovely Christmas, manage to get to your mums safe and sound - and you can tell us all about it when you get back.
    Happy Crimbo and Every Good Wish for 2011.

  7. Wow, that's a creditable mess and proves just how much you've been doing!
    Happy Christmas,
    Love JoZarty x

  8. Hi Helen,

    No one told me I had to wrap the presents too! Whats with

    Definitely my kind of it. Thanks for the peek and sharing.

    Happy Holidays and creative crafting in the New Year. Hugs Marjo...No number yet...wah waaaah

  9. a blessed Christmas to you, Helen! congratulations for being #1 WOYWW commenter this week!

  10. Would offer to help you tidy up but feeling too poorly today sorry.
    Hope you and yours have a really wonderful Christmas and 2011 brings you all you wish yourselves.
    A x

  11. WOW that's a busy place lol

    Merry Christmas
    mandi x

  12. Wow! We all can see you've been busy! Have a blessed Christmas, hope you have a lovely time at your mums!
    Patsy from

  13. Love that you get to work early and then blog hop :P

    Merry Christmas Helen, it's been lovely meeting you this year and I look forward to stalking you next year too :)

    Have an amazing Christmas - good luck with the trains!

  14. Will pop round and tidy while you are out!! Happy Christmas and a fab, crafty New Year!

  15. Merry Christmas! My stamps are clean now off to clean the REST of the room!!

  16. pretty rug.

    Have a great Chrsitmas, be blessed
    from Angela #36

  17. Hello Helen! Wishing you a Merry Christmas and health and happiness in 2011!¨It was so nice meeting you at Ally Pally and I hope we will meet again! Be safe and warm!
    Lots of hugs,

  18. Love that desk, and all the mess, lol. Have a lovely Christmas Helen and good luck with the move at work. Hugs Ann xx

  19. No Helen, no new leaves - I'm just not up to the guilt of not following through!! Must say your pile of bits and bobs looks very interesting.
    Travel well dear gal, a safe and warm Christmas to you.

  20. I could sit right down at your work desk and get busy :)

    I'm #50 this week. Please stop by and take a look when you get a chance.

    Merry Christmas and happy packing! HA!

  21. Eeekkk! Look at all that stash! lol! And..does your boss read your blog? lol!....

  22. Well done on your clean stamps, i tend to wet wipe and scrubbie as i go.

    Have a lovely time with family, Wishing you Happy WOYWW & Happy Christmas too
    hugs Minxy #4

  23. Looks like you have been very busy. #58

  24. A busy desk with the best of intentions - both crafting and clean up. Love it all.
    Merry Christmas
    Vicki #21

  25. Hi Helen

    Just wanted to pop in and wish you a Happy Christmas. And to thank you for your very kind words yesterday.

    B x

  26. Oh look how tidy you are, see, it can be done!! Hope you have a fabby Christmas and I hope the bad weather eases up and let's you make your journey safely.

    Brenda 45

  27. What a productive looking desk you have there. Maybe mine will be like that again once I get sorted out in my new room. My desk is already not as tidy as it was when I took my photos last night, but I do have another two sets of elctric sockets so I can use anything anywhere in there. Luxury!!
    Hope your journey is better than you fear. Travel safely, take enough food, hot drinks, clothing, and other snow emergency supplies, just in case.

    Happy Christmas

  28. Ahh paper towels, where would we be without you! I hope you have safe travels and a joyous holiday! Becky #77

  29. Merry Christmas, Helen! I was hoping to crack the top 20, but I'm #66 this week.

  30. I could not live without paper towel when I am crafting or baby wipes LOL. Love all your leftover bits, would love to rummage. Hope you have a fabulous Christmas with your mum, have a safe trip and Best Wishes for The New Year. Tracy Evans x x

  31. I could not live without paper towel when I am crafting or baby wipes LOL. Love all your leftover bits, would love to rummage. Hope you have a fabulous Christmas with your mum, have a safe trip and Best Wishes for The New Year. Tracy Evans x x

  32. Fab work space! Hehe, I arrive early so I can goof off on the internet too! Thanks for sharing!

    Merry Christmas!

    Katie (47)

  33. Just had a great nose around ...everything is so interesting. LOVE the tags on the previous posts.
    Happy Christmas xx

  34. What a busy busy time you are having. Wishing you all the best at Christmas.
    Sandra #81

  35. Have a lovely christmas with your family Helen!
    Alison xx

  36. Lots of lovely inks and stamps there.

    Hope the weather behaves well for your travel. Have a great Christmas.


  37. Well, your crafty space is certainly looking well used and that pile of boxes reminds of my last move!!
    Hope you get to your Mum's ok and home again!
    Merry Christmas to You and Yours, Annette #35

  38. Wow have you got any space left to craft on your desk lol - lovely to see your work work space as well I get in early to avoid all the traffic as well - have a great Christmas ~ Nicky 52

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