Wednesday 25 January 2023


 Wow, Wednesday again... desk sharing day  WOYWW  again.  I can't quite believe this is the last Wednesday in January already!

I've been playing with the Stencil Girl stencils still... 

made another birthday card
and some more with the poppy seed heads, slightly different colourways to before 

 really really like these 2 stencils!  
I also received a die in a giveaway from a blog I follow 
that I didn't even realise i was in for a giveaway!
not tested it yet 

I had a great morning at Kew last Saturday - it was pretty cold but dry - yay! and the sky was so blue - yay! and the sun was out  double yay! - made such a difference! 

Took loads of photos that you can see here 

I know several of you will have seen them from the FB link  

the pond (and the lake) were frozen again

and my Kew buddy Kim and I were able to play shadow pics for the first time in weeks!

and we got some great photos of the robin in the Temperate House, he was a right  little poser!

thanks for popping in, I'll be round to visit as soon as I can. but I hope you are all well.  Happy WOYWW! 

I "might" have ordered some of the new Paperartsy stamps/stencils that are being released this week... 2 days down, 2 to go... wonder if there'l be a second order! 


  1. Hi Helen. Loving the photos and the stencil cards look like you've had fun playing too. I woulsd love to see how the die performs. Have a very happy and hopefully some creative woyww time. Hugs Angela x10x

  2. What a lovely surprise that die must have been.
    Great photos and Kew looks beautiful.
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  3. Wow, I love that birthday card and those stencils are fabulous, what great pages. What a nice surprise to receive the die, it looks interesting but I can't figure out which bits cut out and which bits stay, if you get my drift!
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana xx #15

  4. Those poppy see head stencils are fabulous, I bet you’ll get a lot of use out of those. I like that die you won too, the curlicues in the design appeal to me! Glad you had another good day at Kew, the robin made me smile!
    HUgs LLJ 6 xxx

  5. Super cards! You're certainly getting value from those stencils.
    Brill photos from Kew again. Love how the sun's small bit of warmth changed the look of things.
    have a good day
    Christine #19

  6. Your birds of a feather card is fab - as is that wonderful little robin photo - you could make Christmas cards with that! xx Jo

  7. The poppy seed head cards are fab but I have to say the little Robin stole my heart.
    Annie x # 8

  8. Super card Helen!! congrats on your win - even better when you didn't know you'd entered! I love cheeky robins - no wonder they always top the polls they are such characters. Lovely to see your shadows but we'r back to the grey drizzly stuff here today. Happy WOYWW, have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx #13

  9. Great cards, well done for winning a prize. I am intrigued how it will look. Beautiful Robin. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

  10. Hi Helen! Your robins are so different from ours! Our are bigger and have a very big red breast. Haven't need any lately, but sometimes we see them in the winter. These days we see a lot of snow buntings and chickadees, which keep the cats entertained! Your card is lovely, I've always liked the birds on the wire stamps. We still have lots of snow, and expecting more today, so no shadows for us for awhile! Have a great week, enjoy your new die! Lindart #22

  11. Gorgeous robin and what a super freebie die too, love it. I'm still loving your new stencils as well you make such super cards. Glad Kew was dry for you! Hugs BJ#14

  12. as a Robyn - thanks for the photo! you do get a lot of bang for your buck with stencils. and with digital I often make my own! Robyn 3

  13. How I love that poppy seed head stencil Helen 🥰🤩⭐️ whoot whoot on winning the giveaway stencil 🤸how fab is that!! Gorgeous photos from your happppy day at Kew 🤸☀️yaay for good weather ... we were at Lochore on Saturday,the Loch was frozen ... the swans and seagulls all could be seen as if magically walking on water ⭐️ Wishing you a fabulous week ahead with love and hugs Tracy #21 xxx Thank yooou so much for your beautiful words over on mine 😊 xxxx

  14. Gorgeous photos and the cards are lovely. Happy belated WOYWW. Take care of yourself. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#17)

  15. Hi Helen, thanks for pooping in even though I turned up late. All day thought it was Wed till three hours after publishing figured I was a day late! Der!
    Lovely robin briliant! Great cards too!
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  16. Of course there will be a second order, I’m counting on it! I love the seed head stencil too, and the way you’ve stencilled on the birthday card at angles, great way to use the stencil, you clever stick. As for the ice at Kew, I’m so over the cold now, I know it’s winter but really!!

  17. ooh loving the stencil cards, especially the first one, lovely. Loving your Kew photos and great you have been able to finally do shadow photos too. As to a 2nd order, can we place our bets ;-), lol


  18. Oh I am with you on the seed heads. I have something a bit like them I cut but these are really cute. Always love seeing your pages, but once again health, computer issues and household chaos kept me from you on the day. Was halfway thru my comment on Neet's blog when my Mac said I was out of space! Panic ensued. Sorted over the weekend but ugh! Happy to get back to see your Kew photos as they always lift my spirits.
    HAPPY late WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (5)

  19. I'm terribly late, so sorry, Helen! Loving your journal pages - the poppy heads are so cool - a favourite motif of mine too! Looks like you had really good weather for Kews, albeit a bit on the cool side. What a great shot of the little robin (that doesn't sound good LOL - you didn't "shoot" the robin! - goes well with my fox - both red! Hope you've had a lovely week! xx zsuzsa from last week


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