Wednesday 17 May 2023

WOYWW 728 - happy anniversary to us!

 Hello lovely people.  the time has come to celebrate our 14th anniversary of WOYWW, dreamt up by Julia to nose at people's crafty spaces...  14 years, 728 weeks later, here we still are!  

I forgot to photograph all  the atc's I'd made for the swap until most of them were sealed in envelopes and winging their way to recipients...
Just a few left, waiting for swaps - one for my partner (unless that happens to be one I've already despatched) and 3 spares if anyone would like.  

I found my badges and the WOYWW stand that Mr D made for us a long time ago...
I had some early mail too - Annie and Jo, Jan and Lynne.  

Jan, your envelope had come unstuck at some stage so I hope nothing is missing.  

I feel bad now for not sending anything with my atcs, just the plain atc...

If you read my post from Kew at the weekend  (or happened to see my FB comment)  you will know I had a bit of a disaster ... 

suffice to say, I now have a new phone as the "dry it out in a bag of rice" trick didn't work... yes, reader, it fell out of my jeans pocket (where I never put it!)  into the loo...... and promptly died..

Kew was lovely though!! 

what does What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday mean?  

14 years of desk snooping, enabling, sharing, caring and friendships made - loved ones lost too, sadly,  ... Julia, you can never know how much it means to us all that you keep this going (and with much more manageable numbers, truth be told than in days gone by)  but we are real friends now, thanks to you - and to Jan -  for getting us together at the early crops (I still have the floor  sign you made for me) - all the chatting, all the cakes (oh boy, the cakes!) and the hugs ; even some crafting... Thank you, thank you thank you.

thank goodness for FB photos!  I couldn't find a photo in the blog report of the first crop. 

Happy WOYWW one and all!  



  1. SO glad you are getting my ATC Helen. Glad you have a new phone sorted too. Happy anniversary. Stay safe. Sarah #4

  2. Well done on fourteen years, we're celebrating the same at Allsorts this week, where does the time go?

    B x

  3. Fourteen years to celebrate and a 'beyond repair phone' to compensate. Sorry to hear about the accident, costly!!
    Hugs, Neet 14 xx

  4. I am below you and already have my ATC. I could have mailed mine as MY swap person is Cindy and I already have one for her so there would be no surprise ruined. Ah well. You did make me laugh at the floor sign. I do recall you sitting there at the crop. So fun to see those looks back. And is that a peony at Kew? Looks very like the one we have in our yard, but by now past it's best. Happy hopping and Happy 14th Anniversary WOYWW
    Mary Anne (6)

  5. Happy 14th WOYWW! What lovely words to sum up what this desky group means to us all, you really have caught the mood perfectly! I am vert grateful that I got the chance to meet up with all these amazing people whose paths I wouldn’t otherwise have crossed. I remember so well sniggering as I marked out the square on the floor of Burbage village hall with the masking tape and printing off the sign, it tickles me that you still have it all these years later! Thank you for always commenting on my blog and being such a good supporter.
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx
    PS That shot of the wisteria is fab!

  6. Lovely words Helen (I'm gonna be a soggy mess by lunchtime). I have an ATC set aside for you so that will go off today. Like you I never put my phone in my jeans pocket - because if I do it always ends up in the loo or crashing onto the tiled floor!! Fortunately my reactions have been pretty fast and I've been lucky not to have to replace it so far!! Happy WOYWW Anniversary, love n hugs Cindy #7 xx

  7. Hi Helen, you will know by now that phones don't like water. Sorry to hear about the misshap but wishing you a very happy woyww Anniversary. Hugs, Angela x15x

  8. Lovely words Helen. Thank you so much for the ATC, it's beautiful - I'll be posting mine out today as I wasn't as organised as I thought I was! Sorry to hear about your phone, what a disaster. The flowers are stunning so I'll be over later to have wander through Kew!
    Happy Anniversary and have a great week,
    Hugs, Diana xx #16

