Wednesday 7 September 2022


 Morning  deskers, time for another week's WOYWW     We're edging closer to our crop, I must do some travel sorting!!   I have accommodation sorted thanks to Julia but right now no idea how I'm getting there. 

But first, some crafting!  I was watching YouTube on Sunday morning as I often do, in bed on my phone (useless, screen is too small for that really but I don't have a tablet or laptop). Anyhow, I saw something that inspired me and I was up and at it! 

the background on the journal page already had a gloss spray of the flowery stencil on it and I just went in over the top with more stencilled layers

it is a very loose interpretation of my visit to the Tower of London to see the Superbloom planting for the Queen's jubilee.  (pics of the real thing here)

I even used the foam alphabet stamps (Tim Holtz) for the first time yay!

then later on another page,

again, some of the pink background was already down,  leftover from something or other.

the faces were already stamped from an earlier session (a Dina Wakley supporter demo probably)

Had another lovely visit to Kew on Saturday - a first real taste of autumn mist in the air, just gorgeous!  pics here 

and as I shared to FB at the time - double shadows just for Julia!  (my buddy Kim from the regulars group on the left, me on the right)

both equally laden with camera equipment!  

Thanks for looking, happy Wednesday.   


  1. Yay, glad you have been inspired this week Helen. Great pages - I love the pink layered background dor the superblooms. Always a bonus when you use something for the first time too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  2. Absolutely adore the superbloom page it's amazing, good old YouTube. The faces represent my week LOL, I'm moving churches but from everything else it is a bit difficult - Oh my! yep definite Autumn in the air, loving it despite still being HOT - when will this end? BJ#5

  3. That floral background is certainly reminiscent of the Tower of London wildflowers! Like the Dina Wakley faces too - I think I have those stamps.
    Happy WOYWW! Susan #7

  4. Loving the new pages and nice to see you have a pal to play with especially as you look as though you have so much in common with the cameras. Wishing you a very happy and productive woyww, Angela x10x

  5. Morning Helen. I love the flowered page. Gorgeous! Glad you had such a good visit to Kew. One of these days I will get there again!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #11

  6. Hi Helen. Love the flowery background page. Just looked at the Kew photos, stunning. I love Autumn - 'mist and mellow fruitfulness' Take care. Anne x 11

  7. You just reminded me `I did a photo of our shadows the other week and never posted it.
    My word you have been a busy bee crafting wise. I love the first page you show us with all those gorgeous flowers. That reminded me I have some foam letter stamps that I used to love but I rarely use these days - I must get them out - I know exactly where they are. Thanks!
    Great journaling.
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  8. The super loom pages are brilliant and look just like a meadow of flowers, gorgeous! Yay for using new stash too. I love this time of year now the crazy temps have gone, the long shadows were fun!
    Hugs LLJ 4 xxx

  9. Good morning Helen 🤗such beautiful pages with the flowers 💮🌼💐🌷🏵🌱🌿 you have been busy! Autumn is most definitely in the air 🍂🍁🍂🍁 love to hear about your visits to Kew. Wishing you a fabulous week ahead with love and hugs Tracy #12 xxxx

  10. Hi Helen, your superbloom pages are lovely. Thanks for sharing your Kew visit again. I so enjoy your visits. That little orchidy woodland flower was so beautiful that I think it’s my favourite this week. Enjoy your lie-in on Saturday!
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 15

  11. Hi Helen, loving the colour on you superbloom pages and that last photograph. The raindrops are lovely on the daises. Happy WOYWW. Angela #16

  12. Your flowery journal pages are gorgeous Helen - what a bit of inspiration can do! xx Jo

  13. Isn't you tube wonderful! It is my go-to when I am feeling down with no inspiration. It never fails! I love your page of flowers - it looks better than the real thing I think, but it does bring your memory back to that day and that is a good thing. The faces look very could turn in into a Halloween or October page! Have a great week, and thanks for your visit, Lindart #18

  14. Great pages! Love the double shadows and the flowers!
    Carol N #17

  15. hi, Helen, thanks for the earlier visit. Love the flowery page! Yes we should talk about crop as soon as I’m back. Have a good week, Cindy xx


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