Wednesday 2 November 2022


 Welcome to week 700 of What's On Your Workshop? Wednesday... a big number deserves a full title.  A big thank you must go to Julia for keeping going all this time..   

I've been scrolling back through my posts for the first time I joined in - couldn't , due to lack of labelling but found one in feb 2010  and then going back to Julia's blog found it - 27 Jan 2010 but no week number!  

nothing's change though, still working on my knees on the floor and still surrounded by mess!  possibly a bit more of that now than all those weeks ago.  

So, let's see what's been happening this week.  

oh, shopping!! now there's something else that hasn't changed!
more Dina goodies...stencils, new brushes, transparencies..

I have my eye on the latest Tim Holtz distress colour, a lovely red.  I might go shopping before next week! 

It rather belatedly occurred to me that I should have started making Christmas cards some time ago!  so at the weekend, after seeing the new distress colour I got out some reds of my own..

and some overstamping with one of my favourite Magenta wooden stamps 
I'll cut it up for some card backgrounds - it's a start!  

and because it's "desk" sharing day... a "desk"  

Kew on Saturday was beautiful, warm, really warm for late October... and so much funghi.. 

this weekend the forecast really is for rain!  ah well...

So, happy week 700 to us all - not an anniversary as such but a huge achievement. - put the kettle on, see you soon!  


  1. You have been joining in for far longer than I have Helen. I can't wait for my Lumberjack Plaid to arrive either. Still waiting for a proper peach colour though. Loving the card background masterboard in red. Stay safe and Happy WOwyw. Sarah #1

  2. Oh you got me looking up where I started joining in. Only created my Blog in March 2011, mainly to post Tim Holtz stuff. Must have been visiting desks a while before I posted by what I wrote but my actual first post was in March 2012 #145. Loving the red and overstamped backing masterboard super job, love stencils, had mine out a lot these days with all my journaling! Mine all fit in a long Ferrero Rocher box which just happens to be on my desk today, except my most recent one which is too big! Happy 700th WOYWW BJ#5

  3. Hi Helen I know I started blogging in 2013 but not sure when I started woyww and need to have a look back. like you I think I should have started my C. cards earlier but I'm working on it now. Have to admit to ordering the new red after saying I didn't need it but it does look different to the others so we'll see. Have a lovely creative woyww, Angela x8x

  4. I wasn't too late in joining, in November of 2009, but I had a big gap in the middle when my health was pretty rocky. I love looking back even just to my own old posts - so amazing what Julia (along with all of us) created. Just think - that first post might not have resonated and then we would not know what we were missing!! And can I just say ugh! mushrooms. Bleeh.
    Happy 700th WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (4)

  5. I love the background you made to chop up for your "C" Cards.
    No0t sure about the new red as there are so many already and I wonder do I need another one. For the meantime I am holding off. I spent too much at weekend.
    Mind you, seeing your spend it made me feel a little better, and strangely enough both our current addictions begin with the letter "L".
    Take care, enjoy the party on WOYWW.
    Hugs, Neet 16 (who slept in this morning?)

  6. Happy 700! I think we’ve commented on each other’s posts since I joined, long may that continue! Love the mastboard you’ve made, that’ll make some nice C cards, very vintage looking.
    Hugs LLJ 6 xx

  7. Your Kew photographs are amazing. Your new stash looks very inviting! Happy 700 WOYWW. Angela #13

  8. Like you I had far less stash back when I joined in but am really trying not to add to it . . . the new colour is VERY tempting but . . .
    Love that background paper, looks great for cards. . . and those stencils . . . ooooh!
    Have a good week
    Christine #19

  9. We saw loads of fungi when we were up in Yorkshire. Cold wet and windy here today! I always chuckle at your full desk pic - I remember that photo of your space on the floor at the crop one year happy crafting. xx Jo

  10. Well with everyone saying when they started I had to go and look too - well, that took a while!! As far as I can make it was early Jan 2011 but I have not always been a regular as you know. Didn't know there was a new TH 'Red' - mind you, looking back at my desk I am stunned as to how to long I have had those inks!! Good luck with the Crimbo cards, the bg is stunning. Have a good week, Love n hugs Cindyxx #14

  11. Hi Helen! I like that new "Lumberjack Red"- very Canadian! I always love seeing your shopping, I wish I could shop like that! Aren't fungi beautiful! I love mushrooms! Have a great week, Lindart #22

  12. Hello Helen, I am loving your background for your cards ... lush merry colour and gorgeous stamp ⭐️ tooo the gorgeous fungi ... magical they are. Thank you for your kind words over on mine earlier 🙏Sending love and hugs Tracy #15 xxxx

  13. I reckon you’re the longest contributor now, and how did we get to 700 anyway!! Back in the day, I didn’t even bother numbering the weeks, didn’t think it was important, and I remember when people asked I wondered why…now I can’t imagine not knowing! Your Christmas card background is gorgeous already and just makes me a bit more panicked to be honest!! I love that Magenta stamp. Actuall, I don’t expect there’s a Magenta image in your collection that I don’t love! Kew pics are wonderful, isn’t fungi fascinating!!

  14. Hi there.
    Only 2 days late in visiting!! Everyone seems to think I am a bit mad doing all this visiting - but it is honestly only the second time this year that I have done so much!! Have hardly seen my family and friends all year.
    I love that background for your Christmas cards!! A great start. Well done. I'm not really organised for Christmas - just for this visit to friends and family!!!
    A friend from church said last night that she and her hubby went to Kew last Sunday - and it was beautiful
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #7

  15. Happy 700th woyww! I am late with my visit but I managed to squeeze some time to look at desks this morning, and I like what I see! That red, stamped paper will make a wonderful background for X-mas cards, well done! Have a great day/weekend dear. Love from the Netherlands. Marit #2

  16. Must go back and see how long I have been with you. My attendance record won't be as good as yours though! You are not the only one surrounded by mess on the floor, tables and chairs! At least you get away from it every Saturday. Happy 700. Ani

  17. Hi Helen, Marit had me looking back for my first WOYWW post and I can tell you it was Week 71, about 9 months or so after yours. So I reckon you started around week 34. You're not the only one that hasn't really got going on Christmas yet. Somehow, I've no enthusiasm for it even though we've been seeing adverts on TV for weeks. I've been spotting lots of fungi growing in neighbouring lawns, including a few fairy rings. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Elizabeth x #23

  18. I am a lapsed desker... So pleased to see you are still here and still going strong, though I fear your knees might give in with working on the floor for all these years! I popped in to see if WOYWW was still going and am pleased to see it is and happened to arrive on the 700th week! Good grief! Well done to you for sticking with it for all these years.


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