Wednesday 3 November 2010

WOYWW 74- and what do you mean, it's November?

OK, another Wednesday (already!), the days are getting shorter and the evenings darker earlier - must mean winter's on the way.  In the meantime, it means we all get together at Julia's for our weekly nose at the craft spaces of the world. Thank you for all your lovely comments last week!
This week, there isn't much actually ON my desk-on-the-floor but my box of Christmas cards is (very slowly) growing (at this point I had to stop as I realised I hadn't actually downloaded the pic from the camera!)  Carmen, I have loads left to do still!
Christmas is about the only time I "do" cute!!
Haven't done any of the middles yet, though (I only stamp a greeting inside, I don't make inserts!

I have also been rummaging in my drawers (and yes, I do mean drawers, plural) of Christmas stamps and have pulled out a little pile of stamps to use (I don't like to do multiples of the same card, unless I am really running out of time, lol) so need lots to choose from..... that's my excuse and I am sticking to it!
Lots of Penny Black as you can see, and quite a few Denami (the trees, angel) and Magenta too!

And when she sees the next pictures, my sister-in-law Lynne will say "see, Helen I told you there is something NEW every single week"  - hmm, you got me there then!

But, when I saw these new Paperartsy papers I just had to have them - 12x12 double sided, thick, beautiful papers - may never use them, mind, just stroke and admire them.  Shortly after I took this photo they all slid off the box I had tried to lay them decoratively out on!!
Now, can I convince you that because this was on pre-order since I saw it, and it's just arrived this week, that it's not new?  That's logic, isn't it?    It's the new On the Edge die, "town houses" and let me tell you, it is great - but fiddly to remove all those windows.....  here's one I was playing with yesterday when I got it out of the packaging.

I used a piece of Tim's Lost and Found paper stack and it's scanned wonky, sorry! I left the top of the die cut folded down, I will obviously cut it off when I use it!!
Anyhow, that's more than enough from me, happy Wednesday, and happy nosing!


  1. I am just the opposite. If I get one stamp, I will use it through an entire run of cards. I don't do well with composition, so when I get one design, that's it for me. But I love those papers. I am crazy about the one with gears, especially. I think I'd just stroke them, too! As for the houses, they are UNBELIEVABLE. Got to admit, I'm in lust! Happy WOYWW from #1.

  2. Like you, I have oodles of Christmas stamps, but unlike you, I like to send the same card to my friends each year. I look at them and say the two trees were 2008, the Christmas pud was 2009, the ........ was 2010. I'm not saying what this years is!
    I get satisfaction from seeing a set of cards sitting uniformly in a box waiting to be written. Silly isn't it!
    Your stuff all looks great and I'm just going to have a good old zoom in and see what I can see!

  3. oh I do not have that many stamps well xmas ones anyway,still not replaced,them after the fire,I tend to just think of them as i go none all the same,usually send atcs,to my blogging buddies,love love that paper you have on your desk oh,I love paper espcailly that kind,hugs cheryl xxxxxxx

  4. That town house die is wonderful, I can appreciate it is fiddly but worth it. Adore those Christmas cards with badger, rabbit and co! Christine :-) #7

  5. Hi ya
    nice collection of Christmas card, must check out my box, luv all the stamps,nothing wrong with stroking paperts, thats normal! lol, fab die,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,(17)x

  6. Morning Helen

    I always find it a bit scary when I look for a stamp that I sort of rememebr from ages ago and it never fails to schock me how many never see the light of day.

    Like you drawers as well, four, three stamps deep, dedicated purely to PB, I sort of have a think about them. Lame excure or what and probbably some more will make their way home from the NEC.

    Tha'ts an awesome die, can see lots of potential there.

    B x

  7. Not even thought about Christmas yet, but you seem to be organised. The ones I can see here are looking great. Those Paperartsy papers look good too, may just have to purchase. Keep stroking, lol. xx

  8. WOW ou have done loads of cards....well compared to me for sure ha ha
    I stroke papers too so you're ok, or as daft as me,,now THAT is worrying for you lol

    Have a great WOYWW
    mandi xx

  9. I cant use just one design either. love the PB stamps, and that paper is lush. caroline #16

  10. Hey, lovely collection and Christmas stamps, papers are lovely too and I know what you mean about keeping them and touching them hehe, love the town house die too! Hugs JO xxx

  11. Helen, I'm the same as you ie I don't like doing multiples of the same card - it's funny how we all differ. Some lovely ones you have made from what I can see. Thanks for sharing your workspace. Best wishes, Kym xxx (WOYWW No 36)

  12. Helene, looks like you have been busy, and yes I also have that die, now just to find time to use it! I am not sure on pre-order means it is not new though!!
    Hugs xx

  13. I must be a lazier crafter as I tend to use the same design for all my festive cards but vary the colours and/or the message. I think I'd go into creative meltdown otherwise!