  9. Oh my goodness the phone what a pickle, glad you have a new one now. Always love your Kew photos, my alliums are about to open and my wisteria is in full bloom too. I went for a walk last week and found the perfect blossom to match my hair but unfortunately my hair needs dying now!! Anyway it's a Lilac. Good news is I found your address, I really need to put them all onto my phone contacts with a WOYWW label, bit behind the times here. Hugs BJ#18

  10. You’re right Helen, we are all good friends, and what I like is that we haven’t formed a clique with boundaries, anyone can dip in and out, whenever and be assured of a welcome! So sorry about your phone, what a bugger. But as you say, Kew was marvellous 🀩! Gosh May is such a good month in terms of renewal and promise in a garden isn’t it, thank goodness we have you to record it all and make me swoon over your photos. Thanks for your ATC, and don’t worry, for brevity I haven’t included notes or cards…just the facts in the envelope!

  11. Thanks for your lovely ATC, Helen. I’m sorry about your phone disaster and hope you haven’t lost anything.
    I’m so grateful you share your weekly visits to Kew, as I love seeing your photos. The baby ferns struck me this week.
    Happy ivory WOYWW anniversary
    Lynnecrafts 2

  12. That floor sign!!! I remember my first Crop . . . that space! so friendly you were and still are . . . happy days
    Thank you for my card, it arrived safely.
    have a good week and 'enjoy' your new phone . . .
    Christine #19

  13. Happppy Anniversary πŸ₯³πŸ€Έ‍♀️πŸ’• Helen πŸ€— such a joy to read your post ⭐️with such beauties through the postπŸ“­ loving your ATC's, if you have any left I would love to swap 😊 my email is
    I'm so sorry about your phone 😱 praying you had your photos backed up πŸ™ Such a joy it is to see each week your time at Kew. Sending much love and hugs Tracy #11 πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

  14. You kept saying you were going to share your buttons and you remembered this year. Loved seeing the sign they made for you at the first crop. I love that you sitting in it became your icon, too.

    Sorry I didn't make it to Kew this week. Life and a bum shoulder got in the way. Sorry to read about your phone. You made some lovely ATCs and you got some beauties, too. Happy Anniversary from # 3.

  15. I loved reading your interesting post. I am glad to be well enough to join in on this 14th Anniversary. Stay well. Kind regards from

  16. love your WOYWW display! happy 14! Robyn 1

  17. I'm late in the day and am only just getting around the blogs after a busy morning with little Louie and work.
    Happy 14th's to many more happy years of fun and friendship.
    Annie x #9

  18. Lovely words Helen - and love the floor sign! If you still have a spare ATC I would love to swap one with you. Happy WOYWW anniversary. Here's to friendship spanning across the web. Take care of yourself. With love & God Bless, Caro xx (#16)

  19. Really lovely ATCs Helen, time flies, I haven't been here all of the time but really appreciate the friendships made through WOYWW, hugs, Chrisx

  20. Hi Helen, I'm late but just wanted to say happy WOYWW 14. Your ATCs are lovely. I really enjoy reading your posts and love the photos from Kew too. That sign reserving your floorspace is proof, if proof is needed, that the crops are great fun. Have a good week. Elizabeth x #27

  21. Hello Helen . Oh dear re the phone. Your ATC'S are super. Take care. Anne x 20

  22. Such a shame about your phone! My son Tom dropped his once in the water that was at the back of our last house. HIS DAD jumped in and retrieved it (Tom just watched!) and fortunately it survied!
    Happy 14th! Susan #21

  23. Happy Anniversary Helen. My husband found a signal _ as long as the phone is upright! - in the corner of one window. Just enough signal to comment and send and receive emails. Sorry to hear about your phone, I hope you managed to get all the info of it. Angela #25

  24. Thanks so much for your ATC. I bet that was a right pain re your phone, what a mare! I remember Julia taping spaces on the floor for you on the crops over the years too :-)
    Thanks for visiting my desk already

  25. Wow! 14 years is very good going Helen! Happy anniversary to you all. Your ATCs look great, and lovely to see the ones you've received too.


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