Wednesday 10 November 2010

Nothing's on my workdesk wednesday

Hi, fellow WOYWWers.  (catch the rest here)

As some of you have seen over the last few days posts, I've had a bit of a time of it with my eyes and so there is nothing on my workspace today. I am writing this Tuesday evening (as usual) this time after a long and exhausting day - the second in a row - spent at a hospital.

If you've seen the first two instalments, I will spare you again. Tuesday saw me go for the MRI scan which was a saga in itself as it took some time for them to find who knew I was expected.... and then my 10am slot was taken by an emergency (which is good, I suppose that I wasn't one) so I had to hang around till about 1.30.... the MRI was clear (hurrah) but then I had to go and wait in the eye clinic again to see the opthalmologist (if that is right) let's say eye doctor - which meant more hours in waiting rooms. (I got home at 7 having gone out at 7!)  I didn't take to him much, I think becuase it was so late in the day (gone 5) he was tired too - he seemed to be quite rushed and off hand. Everyone else I've seen has been fantastic.

I was so exhausted by then I didn't ask all the questions I should have - they have given me a diagnosis but I can't find the piece of paper -hang on "posterior non arteritic ischaemic optic neuropathy" which means the blood isn't fully getting to the eye -  but needs a referral to a neuro clinic - and I don't know what the treatment (if any) or timescale is.("It's not the one that kills you", he says! I think the Dr in the MRI unit said he thought this interupted blood flow was the problem and that it may be that I just have to live with it)  I am reluctant to google it in case I get more bad news!!  On the plus side my blood pressure was normal (how surprised was I at that after the last 2 days). Please don't all tell me how stupid I am not to ask what this means - I know that!!!

Hope you will understand if I don't visit you all today! Am off for an early night (tuesday). At least I can go to work today (Wednesday)


  1. Keep your chin up girlie! It's wonderful that you posted! Keep that positive attitude ;-) and feel better.

  2. Sending cyber hugs and keep positive honey.

    Kay Toodles & Binks no. 15

  3. Oh dont google it hunni, worse thing you can do
    Well lets hope there is a treatment, or you will adapt with time Im sure
    Hugs to you and wishing you well, will await happier progress

    Take Care
    mandi xx

  4. OH dear Helen, I am so sorry your woes continue. But at least having all those test you know it is nothing sinsiter.

    I think what you describe is one of the issues I have with both my eyes (another ongoing sage that I won't bore you with). But if it is you do have to live with it until such time it reaches the stage where lazer treatment may be necessary.

    Nothing to fear there because I had that done on one eye about this time last year. It was painless and quick, so chin up I am sure all will be well.

    B x

  5. So sorry to hear all this news - nothing worse (in my mind) than having eyes messed about with.
    Not to worry, you have had them look at your problems and now are on the right road - hopefully to recovery.

    Take care. #24

  6. It's good you're getting looked at, and that you have the kind that doesn't kill you! I'd suggest taking a friend or neighbor or somebody with you. Maybe a tape recorder? It's hard to remember everything doctors say, especially when you're tired and have been out all day. Big hugs to you!

    Terry #21

  7. Keep your chin up hun!It will all get sorted ive been awol for 2months.Had very similar episode had mri ,aload of other scans on my optic nerve ,they diagnosed the same but now changed to blood clot near optic nerve.I had apain around my eye slowwly over a 10day period got worse so eventually after a really bad nite went to gp next morning.All went from there what didnt realise is that i had nosight in rt eye what worse i didnt notice until had to read the board.I am still under eye clinic go back next month as keeping eye on But i still have no sight in rt eye just very bad bllurred vision.So i know aht your going through keep chin up anytime you wanna talk feel free pop by.
    hugs judex(20)

  8. Hope they can do something for you. About not googling it I think that's a good idea you will only end up with a information over load.
    Take care Elaine

  9. Oh bless you. That all sounds really scarey. Hope all settles down soon and the Drs can find something to improve things for you.
    A x

  10. Goodness you must be practised in the art of waiting around!
    Let's hope they can do something for you!
    I don't blame you about not Googling your symptoms or condition of whatever... if my husband read the symptoms of pregnancy, he'd probably think he was expecting twins!
    Chin Up!

