Wednesday 18 January 2023

WOYWW 711 on a roll

Welcome deskers - Wednesday already again.. time for WOYWW  with Julia at the Stamping-Ground. All welcome.

I was on a bit of a roll on Sunday, had some birthday cards to make and decided to play with the new stencils from a couple of weeks ago.

the recipients won't see this post as although they're crafters they don't check my blog,,,

the first is for a friend who is nursing her husband in his final weeks and so "happy" birthday didn't seem appropriate for a sentiment....

the colours are bundled sage and speckled egg distress oxide,  and a small sweep of frayed burlap for shading

this is speckled egg for the stencilling on the background and the stamping is medieval blue  (versafine clair) 

a chance to use the new Paperartsy set I got before Christmas

then I went to the journals...

 one of Dina's supporters that I follow on You Tube (Claire Stead, art_journal love)  shared her love of this colour combination a while ago - peacock, turquoise and orchid paints (Dina's paints) 

the stencil is the new "twisted forest" from Stencil Girl from a couple  of weeks ago.

and I used it randomly over a black background in the journal -  love the colours over black!

Claire also inspired this one, which is a work in progress,  just black and white.. stencils by Dina, over black.  

will add some stamping at some stage... probably!
and again, the first stencil, the poppy seed heads, in a different colourway, on watercolour paper

I think these were uncharted mariner and villainous potion as watercolours 

Not had such a productive time for ages!

Finally Kew on Saturday - a bit of rain, but missed the one torrential downpour by timing a walk through the Temperate House at just the right ten minutes!

love the shapes of the Monkey Puzzle tree branches 
inside the Temperate House during the downpour.

Thanks for looking,  I'll be along shortly....

Happy WOYWW  


  1. What a great selection today Helen. I particularly love the black and white journal pages on the kraft card. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

  2. What a relief is all I'll say beyond love the Poppy seed heads.

    B x

  3. Morning Helen, you have been busy, just love the ones with the poppy heads

  4. Enjoyed your color combo's and paint choices, all your photos are beautiful. I need to set one day a week to use stencils/paints, I love the results. Enjoy a great weekend. Happy WOYWW

  5. Hi Helen you certainly are on a role, well done. I know I say this at the beginning of every year but I will try to get going with the Art Journalling again....I know don't laugh. Have a lovely woyww and sending hugs, Angela x11x

  6. Fantastic crafting on show today, love the colour combos and I think you got that first card perfectly, just the right sentiment for your friend.
    Hugs LLJ 7 xxx

  7. Good morning Helen 🤗 so good to be popping by 💕 what a gorgeous array of cards you've created ❤ your friend will appreciate your card created and sent with such love,knowing you're thinking of them both. Beautiful to see all you've created,gorgeous course throughout ... I'm really drawn to the poppy stencil 🥰 I've missed visiting and seeing your photos from Kew, always such a joy💕 Sending much love and hugs Tracy #14 xxx

  8. Good morning Helen, what a wonderful array of art you have on display today. Great cards and journal pages. Love those colours, amazing over black. I don’t think I have ever used black as a background, demystify try it! Happy WOYWW Angela #12

  9. Always amazed at how much you have on the go. I agree with the card conflict and your solution is one worth remembering. Sad for your friend, but marking the day, letting them know you are thinking of them, is worth doing. Some fab AJ goodies too, and new stencils that I will resist! You are my downfall, very week....
    Mary Anne (4)

  10. Lovely journal pages. Those poppy head cards are great. I loved your Kew visit. The monkey puzzle branches are very attractive but I’m always amazed by how much colour they manage in midwinter. The Japanese garden looks like it will be lovely soon.
    The ‘look up now’ notice worked very well in your reverse order!
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 15

  11. Great post! Love your cards, beautiful colours.
    Love the black twisted trees stencilled page, will you be stamping in white?
    What are the pink flowers in your photos from Kew? Now you'll have to go back and look for the label . . hee! hee!
    Have a good week
    Christine #18

  12. Nice cards using stencils and also I love your photos!

  13. Wow that's you back being creative with a vengeance!! Love all of it and that colour combo is lush. Sorry to hear of your friend's situation - good of you to be so thoughtful. Happy WOYWW. love n hugs Cindyxx #13

  14. What a busy week you've had. I really love those poppy seed head cards.
    Annie x # 5

  15. Loving the cards and journal pages, all so pretty. Happy WOYWW. Take care and look after yourself. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx

  16. You have put me to shame with all that crafting. Great cards and a good idea on the wording on the first one. I often use 'thinking of you' on cards when I find it difficult to write what would generally be the sentiment.
    Love those colours on black, can see that becoming a favourite.
    Have a great week, Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  17. Lovely card, I'm sure she will appreciate it. It must be so difficult to be in her position. Loving all your journal pages and colour combos! I especially like the one with black in the middle and orange top and bottom. You've been a busy girl! Have a great week, Lindart #20

  18. I love that poppy head design Helen - very versatile I think. You have been busy and beautifully creative this week! x x Jo

  19. Super duper cards Helen, especially like the twisted forest colours over black in your journal. Hugs BJ#17

  20. Aaaa nnnnddddd, she’s back! Gracious talk about getting your mojo out and covering it with ink! Fab cards Helen, and truly a generous thought behind the Sent with Love sentiment on the seed head card. It’s a great image isn’t it. I also really like the medieval blue ink…just when I thought I was getting through a January without any hankerings!!

  21. Gorgeous makes today. Love all your stencilling. If I had to choose a favourite I would go for the muted colours and poppy heads!
    Happy WOYWW! Susan #8


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