Wednesday 5 June 2024


 Hello deskers, it's time for another WOYWW with  Sarah hosting.  

I bought some new Dina goodies - one of the stencils I wanted was out of stock so will look for that another time and so was the stamp set, that I will probably get another time too! 

I remembered to photograph the atcs from Lyn (Spyder) - top
and BJ - bottom  that came last week.
thank you both of you. 

I was trying to  make a bit more space around the "desk" at the weekend - behind the craft mat used to be my Dina paints but that means I don't really have room to kneel at the mat properly.  So I found a couple of boxes - stacked next to the clear boxes of Fresco paints - one has the Dina paints and one the gloss sprays '

it hasn't noticeably made more room but it's marginally tidier!

I did play too - another journal page in the square kraft journal and one of the new stencils, and the yellow neon scribble stick in the hair on the image. 

the words are from one of the older packs of Dina's collage tissue. 

It wouldn't be the weekend without a trip to Kew - 
the first day of meteorological summer - boy was it chilly!  

I had fun with the globe lens and one of the Marc Quinn sculptures
and some globe-like alliums!
thanks for looking I'll be round to visit when I can.
Happy WOYWW  


Sarah Brennan said...

Morning Helen. My brother and sister in law had fun at Kew on Friday and enjoyed the sculptures. Thanks for the ATC it was waiting for me when I got home. Love the latest journal page. Stay safe and thanks for joining in with WOYWW. Sarah

BJ said...

WOW amazing alliums, mine weren't half as good! Great new goodies, the scribble sticks look cool, sound like they are similar to my iridescent Gelatos. I so couldn't craft were you do with a back like mine, just a few hours in the garden yesterday and I'm so sore. Loving all the colours on your page and the globe lens is amazing too. Hugs BJ#7

My name is Cindy said...

Nice goodies and great page, though how you get anything done on the floor amazes me. I would just be thinking will I be able to get back up again. Those alliums super, actually felt mine are going over rather quickly this year but maybe that's just because I have hardly been out there this year. Yes it was so cold on Saturday!! I was at a craft fair and had my coat on most of the day. Flaming June lol. Have a great week, love n hugs Cindyxx #9

Mary Anne said...

Gorgeous flowers, and that globe is stunning. Amazing you can capture such detail thru it. I am also amazed at how you work. I avoid getting down on the floor at all costs as my myositis leaves me unable to easily got up! I'd be trapped there till someone came to help me LOL!
Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (1)

Lynnecrafts said...

Lovely journal page and some stunning photos Helen. I loved the irises, the lotus, waterlilies and orchids. Despite the cold, it was good to see you having fun with reflections, your globe lens and the hive!
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 8 xx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Gordon has got one of those globe lenses and has done some fun photos with it! As you say, it wasn’t needed for the alliums, they’re so gorgeous especially in a big swathe like that. Like your artwork this week, you have fun with the Dina stuff don’t you?!
Hugs LLJ 3 xxx

Twiglet said...

I have never seen a globe lens. It looks like fun and Kew would be a great place to experiment with it.. You've made a great job of your journal page. So much crafty stuff to play with there Helen.😃 x x Jo

Annie said...

That’s a fun lens to use….im sure Kew is the perfect place to use it. Those alliums are stunning….we have a few in our garden.
Annie x #11

Annie said...
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Neet said...

Your clearing is like mine, no more room really but marginally tidier (look at my cupboard!) - good way to describe it.
Love the new goodies and the journal page is fab. Great with those new colours.
Love that globe lens, I remember you using it before with great effects.
Hugs, Neet 4 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Tidying up! what's that all about Lol! I've tried and it doesn't seem to make much difference, I'm thinking I need to use up some stuff and not buy anything new but we both know that wont happen. Enjoy your new stash. Happy woyww, Angela x12x

Crafting With Jack said...

Love the colour of those alliums. The reflections in your globe are brilliant! It’s like an ominous bird coming into focus. Halloween springs to mind! Happy WOYWW. Angela #16

Lindart said...

We have some Alums in our garden, I love them! Lovely journal page, and awesome new stencils! Have fun with them! Have a wonderful week, Lindart #17 said...

Hi Helen, I like the look of your new stencils, especially on your journal page and those alliums are gorgeous!Happy woyww Michelle #14

Kathryn Frantz said...

Hello, Helen!
Still finding my way around here. I’m doing better with Blogger but Wordpress is fighting me🥹
Love that sphere, one could gaze at it all day.

Do you really kneel to craft? You must be in great shape and have good knees!

Happy Thursday!

Lisa-Jane Johnson said...

Great colours on your journal page. I adore aliums as they're such a stand out different plant aren't they? So sorry for the late visit! I got distracted part way through my list - oops! Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #13

Susan Renshaw said...

Finally I am getting round to visiting and commenting! Love that photo with the globe and sculpture! Happy WOYWW! Susan #5

Kelly said...

Good morning, Helen

I haven't let myself get into Dina's stuff. Another rabbit hole I'm doing my best to avoid but glad you're having fun.
Your post reminded me my Alium didn't come up this year. Hmm.
thanks for the visit.
Creative Blessings!
~ Kelly #15