Saturday 13 November 2010

Tag Tuesday - Bingo - it's late!

What with everything this week, I am behind with my regular challenges (not to say my Christmas card "production line", although I did get some done today) and this is the first chance I have had to try my Tag Tuesday tag. 

I took a square card, and used shabby shutters and pine needles inks, spritzed with a perfect pearl/reinker mix; all stamps are by Tim, the bingo card is from the Lost and Found stack.  The numbers come from Tim's mini set, and are covered with glossy accents.

I have turned the finished card into a Christmas card - another one off the list!

Thank you all for your kind supportive comments - I am keeping positive (especially now the scan was clear) and I ordered my glasses today, so in about a week I should be able to see (apart from the blurry bit LOL!) better.


  1. I love this tag...those trees are so pretty as is the how you used the bingo theme, so creative!

  2. Lovely card :) Hope you managed to see Scccoooottttttt through the blurriness tonight...thought he was fab!
    xoxo Sioux

  3. Oh at least the scare factor is much reduced Helen, am very pleased about that. See it hasn't affected your stamping inking and colour choosing skills mortal s will have to try and raise our game!

  4. Wow its terrific Helen, love those trees, its all wonderful. If they are putting a prism in them I know that this really makes a heck of a difference. Annette x

  5. Hi Helen

    Was wondering about you yesterday, pleased you are keeping positive and creative.

    This creation is very elegant and see you like to spritz over the inks as well, it does create a lovely soft finish doesn't it.

    B x

  6. Lovely colours and combination on this card. Sooo pleased the scan was clear. Onwards and upwards now.
    Luv Joanne xx

  7. Lovely tag, beautiful use of colours. Don;t forget, PMA, positive metal attitude, hugs xx

  8. Helen, you've used this bingo square in quite an unexpected way on your Christmas card. The result is fabulous!

  9. Helen, this is fabulous, considering your blurry vision! Love those trees, think I might have to buy some TH christmas stamps (none in my collection!!) xx

  10. Wonderful tag, love the color.

  11. Love the colours on this Helen.

    So glad to hear you'll soon be seeing better. I'm blind as a bat without my specs, I bet you'll notice a huge difference.

  12. Love it, Helen! I really like the reindeer stamp, it's awesome. Glad you are feeling a little better about things, and hope it clears up soon!

  13. Hi Helen, love your tag, the stamps are great - but then they would be being from TH! Sorry to hear of your problem, hope they sort it out soon. ikki


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