    Loving that new die and I can appreciate your logic. I have used the same myself - a parcel has arrived, boyfriend says 'more crafting stuff?' and I say 'oh, I ordered this ages ago' - as if it doesn't count!

    Btw, it was the Man Yoo Champions League game from last night on the telly on my pic. Don't think LFC are in that competition are they? ;-) (sorry, couldn't resist that one!)

    Take care,


  14. Lovely stash you have! I'm glad I'm not the only one who buys papers and ends up just stroking them, not using them..... LOL

  15. What a fab selection of Christmas cards. Like you, I don't like to make lots of the same card but it takes a lot of thinking to design lots of different ones doesn't it?
    A x

  16. H such gorgeousness adores your desk, I also feel the need to reach in there and stroke your fab stash, love the houses....

  17. I certainly enjoyed this post - so much to see - all those lovely cards, papers, stamps and that TH die is just adorable! I bought 2 (tattered florals and leaves) at Ally Pally but I see I will have to get more!

  18. Hi there sweetie - lovely to see your box of cards getting fatter - and what about those Paperartsy papers! Gorgeous aren't they. I got some at weekend and am tempted to use them but ....

    Happy WOYWW!

  19. I hate making Christmas cards :) I think that may be why I resisted stamping for so long. On the other hand I do LOVE that row of houses die - funnily enough I was JUST looking at a Big Shot this morning and my very old 2nd hand Zip-e-mate is doing my head in. One more reason to pull the trigger on that shopping cart....


    Mary Anne

  20. arrgghhh all these people making xmas cards, making me feel very inadequate!
    Great post thanks for sharing your workspace

  21. No crimbo cards made yet by me! Congrats on starting ;) New stuff is good......I'm hoping to get lots this weekend at the NEC
    xoxo Sioux

  22. Great, you had to have the PaperArtsy paper, and now I do too! And you've made Christmas cards. That's just unfair! But they look very cool.

    Thanks for sharing.
    have fun!
    rachel #34

  23. Christmas is a good time to do 'cute', there are some lovely images to use. The insides are fine kept simple.
    Sue xx 73

  24. Like the papers, very steam-punk. Good selection of stamps, look forward to seeing all your Christmas makes.

    The Tim die looks good and I can alomost see some ideas for that folded down reflection that you are going to cut off.

    ** Kate **

  25. I love all of your stamps, and the Paperartsy papers look fabulous! Have fun with your Tim die :D (69)

  26. Number #37, here (but, then, u already visited me, thank u very much!) love that u do a variety of keeps the muse the new papers (I tend to keep my faves in a paper zoo, also)....and that die is wonderful, you'll have fun with that for a long time, I think....gosh, I hate to be your enabler, but is releasing new dies at 10pm EST tonite and they look amazing (a doily die, a crochet trim die and all their other standards are equally fun....I'm just saying...hee hee)
    Happy WOYWW!

  27. I have the attention span of a gnat and get bored if I use the same stamp...anyway, it justifies buying so many in the first place!!!

  28. I have Christmas stamp envy hun! Loving your little stash of cards, you are so much better than me, I make 60 - all the same ROFL A tad boring but quick and no one knows they all have the same... except they will now they read this! I neeeed that Alterations die and those papers.. oooh, lush! have fun playing x

  29. Those Christmas stamps are fab and those papers!
    Have a good day :)
    Rach xx

  30. Oho I'm so jealous of all your Penny Black stamp, but glad I've spotted the singing hedgehogs, as I was going to do a digi with singing hedgehogs, and hubby, who now suddenly seems to have great knowledge of Penny Black Stamps wouldn't let me use it as it was too much like the 'real thing' Huh, said me, I've never seen a group of singing hedgies, so...I'm wrong...he's right, bother! (Back to the drawing board!
    Have a great woyww


  31. Well done for getting on with your Christmas cards, I've only made some for DT purposes so far. That Paper Artsy paper looks delish, I would only want to stroke it too! The house die is fab, isn't it? I got mine the other day, but haven't used it yet. Being fiddly won't put me off though. Have a great week, Judith xx

  32. Glad to hear that the Christmas cards are coming along Helen, you have a wonderful choice of stamps to choose from.

  33. wow, i love the on the edge houses and i love the paper artsy paper. My husband swears my craft table breeds in the night and has new babies in the form of new goodies all the time!!! lol!! hugs Lou xx

  34. Haven't even thought/started any xmas cards yet!
    Happy WOYWW. thanks for sharing.

  35. When you get tired of stroking those papers send them to me! Yes you do have LOTS of new stuff every week!! your SIL lynne!

  36. You have a good start on your Xmas cards and it is just November!
    I also will not be giving out the same card to everyone. I do make 3 or 4 of the same stamp but maybe slightly different. It is too much fun to keep trying new stamps! And a great excuse to keep BUYING new stamps, lol!
    That On the edge die is awesome! Another item for my wishlist.
    Thanks for the peek!

