Wednesday 10 May 2023


 Hello deskers!  time to join Julia at the Stamping-Ground for another WOYWW - just a week to go before the anniversary.  My atcs are ready and I still have some to swap. 

Did you watch the Coronation?  Wasn't it fabulous? We really do know how to put on a good show.  Beautiful music, costumes, bling, and the procession afterwards back to Buckingham Palace - what a sight! How the mounted musicians manage to ride and play whilst steering the horses with their feet, leaves me in awe!

But,  you're here to see a desk... or some crafting....

I made up a couple of birthday cards with the images from last week - this one is in the post -   

had to cut a bit off so it fitted the card blank - I remembered why I rarely use this gorgeous image now -   and added some splatters, because, why not...
the smaller image, was layered up.. and then didn't have a pre-made blank so had to go through the boxes of card to find a piece of blue card...

needless to say I now don't have an envelope to fit....

hey ho!  


My Kew day at the weekend, was Sunday - at least I didn't get wet -  

I do love an iris!  

Thanks for looking (hopefully this will save, my internet has been a bit iffy whilst writing this and keeps telling me it is failing to save..) 

I'll be round to see your desks soon.  

Happy WOYWW  


  1. I will try to make it to your latest Kew post before the weekend. LOVE those cards. Just awesome. I haven't even started my ATCs yet, but this year I am only making one for Julia and one for my PIF partner. I might make a spare in case my ATC doesn't get where it should.

    Yes, the coronation was quite impressive. I watched it from the beginning, not just the coronation ceremony. No number yet, but you know where I live!

  2. Hope you manage to sort an envelope Helen - it really is a lovely card. Glad Kew was dry for you. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #5

  3. Hi Helen, great Coronation loved it and loving the cards too. I'm sure you can make an envelope if necessary. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x10x

  4. Ha ha - I know the feeling - no matter how much stash we have we always seem to be short of the right size, colour or item. It's a good job we are clever folk and can make or adapt what we have. I love your cards. x x Jo

  5. I have that problem so often - cards fitting envelopes. Not to worry yu made two lovely cards.
    Take care, Hugs, Neet xx

  6. Beautiful cards, Helen. I loved your Sunday visit to Kew, the irises and the seeding Pasqueflowers especially.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 9

  7. I love your cards Helen - they are both beautiful but I have fallen in love with that butterfly stamp! The Coronation was a wonderful event and I agree that we really do know how to put on a show!
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana xx #16

  8. I hope you manage to sort out an envelope for your card Helen ✉️ it's a stunner ⭐️🀩😍❤️πŸ’• such beautiful butterflies πŸ¦‹ We sat by the side of the water at Lochore on Saturday and managed to catch some of the Coronation on my mobile πŸ‘‘ Gorgeous photos from Kew ... just look at that glass house 😍🀩 it's huuuuge, oh the treasures it must hold!!! Wishing you a wonderful week ahead ⭐️ much love and hugs Tracy #11 xxxx

  9. I enjoyed all the pageantry as well and felt very sorry for the tuba players who had to empty water from out of their instruments, lol!! Great cards, I’m sure you’ll be able to whip up a suitably sized envelope for that lovely card. Am looking forward to the anniversary swap next week!
    Hugs LLJ 12 xx

  10. I'm playing catch up with my favourite blogs now Louie has gone home. It's been a full on morning and I still have 2 customers to come yet [and their sewing to do of course].
    I love your cards and the Kew pics always make me smile....I love the iris.
    Annie x #8

  11. Internet problems are so frustrating! Lovely cards, yes some of their stamps are quite big. Happy WOYWW Angela - number less because I can’t link up!

  12. Beautiful cards, love the curly edged one especially, so different.
    have a good week
    Christine #21

  13. Oh the envelope thing..drives me nuts! And I hate having a bunch of odd sized envelopes hanging about, so am often caught out like this! Lovely cards though, worth having to make an envelope for it! Glad you caught Kew on a dry day, Saturday was really miserable here, Sunday was a total surprise, and relief to be honest!

  14. I guess if I am making up a card base I tend to start with an envelope! Hope you found one to fit or made one. Love the iris and yes the coronation was amazing. Have you got an ATC left to SWAP with me perchance. I ended up making 12 so have quite a few going spare. Hugs BJ#13

  15. Good morning, Helen!

    Is it just me or do I see a purple theme in the post this week? hehe. Love the image. We don't do the square cards here in the US. Postage is too high. Shame, too, as I've seen lovely layouts in the UK magazines. I wonder if that image is made for a 5x7 card - more rectangular? I have plenty of card blanks done. You're welcome to pilfer through and help me weed them down :-)
    Creative Blessings! ~Kelly #20

  16. (sigh) Late again, sadly seeming a trend, but well worth a visit, always. Love the cards and the stamp is wonderful. The shots of Kew. We managed Kingston Lacy and Wardour this week so got to see some lovely gardens.
    Determined to be on time this week for the anniversary!!
    Happy WOYWW (LATE again)
    Mary Anne (6)

  17. Super cards and that conservatory is one of my favourite parts of Kew.
    I still have a couple of ATCs to swap if you still do answer want to send to Australia.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #3

  18. Ah yes, they joys of not using a card blank and then realising the one you make is just slightly too big for the envelopes, sure we have all done that! Love that the early entry is back for Kew and loving the photos.


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