Wednesday 10 July 2024


 Hello deskers,  happy WOYWW to you all.  Another week flew by and it is time to meet up at Sarah's for the weekly desk hop. 

I took my birthday cards down at the weekend and thought to photograph the hand-made ones.(not all deskers) 

top left, LLJ, Miriam,
bottom left my cousin Angela (collage of her photographs) Lesley and Cindy. 

in between football, tennis and Formula 1 at the weekend I made a journal page on a linen page in the original Dina Wakley journal.

based on something she did in one of her supporter FB live posts. 

Saturday at Kew was wet - very different to the previous weekend (most of the week has been wet, it's getting boring now)

it was a water drop kind of day! 
though it did stop for about 20 minutes!  

I'll be along to check out your desks soon.  


  1. It's always lovely to see handmade cards dropping through your letterbox. What a lovely idea to collage some photos for you.
    Had to smile at the comment about rain.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  2. Glad you had a good birthday Helen. Some lovely cards there. The rain is definitely getting a bit stale now! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

  3. Don't you think the rain makes the colours of the plants/grass more vibrant? Gorgeous rain drop photo. Personally I'm loving the coolness, but I guess I'm the only one and agree a break in the rain would be good for walking although I did a bit of gardening in the rain yesterday, came in all spotty wet! Super journal page, great sentiment, it sure does. Hugs BJ#4

  4. Morning Helen! Yes the rain is getting VERY boring!! Had a visit to Kew just as the summer finished a few days after it started with my daughter and little Splodge. Kind of wish I hadn't encourage him to smell the flowers in my garden as it takes a long time to get through the herbaceous walk!! Lovely journal page! Have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx #9

  5. Lovely collection of cards, hope you had a nice day. The weather is up and down here but we have had some nice weather inbetween. All that rain certainly makes the grass grow. Have a good woyww. Hugs Angela x10x

  6. A colourful post with those beautiful blooms Helen. Hope your enjoying the footie, our boys Cody doing well for the Netherlands.

    B x

  7. That’s a nice selection of cards you got! Love what you’ve been doing to the backdrop of sport, I’ve been doing the same with knitting but to the Tour de France - you could hear my cheering when Mark Cavendish got the record stage win! Love the water drop on the flower pic, absolutely gorgeous!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xx

  8. You have a lovely collection of handmade cards there, hope you had a great day. I love the journal page - the colours are so pretty and summery. That's a great shot of rain drops, I'll be over to see the other photos later. The only upside to the rain is that I don't have to water the garden!
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana xx #13

  9. I do love the smell of the garden after the rain... but even that is getting a bit boring now isn't it?! Lovely cards you have there, I particularly like Miriam's who I'm guessing is a fan of Kate Crane! Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #11

  10. We def need better weather and some sunshine now...I've had enough of the cold and rain now.
    Annie x #7

  11. Hi Helen, I've got to agree with you concerning the rain. Though up here, it's not just the rain, the storms are just too much! It's summer, for goodness sake!!! Your selection of handmade cards are lovely, I particularly like your cousin's choice of photos. Very nice. As are your photos from Kew. You really have a talent for getting just the right shot. Fingers crossed this weekend is better for you and it's wall-to-wall sunshine for a change. Elizabeth x #15

  12. How nice to get so many birthday cards! I have 2 arty friends who send me birthday cards every year, that's it! But I do appreciate them! Lovely journal page, neat linen background! photo of the drips coming off the plant is wonderful! Have a great week, Lindart #17

  13. Lovely cards. I wish the weather wasn’t so “either or”, I long for some pleasant summer days! It looks like you still got some good shots despite the weather. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

  14. My first comment disappeared and then for some reason I left your comment on Sarah's page so deleted it. What am I like!! Hope you enjoyed the footie. Let's hope they do the same on Sunday. Another damp day here. Good for the garden😃x Jo

  15. Love the journal page and the wet Kew pictures are great!
    Happy WOYWW Susan #8.
    Just put the granddaughters on the train to go home and now away for the weekend to look after Ollie while his Mum and Dad go to a wedding. Fortunately the holiday cottage has internet,,,

  16. Hi Helen!
    I am making the rounds before I start my writing for the day.
    I love the droplets picture. You take stunning photos!
    Sounds like we both had a busy weekend. See you, Wednesday!
    Hugs & Creative Blessings! ~ Kelly #15

  17. Argh! So late. Love love love that journal page, and the droplets hanging on the edge of the leaves look fantastic. I must dash around before the new WOYWW tomorrow.
    Late, but determined to get around!
    Mary Anne (3)


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