  37. Jealous of all those stamps!! Love the townhouses die... it's fab!! Robin

  38. Wow Helen you have quite a collection of Christmas stamps and cards that you have made. Must admit I tend to make a few of one design then move onto another when I get bored. Love the look of those PaperArtsy papers, may have to go on my wish list. Have a lovely day, Tracy Evans x

  39. You are forgiven for all the new stuff this week (yes, the houses are STILL new!) because it is all gorgeousness - I can see why you couldn't resist. The cog papers are just fabulous and those houses are begging to be made into a spooky street ;)

  40. Love your range of stamps and these papers look fab

  41. I love all your christmas stamps. Gorgeous papers too. Thanks for visiting me, Kathleen x

  42. Love that town house die. I don't do inserts for xmas cards either. I leave all the stamping for the inside and then get in a mood because I have it all to do!

  43. Love your desk. Kewl stamps. I am coveting that Tim Holtz die for sure.
    Carol x

  44. thanks for stopping at my blog!

    maybe i can still your cards and sell them at my craft fairs lol!

    have a great day!

  45. I'm on Christmas card number 15, so you could be a bit in front of me.

    Love you not so new stash!!!


  46. Hi Helen, what lovely paper on your desk! And you're right, that "old" house die is to "die" for! :^)
    Patsy from

  47. I totally neeeeeeeeeeed that die ... and you are way ahead of me on the Xmas card front ... it is probably the only time I do cute too :0)

  48. Hiya Helen

    great selection of stamps! I am the same I try to be diff dont like the repeative thing loooool!


  49. Good selection of stamps you've got there. I don't do repeats either - low boredome threshold! Lots of cards done - having given some away to the Forces I have to catch up again so only have 12 cards ready. Thanks for sharing. Elizabeth #98

  50. Lots of great stamps!! Thanks for visiting me and my pumpkin. I like making different cards as well.

  51. Well, you have more Christmas cards completed than I do, then. lol! And you succumbed and bought the houses, that is a pretty cool die, but I'm trying to resist...LOVE those Paper Artsy papers...

  52. I am in awe of all your wonderful Christmas stamps! I wish I were more motivated to tackle Christmas Cards, but I would have to start in March most likely. Love the papers and the die is cute too. Thanks for sharing.
    ~Shari #94

  53. I'm the same Helen - and it's why I gave up doing Wedding stuff, multiples upset me. After all, why have one stamp when you can 100!!
    Your new papers however, scare me to death, I see nothing useable about them at all, don't you love how the same but different we all are.
    As for that die - I love it..but again, not sure if I'd do it any justice. Mind you, that never stopped me buying things!

  54. Love the papers and the stamps... you have loads of Christmas one! Are the houses a stamp or a die? Its lovely, can imagine it being used a lot! Annette #5

  55. I love your blog. I read down, giggling as I go. I don't know what half of the stuff is that you use but its all very impressive and your artwork is fab! See you next WOYWW!

  56. Love your town house template! I was just thinking today about getting out my Christmas stamps--I run late every year and need to get started on cards!

  57. Relish all those stamps and enjoy making every card different - I do too!
    Fab on the edge die!

  58. this is soooo unfair...i hadn't seen that house die...and now i have to have!!!! lol

  59. I love seeing other peoples stamps and spotting ones I have too. In this cake it's the trees!!! although i haven't used it in ages.
    Your box of cards is growing nicely.
    Those houses are very cute, typical Tim style!!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs Lisa (112)

  60. Good for you for having a box of Christmas cards started - I need to get on that. Thanks for the peek. S #84

  61. Hello H... lovely to see the cute stamps in your collection - even though i'm taken aback... this year will only be the second time i will have done my own christmas cards on a largeish scale, but defo the first as a blogger and with some of the tools and stash i have... so I'm excited. You're doing well i'll have that card at the front LOL!!!

    Paula x x x

  62. Thanks for the inspiration, I am so into making tags forgot all about chrissy cards. oops

  63. Well done on the Christmas card pile Helen :-) Love those papers and the On the Edge die is fab.
    Anne xx

  64. Helen, looks like its time to unmount all those stamps! saves so much space!
    Thanks so much for posting about my giveaway. best of luck!
    hugs Lynn

  65. Great cards! Love PB but I really don't need to tell you that (again!). My Christmas stash is slowly growing too.... might be running to three drawers full soon! Love those papers, such a sin to cut into them!

    See you soon no doubt!!

    Brenda 88

  66. OOoo my eyes are glazing over at all thoses lovely stamps! Mmmm love the Paper! I WILL have to get that is lovely. Wonderfully creative cards you have done here H! Brill!
    Lavinia ~91


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