Wednesday 26 October 2022


 week 699 - wow!  another milestone next week in the blog-fest fun that is WOYWW   Join the fun at the Stamping-Ground    I can't quite believe it's November next week... 

Before that though, is this week's desk.  

I finished last week's journal page -  combined the Halloween (bats) with the autumn leaves 

when i was doing the page above and trying to darken the top circle I poured out too much ruby paint so used it up on my A5 journal - I still love this journal size even though the pages are quite thin

added some more brush strokes and some stencilling ; on the left page is one of Dina's face stamps, on the right some of her collage tissue. 

As usual, I have yet to finish it...

Was lucky at Kew last Saturday that the rain held off (but had rained a lot beforehand so my feet got very wet)  

the mushrooms were out in force too
and the entrance was covered in the most gorgeous red of the Virginia creeper

Thanks for looking,  I'll be round to catch your desks soon (although once again possibly not until after work)


  1. What a difference those bats made to your journal page - a lovely contrast with the black brings it to life.
    Love Virginia Creeper when I see it and you certainly saw a spectacular display.
    Hugs Neet xx

  2. Thanks for the early visit Helen - love the finished journal page a great combination. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #11

  3. Hi Helen, loving the finished page an can't wait to see what you do with then
    next one. We have loads of mushrooms popping up in the park too. Wishing you a very happy woyww. Hugs, Angela x13x

  4. We have a Virginia Creeper that we’ve moved, uprooted, chainswed off at the base and now pretty much ignore except for cutting it to keep control. I know it looks fantastic but seriously, it’s a lot of work, and at this point, will survive a nuclear attack, so there will be something green left! I’m glad that you got to Kew between rain storms, it was seriously wet here, no wonder your poor feet suffered. One of my pet hates is that, wet feet…I would have had to go home early! Really like the Halloween influenced page, clever move! I like too that your little journal page is as yet unfinished…I would be horrified if you were finishing both sets of journal work at a time…that’s just not your process.

  5. LOL! The whole side of our house used to be covered in Virginia Creeper, but as it was wrecking the pointing and damaging the stone we had to remove it. Sad, cause it was pretty. Loving the journal pages, as eve, and bit of luck with the rain (or lack of!)
    Happy WOYWW Day!
    Mary Anne (6)

  6. Love the Halloween LO, the little bats are very cute. Love the fungi pic, if you have time take a look at Guy Edwardes website, he does some truly extraordinary close ups of fungus and some wonderful landscapes too.
    HUgs LLJ 7 xxx

  7. Great Halloween finish to your journal page. Lovely red creeper. My husband told me yesterday he has been seeing red toadstools for the past few weeks in the woods where he walks. It’s not somewhere I can get to, but I told him to take pictures next time. I don’t expect he will remember! Happy WOYWW. Angela #5

  8. A great Halloween touch to your journal page Helen. Your Kew photos were lovely, particularly the water droplets on the smoke tree and the glorious autumn colours.
    You were lucky to miss the rain; it absolutely poured down here in Kent on Saturday morning!
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 15

  9. It's been one of those mornings for me...the lady coming for the two memory bears forgot to come! and the bridesmaid came with the bride for he fitting and they wanted a memory bear too....I guess some you win and some you lose. I've now made the memory bear and she's really rather special [will show and tell in 2 weeks].
    I really love the batty journal page.
    Annie x #8

  10. Bats and autumn leaves - doesn't get more Halloween than that! I've noticed lots of mushrooms around too - it must be all that rain! Happy WOYWW, Helen! xx zsuzsa #18

  11. Love the Alice Walker quote, so true and love the leaves and bats you added to your circles, super page. Yep loads of fungi around this year, love your photo of them. BJ#10

  12. Hi Helen, love your autumnal page - the bats look the perfect embellishments. You've reminded me of the Russian vine growing in the garden we've just left. I hope it's glowing too. Have a fabulous week. Hugs xx Elizabeth #21

  13. The bats and pumpkins look fab Helen - it's a striking colour combo isn't it. xx Jo

  14. Morning Helen. That Virginia creeper is stunning - I must get down the Conwy valley - there's a cafe there that always looks amazing in the autumn sunshine... yep - more virginia creeper! Glad you had such a good time at Kew - yes - the mushrooms were indeed out in force. beautiful
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  15. I love the colors of the 'halloween page', Autumn at it's best! And so is the Virginia creeper... we have one growing around the corner from where I live, against a middle aged wall on a small square with a fountain in the middle... it feels like walking in ancient times when I pass by. I love joining woyww this week after a long time absence; it's good to see what everyone's up to and catch up a bit. Have a great day dear, love from Holland. Marit #3


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