Monday 8 November 2010

With Love at Christmas

Needed something to take my mind of today and - more so - tomorrow!  Thanks for your kind comments and tweets to my last blog!  (more later, which you can skip if you like)

This week's Compendium challenge is "perfect distress" and I don't think I've tried this one before.
This week's Simon Says Stamp and Show Us - your favourite Tim stamp - meant an ideal opportunity to combine the two.

I inked the base tag with wild honey - thought I may as well use my favourite ink colours too - and stamped my favourite Tim stamp - rock star - in dusty concord which I treated with the challenge technique.  I added some more gorgeous Tim stamps for the Christmas theme - I will add this to a Christmas card later.

This is the bit you can skip if you like!
I had some trouble seeing to do this because I had to go back to the hospital today to see someone about my eye again (as I was told to on Saturday) and the drops they gave me haven't worn off yet, so everything still looks a little fuzzy even if it's not meant to!

They have worked out that something is blocking the blood supply to my eye, hence the blurring/lack of vision but don't know why - so tomorrow I have to go back to the hospital I went to onSaturday, for scans and tests to try and find out why!  I was at Sutton hospital all day - got there at 9 - interrupted by a fire alarm meaning we all stood outside in the rain for 20 odd minutes (felt like hours) in and out of consulting rooms blah blah blah. Got home at 4.... Am warned tomorrow will be an all day-er too. (Nearly got sent today to stay overnight, so I suppose I am lucky!)  Apparently this is to rule things out and meant to be precautionary and I am "not to worry"....... yeh, right!  Also, when checking my heart (something to do with listening for the blood supply to the eye) they found I have a slight heart murmur and did I know. Errrr that's a no then!!
Ah well, thanks (if you are still with me) for listening me unburden myself. Will let you know how I get on - I hope!


  1. I'm still with you H; good grief gal, of course you're TRYING not to worry - easy for them to say!! Am truly glad there's a thoroughness about the process, that's reassuring. Take a big lunch box and your phone so you can tweet. Let us know as soon as you get home, huh. Meanwhile, am loving your craft - even one eyed you're good!

  2. Great tag! The Santa to the right makes it all 3D... Beautiful!

  3. bloody 'ell H... what are you up to!!! Oh, the infamous 'try not to worry' talk... easy for them to say when they are not on the patient side of that phrase! Hmmm... I'm thinking of you my blogging friend and hope you get some answers soon...

    one eye or no eyes - you'll always be a better stamper than me, even if i had eight LOL

    I can appreciate your anxiety - just talk to us about it if it helps.

    sending you some supportive hugs

    Paula x x x

  4. Helen am so sorry that you are going through this. Went through similar procedures with my mum and of course she was worried as well, but they have got her sorted and she is fine now. Great tag and love your Tim stamps. Take care, Annette x

  5. Oh No! Good luck tomorrow! I hate hospitals, so I can imagine how nervous you can be. (I wouldn't be too upset with the murmur, apparently I've had once my whole life..ah well...)
    I love your tag, and that color is one of my new fav's as well!

  6. Wishing you good news! Take care
    Lovely tag btw
    xoxo Sioux

  7. Lovely tag, even though you had trouble seeing it, lol. Try not to worry, as if, hope everything goes well tomorrow. xx

  8. Great tag! it will look great on a card.

  9. Hope it is good news tomorrow Helen, fingers crossed. Amazes me how they say don't worry, we all worry, it's natural. Least they are being thorough which is a good thing. Take care, Tracy Evans x

  10. Yikes Helen, this all happened pretty fast. I've been a tad busy of late and have neglected my blog hopping and look what you got up to whilst I was away!!!! I know St George's really well as my parents still live in Tooting so I'll be thinking of you tomorrow....I'll have everything crossed for you and I so hope they can sort it out quickly.....waiting is the worst part isn't it?
    Take crae, Lin x

  11. oh good luck at the hospital hun,hope it all goes well for you,and they find out whats wrong,love the tag its just brilliant,hugs cheryl xxxx

  12. Oh my goodness - good luck tomorrow Helen. Will be thinking of you - let us know how you get on.

  13. Chuffing Norah hun, you had the day for hell already and you got it again later... thinking of you and when they say there is nothing to worry about, they usually mean it... I used to be a Nurse so I know that speech well love. Keep your chin up hunny .. hugs xx

  14. Beautiful! Love it!

  15. Great tag, Helen! Wonderful work with the perfect distress tech. Here's hoping your day at the doc's turns out ok, I'm sure it will be. Will be thinking of you..

  16. Helen, hope all goes well, and love the tag. :) Hugs to you Hun

  17. Your tag is wonderful and I think we all have that fuzzy thing going on with our challenge pieces. Sure hope all goes well with your eye appointment and they get it corrected. Take care and I am sending you good thoughts!

  18. Love the tag and colours you used.
    Hope all goes well with you at the hospital, and try not to worry.

  19. Nice colors and the water color-ish effect looks great to.

  20. I like the ticket you used!! Nice colors too :)

    Thanks so much for entering the Simon Says Stamp & Show Challenge!!!


  21. Love your tag really like that purple heart .

  22. Wonderful tag,terrific color combo and yes, that is a fabulous Tim stamp! Your tag will definitely be a hit on a Christmas card. Sorry to hear about the eye sight problem - sending good thoughts your way!

    So happy you could join in the fun with us this week at Simon Says Stamp and Show!

  23. Just beautiful colours on your tag and that heart looks fabulous.
    I hope all went well at the hospital, and that your eye problems get better soon.
    Sue x

  24. Your tag looks fab Helen! Hope all went well at the hospital!
    Hugs, Alison xx

  25. Hope they figure the eye issue out :) Despite that, your tag came out really well. I like the combo of words and images.

  26. Sorry to hear about your eye problems....hope it get's better soon!
    Wonderful tag you created under the circumstances!!

    thanks bunches for playin' along with the Design Teamies and Simon Says Stamp and Show Challenge blog!!!

  27. Helen, this is a really gorgeous tag, and I love how misty and dreamy that rockstar heart image turned out! I'm with you-- Wild Honey is truly one of the prettiest colors in the entire Distress Ink collection, and it worked so beautifully for this technique and imagery you used.

    I'm really sorry you had such a lousy week.Isn't medical stuff just the WORST? All that waiting and wondering. But I'm so happy your MRI was clear, and now that you've had a few days to catch your breath, I hope you're feeling much better about it all. Hang in there, sweet lady. They'll get this figured out and you'll be good as new!


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