  11. Hi ya hun
    aww you are having a tough time, sending you a big hug, best not to google some things i think!!
    Hope you soon get something sorted, hun, sue,x

  12. I agree with everyone re. the google thing. I always think that not being an expert in something only makes what you read worse. Rest your eyes but keep us all informed so we can be there for you when you want us.
    Luv and Hugs Joanne xx

  13. I think you deserve a medal for all that waiting around.

    They ought to have given you a big bunch of flowers for hanging around so long.
    (The NHS don't think like that though, do they?)
    You shall be in my thoughts.
    Sue xx 60

  14. So sorry to hear you have been having problems with your eyes and heck, what a long day to wait around for people to sort you out!! Hopefully they will come up with some sort of treatment and you will be back on form. I normally take someone with me as I come out and realise I haven't asked half the things I should have and recall nothing of what was said by the specialist!! Annette #58

  15. I hope you are feeling better soon and they can help your eyes!
    Maria inkymits x
    #84 i think

  16. I would have gone round the bend waiting that long! It seems like positive news may be around the corner for you though...keeping my fingers crossed for you ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  17. Big hugs hun, sounds like you have had another crappy day at the hospital - take it easy xx

  18. Stay positive! :) Chin up! :)

    Maggie #56


  19. Hope things get better Helen and thank goodness the MRI scan was clear that's fabulous news. Take it easy, Tracy Evans x

  20. At least there has been some good news amongst the bad, that's a positive! Keep looking on the bright side, really sorry you're having to through this, sounds very exhausting and worrying.

    Brenda 90

  21. Definitely DON'T google it Helen, I did that with my back problem when it started getting worse and I so wish I hadn't.

    Hope things start to look up for you, take it easy, hope you managed to get a good nights sleep x x x

  22. Sending you hugs and a hope for a speeeeedy recovering,Happy WOYWW!


  23. advice for you...just big hugs...

  24. If it's any help there are lots of us out here sending you hugs. What an awful day at the hospital, you must have been totally wonder you forgot to ask all the questions! Pam (24)

  25. Sending you some cyber hugs. I worked as a Medical Secretary in an Eye Clinic for 5 years and people would look things up and phone up saying they were going to lose their sight. Thankfully a lot we read isn't quite right. You've been seen by the Ophthalmologist and hopefully they'll sort your referral out pronto. Take care, Kym xxx (WOYWW No 35)

  26. Am sending you special hugs today, my day has been pants but after reading this, we will have to be positive together. Take care of yourself, tommorow is another day dear lady, hugs Heidi (#30) xx

  27. No wonder you're worn out Helen, what an epioc couple of days you've had. Good news that it's nothing sinister.....get a good night's rest and I'm keeping everything crossed that you get it sorted soon.

    Lin x

  28. Sorry to hear you're having such a rough time, but now that they have made a diagnosis I hope there can be some help for you - I think we'll all the same and don't ask all the questions we feel we should have done - it can be so overwhelming at the time and it's only afterwards that we begin to take it all in x Hazel #100

  29. What a horrid time you had at the hospital, so much waiting! But at least you got seen by everyone and not sent home! Keep smiling, and talking to us all, and get better soon :)

  30. Such a dreadful day for you and so long. I'm sure things will seem far worse after all that and that once you get the results there may be light at the end of the tunnel. We're all rooting for you.!
    JoZarty x

  31. Oh, I do hope it heals quickly! I'm being optimistic! Keep your chin up, friend! Well, if the docs could speak English, we wouldn't have so many questions, would we? lol! Here's hoping for a cure!

  32. I'll be thinking good thoughts for you. It's not stupid to feel overwhelmed. It's a lot to process. If you can, take someone with you to help with the information.

  33. Gordon Bennett Helen, ain't that a day! I'm really heartened to hear it's not sinister and frustrated to hear that you now have waiting and more appointment-ing to be done. Not surprised you forgot to ask...can you go to your GP with the diagnosis and get a slower explanation there - I've done this (by phone actually)and it was much less stressful! Meanwhile, rest, be normal and you're right, stay off Google!

  34. Aw hun........sending you lots of best wishes and super big hugs. Take Julia's advice and ring the GP.


  35. Gosh, you do sound like you've been through it of late (and I know myself how frustrating hanging around for hours in hospitals etc can be!).

    Hope you get some more definitive answers soon. Hang in there!

    Ali (#115)

  36. Hi Helen!

    So sorry to hear about your problems with eyes! I hope that it is not too bad and you will soon feel better! Hospitals are not very nice places but don't dispair it will be better!
    Sending you lots of positive energy!

  37. A bit late in visiting desks this week - sorry! I do hope your eye problem is soon sorted - its wonderful what they can do these days so fingers crossed! Thanks for finding time to visit my blog too!

  38. I hope they can get you help and relief for this soon. Just try to rest and relax and not worry too much. (((hugs))))

  39. Oh dear, what a sad and sorry tale. Just want to add my sympathy to everyone else's and hopefully you will see the neuro doctor soon - he/she could be the one to put your mind at rest and offer some relief. Elizabeth #63

  40. Helen,

    It's bad enough that I am running late, then I have been plagued with that pesky 503 error all night. Just wanted to drop in and let you know I was here this week. I am so sorry to hear about your eyes. I really hope by now you are improving. Hard to remember questions after a real ordeal.


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