Wednesday 15 February 2023


 Welcome, deskers!  I hope this week finds you all well.  It's another Wednesday, so time for WOYWW and our desk sharing day.

this is the sum total of my crafty endeavours this week!  

One stencilled piece of paper!  I am quite impressed with my stencil matching skills though, as the stencil only fills about 2/3 of the paper but lines up really well.

Monday saw the release date for some new Dina Wakley products which (ahem) I ordered immediately, along with the new Distress ink pads,  such a beautiful soft looking grey.

In the absence of anything more exciting, I'll add a few photos from Kew on Saturday as well as the link to the full post (it's another long one!) 

if you read the Kew post last week, this is the bit we missed!!  
it's massive, how can you miss this gorilla!!  

Hopefully next week there'll be a bit more crafting (with new goodies!)  

thanks for dropping by, and I'll be round to see your desk soon.  
Happy WOYWW   


  1. I can see I am going to have to visit your Kew posts to see what it is all about with the animals (well gorilla and bird).
    Love the stencilling and what a darned good job you made of it.
    See you next week with new stuff.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  2. I do hope the new goodies arrive soon so you can have a play Helen. Great stencil matching indeed and an amazing display at Kew. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

  3. The plant creatures at Kew are quite impressive and no can't see any joins with the stencilling. Hugs BJ#4

  4. What patience to get that stencilling so perfectly matched. Your Kew pictures are so lovely. x x Jo

  5. That stencil has really matched up well but the artist might have something to do with the finish I think, well done. Loving the Kew pics too. Happy creative woyww, Angela x10x

  6. I thought that was a printed piece of paper not a stencil! How satisfying to match up the pattern so precisely. Love the pics from Kew, don’t worry about missing that massive Gorilla, I’d probably have done the same!
    Hugs LLJ 9 xxx

  7. He’s a pretty well disguised a gorilla, despite his huge-ness! Loving the stencilled page, my word it looks like a piece of printed wrapping paper from my screen, great steady hand work! In order to be on a stash diet I have made myself off grid with new release notifications and am really having to work hard to stop myself going to have a look at the DW stuff, even though I rarely buy her range, too scary for me!

  8. Fascinating artwork at Kew Helen. Nice improvement Monday and was so nice to see Bobby back in action (yes Hero worship).

    B x

  9. The stencilling was very precise, Helen. Your photos of Kew this week were stunning, the magnificent orchids and animals and the witch hazel were most impressive. I liked the giraffe best, too.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 12 x

  10. Love that bird . . . . popped over to Kew . . . what super photos and all those animals . . . Giraffes remind me of Peter, he would've booked a weekend away for this!!
    Still love that bird . . . so scruffy . . . must be windy over there! lol
    Have a good week
    Christine #15

  11. Love that stencil and you have made such a good job of matching it up!! As for Kew - fantastic pics as always. Happy WOYWW, love n hugs Cindy xx #11

  12. Hope your new stash come soon and you enjoy playing with them. I love the Kew photos.
    Annie x #7

  13. Your stencilling is perfection, I wish my stencilling was as good. Happy WOYWW. Angela #14

  14. I hope that with this fabulous start to your page you will link to Art Journal Journey when it's finished. I'll be taking a look at Kew soon, hugs, Chrisx

  15. That gorilla! Oh my :D I think I like the bird better but they are both fab - as is your stenciling. and of COURSE you got the Dina release LOL! I will watch what you do with them and drool with envy, I'm sure.
    Late in, but on the day!
    Mary Anne (5)

  16. You got quite impressing stencil skills... it looks like it's done with one big stencil! And oooh, that white bird... lovely! Thanks for your visit to my blog yesterday, have a great week! Hug from Holland. Marit #6

  17. I love that bird, kind of "Pig Pen" of the bird world. A the gorilla is impressive! That is a lovely stencil, looking forward to what comes next on that page! Have a great week, Lindart #19

  18. Good morning, Helen
    Oh my goodness. that gorilla is so beautifully done. Talented folks there at Kew. I haven't gotten into Dina Wakely except for some sprays. Timmy costs me enough LOL Creative Blessings! ~ Kelly #17


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