Sunday 7 November 2010

Tag Tuesday meets Sunday Stampers

Hi all. I haven't been around much this week blog-wise (doing, I've been watching!) because at the beginning of the week I noticed a problem with my left eye.  The upshot was that I made an appointment for an eye test yesterday - the first time in years as I have had pretty good eyesight always. (Think the last time I had my eyes checked, I was still at school - which is a LONG time ago...)

Anyhow, the optician noticed a loss of vision in my left eye that she was worried about - although she said she hadn't seen anything "sinister" (it had of course crossed my mind!) she wanted me to get it checked out as soon as possible so wrote a referral for the eye hospital.  Typically, the one 10 minutes down the road in Sutton, doesn't have a weekend opening, so I had to go to Moorfields Eye Hospital at Tooting (still only a busride, but a longer one!)

Luckily I was seen more or less at once, although still with no confirmed reason for the loss of vision - the Dr at Tooting thought that possibly I had had a hole in my retina which has self healed.  Don't ask me how it happened or seals itself!  I have to go back Monday morning (to Sutton, fortunately) for another field vision test and from them, it's glasses!! So all in all, a strange old week.  It took all evening for the drops they gave me, to wear off so that I could see properly again (apart from the probem area, obviously). Having set out at 11 for the eye test, I got home at 4..... no lunch, either!

Anyhow, back to crafting.  This week's Tag Tuesday challenge set by Louise is "front and back" - to use both sides of your tag; and this morning, Hels' Sunday Stamper challenge is Winter (inspired by "walking in a winter wonderland") so I have combined the two.  I used the dabber resist technique and Tim's snowman - one side I used the Pearl dabber, the other Snow Cap, and distress inks.  Sorry it's a quickie today, I hope you will forgive me!

I tried really hard to get blogger to line these up side by side, but it won't!
As I was writing this post, I decided, that it wasn't enough to leave this tag like this - so I have turned it into a card! When I first started making cards and stamping, many years ago now (my late sister introduced me to the obsession and it's been 13 years since she died) I used to use a lot of aperture cards - and still have some left. So I found one - the last one - which was black with an oblong aperture, stamped Tim's small pine branch all round it using distress embossing ink and added some crystall embossing powder for a wintery Christmas shimmer. Rather than another stamped image which I thought might detract from the tag, I used some snowflake paper (Craftwork cards)
I fixed the tag to the back of the aperture so you can turn it to see both sides.


  1. That must have been very worrying Helen. Glad you got to see someone quickly, always a bonus.
    Love your wintry tag such a cute snowman. Take care, Annette x

  2. Oh my favourite Christmas card of yours so far. Absolutely stunning. Love that pale blue against the black.

    How scary to be told that about your eye but also good that you were seen so quickly :)

  3. Such a lovely card Helen, I think your snowman is fabulous.
    Hope your eye problem continues to resolve itself. Take care.
    Sue xx

  4. Love the "front" and "back" of your snowman!
    (Hope all your eye issues resolve themselves, too:)

  5. Ooooo, hunny, sounds like you have been thru the mill this week - fingers X'd your appt tomorrow has a good result... I am as blind as a bat and have to wear specs - well, I wear contacts most of the time... big hugs for joinin in with the Sunday Stamper too... that's dedication to art indeedily! Hugs... thanks for joinin in x

  6. Sorry to hear about your problems with your eye, must have been quite a worry but at least you have seen someone and hopefully they will put your mind at rest tomorrow, fingers crossed for you. Great tag even more so considering what you have been through. Tracy Evans x

  7. Sorry to hear about your eye, hope it gets sorted quickly. Love the tag, and the way you've stamped the merry Christmas. xx

  8. Eeeek! Helen, what have you been doing! That sort of thing usually happens to boxers... you been getting in to fights?! Hope everything goes ok at the next appointment hun.
    Love the card, and such a clever idea!

  9. Love the tag and card, Helen! It turned out great, love the wintry feel. Sorry to hear about your eye, couldn't they fix it with glossy accents? lol. Ok, maybe that's not so funny, but I always try to lighten the situation. Seriously, hope they figure it out and you can get it fixed properly, I'm sure it's annoying as hell. Keep us updated!

  10. This is a very late WOYWW comment from me! I love the tags you have done on this post - and on your WOYWW post I have that Penny Black stamp of the carol singing hedgehogs on the branch, I too have just bough the on the edge die of the houses and I also bought the new Paperartsy papers from the NEC on Thursday - great minds think alike eh! Thanks for commenting on my blog last week and have great fun playing with the stash (I know I will!).

  11. Hi Helen

    Sorry to read about the eye problems, sort of home from home for me as I suffer quite a few problems including those you descibe.

    So can fully sympathise, but at least they are on to it quickly, the last thing we need is for you to miss one of our wins - four on the trot (said very quietly).

    A super peice of artwork BTW.

    B x

  12. Hope all is well with your eye now Helen, must have been really worrying!
    Your tag looks great, love that technique! Great idea to turn it into a card, looks fab!
    Alison xx


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