Wednesday 22 February 2023


 Welcome deskers, Wednesday again, and time for WOYWW.  

This week I have my new goodies to share...

Dina's new release - 6 neon paints, some stencils and some collage tissue.
I took advantage of ordering these, to get the new Distress inks a very pale grey - in fact so pale it doesn't seem to show up much - but I've not really played with it yet.
and some new ink foam pads the domed ones.

I did enjoy playing with the neon paints briefly though..

I used the paints through one of the stencils,  layering all 6 over one another and then on some cardstock before stamping and cutting out a Dina figure.

as I say, a very pale grey, on white card... 
looking forward to playing more though.

and so to  Kew on Saturday.  

a dull day, Saturday - typically Sunday was lovely and sunny!

lots of funghi in the woodland
and colour in the Temperate house.

Thanks for dropping by, I will catch your workspaces soon. Have a happy WOYWW


  1. Love funghi love snowdrops (wish I had a garden full of them) and that other plant looks interesting.
    That is an interesting page in your journal those paints are lovely and bright and look good used through the stencil like that. I decided not to go for the new colour, I hardly use Hickory Smoke so I thought 'why another one' and my London Fog (Momento) fills in for figure stamping now and then? Thanks for the heads up on the colour.
    Have a good week
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  2. I managed to pop by but leaving a generic comment as too much typing is still challenging. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  3. Are those neons quite matte? I have some neons that I really like, a mix of Pebeo and Sustem 3, but they do seem a bit ...not quite shiny, but def. not chalky. Wondering...Love the page. That orange flower? Wowza. It's fab!
    Happy on-time WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (5)

  4. I have a thing about Funghi, love photographing it and using it for all kinds of art work. You never know what you will find or where. Looks like you're in for fun with the new stash too. Still not sure about the new Distress colour though. Sending woyww hugs, Angela x9x

  5. It’s so nice to see the gardens coming to life again Helen.
    We have some beautiful snowdrops in ours at the moment and each year they spread a little wider
    Take care
    Lynn xx

  6. Oh now I didn't tag you as a Neon type of a gal! Love what you have done with the new paints though and how you used the stencil. Round stencils, now that is novel. I seem to need some more ink foam pads all mine are disintegrating. We have loads of snowdrops in the garden, it's snowdrop heaven out there just now, love it. My second orchid has decided to flower too so I have 4 blooms open now - LOL. Hugs BJ#12

  7. I love your page Helen, the stencils are fabulous especially with those gorgeous bright colours. I like the look of the new colour ink but it can be limiting to work with if it's too pale. Love the Kew pics and will pop over later.
    Happy WOYWW, hope you have a good week,
    Diana xx #14

  8. I really love those neon pops of colour, so very cheerful! I bet you’ll have loads of fun crafting with them. But I do love the pale grey which is the complete opposite! Weird huh?
    Hugs LLJ 3 xx

  9. Cyril (the squirrel) has eaten most of my bulbs this year, no particular variety, just likes digging them up and tucking in!!
    I bought a quite large amount of snowdrops in the green for the garden but it hasn't stopped him. It must've been a wonderful show of them at Kew.
    What a wonderful set of colours and I just loved the way you've tried them out . . . that page is gorgeous!
    Did you know I love bright colours . . . lol
    have a good week
    Christine #15

  10. Gorgeous bright colours to cheer us up Helen. x x Jo

  11. ooh interesting neon paints, they work well through the stencil too.
    Kew updates has been looking great and cant wait until I can get there again (was hoping to go a couple weeks back but sadly couldnt make it).

  12. Great journal page, love those colours. Have a great week. Angela #18

  13. I'm rather late in the day doing my's been another busy one for me.
    The new stash looks lovely....I'm sure you will enjoy playing with it all.
    Annie x # 6

  14. Love how you did your page! Although neons are not my favourite, they look very nice the way you used them! Are the snowdrops from your garden? I can't wait for ours to pop up! Right now everything is covered in snow :-( Have a great week, and thanks for your visit! Lindart #19

  15. Hellooo Helen, hoping your tucked up in bed dreaming the dreams as I type 😴 Those Dina paints are lush 😍 I'm thinking I might just treat myself πŸ™ƒπŸ˜Š loooving your page with that yummy background ❤️πŸ’ŸπŸ’• toooo your glorious photos ... my favourites the fungi ... loving walking at this time of year though the trees ... special it is. Sending you much love and hugs Tracy P.S I'll be back at a decent hour later to see what you've been up toooo πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ’›❤️πŸ’ŸπŸ’•


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