Wednesday 29 September 2021


 Welcome back, it's another Wednesday so time for the best day of the week and WOYWW

Even less than last week, truth be told... back at work after my week off  and it feels like I wasn't off at all..

I spent a little time trying out the star wreath die I bought a few weeks ago - and they turned into 2 Christmas cards

they cut really well 

and I think they'll be quite useful  - although the tiny stars are a right pain to stick on (they fall out very readily)

I had a day in London playing tourist last week too - pics here  

It's been 2 years since i had a day in London because of Covid last year - was great to be back!

Of course I finished my week off with another morning at Kew and this week coming it will be back to arriving for 10 o'clock 

thanks for looking - I'll be over to visit your desks soon.  


  1. I expect to be seeing a lot of Xmas cards in the next few weeks on Woyww! I should think about maybe making a start but I’m. It ready for that quite yet! Love the die tho and glad you enjoyed your tourist day!
    Mary Anne

  2. Glad you had a good week off Helen, even if not much crafting was done. The day out in London looked great from seeing the photos on FB. Enjoy Kew (and more of a lie in) on Saturday. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  3. Glad you managed to get out and about in your week off. Remember taking my grandson to London about 8 years ago and he didn't know anything about the history etc. Apparently they don't teach things like that in school. Just where the Queen lived, tower of london, Downing st. etc. Ani

  4. You are good to get out and about on your hols, I’d have probably laid in bed to pill mid morning most days, we are so different! Love that last pic, we have some of those yellow daisy things, they are so striking, and in numbers like that against the clouds of erm..the white things, they look gorgeous. Meanwhile, you’ve made more Christmas cards than me too, and I love the die. Made me laugh about the little stars…they wouldnt be added to my cards!

  5. Oh I like that die every much, it makes a great simple elegant card - that would be the one I’d go for too! Glad you enjoyed your week ‘off’, that final pic from Kew is brilliant!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xx

  6. Nice looking die. I'm making Pinwheel Tower cards at the moment trying to get myself in the mood for Christmas cards again. Pleased you enjoyed your day out and hope this is a happy woyww for you. Hugs, Angela x14x

  7. Glad you had a productive week with some nice visits in as well. Like that star card - fiddly or not it is lovely.
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx

  8. Hi Helen.
    A motivational desky stare.. I’m working in same direction too. Great you could go to London for a day, YAY! and great Kew Shots too.
    Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, prayer hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  9. I really like those star wreaths. Of course I like the horses in your photographs even more. They are just fabulous, their coats so glossy. Beautiful. Have a great week Angela #7

  10. Great start on your Christmas cards - I know the feeling when you go back to work after a "holiday" - it's like it never happened - you might as well have just worked. Lovely shots of London - brought back memories. Have a lovely week, Helen! xx zsuzsa #21

  11. Good morning, Helen
    Your Christmas cards remind me of ones from when I was little.. with the decorative edges. I may just do that instead of a fold card for my world cardmaking day video on Saturday. thanks for the inspiration! I think of you every Sunday evening. I attend an online craft sale and Madi most always has postcards from Kew up for grabs. She is SpectrumArtCreations-Madi on YouTube. Her air time is late for you... 8 p.m. your time I believe.

    Creative Blessings Kelly #22

  12. Loved to hear you made the best of your week off. I hope you got some rest and you settle back into work well. Love the Christmas cards.
    Annie x #8

  13. Glad you enjoyed your week off Helen. Great Kew photos- I loved the asters and the water lily.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 11

  14. Hi Helen! That is a very cool die you've got! Makes great Christmas Cards! I know what you mean by a week off feeling like you haven't been away. I'm convinced you need 2-3 weeks off before we get the results we want from a week of! I'm glad you were able to visit London (a place I've never been!), and the fountain picture is beautiful! Have a great week, Lindart #25

  15. I love the London holiday pics - it's ages since I went sight seeing and snapping in London. Your little ring of stars will be useful for all sorts of sparkly occasions. xx Jo

  16. It's a very elegant and effective die Helen. Lucky number 5 this week.

    B x

  17. Cool die!
    Checked out your London photos, wow!
    Hope you have a wonderful week!
    Carol N #23

  18. wanna hear something funny? ( I had the idea you lived in London...) so, it struck me funny that you went there to play tourist. That is a cool die. ~Stacy #26

  19. ooh that is a good die, yes I bet that will be used a lot. Just popped over to see your photos, lovely, I cant believe I havent been to town since Feb 2020!! Kyla

  20. That is a fantastic die resulting in fabulous cards. So glad you had a good time in London. Happy belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#16)

  21. The star wreath is a lovely die, Helen. I like the look of wreaths which seem to be fashionable at the moment - they make lovely frames for sentiments. Thank you for your visit, and I'm glad you enjoyed my various antics this week. Thank you also for your good wishes for the aftermath of my treatment - I think my skin is finally starting to get a bit better today as it's been less itchy and I've been less aware of it for most of the day, which has to be a good sign. They told me it would be at its worst about a fortnight after the end of the treatment so I think I can look forward to it being better from now on. I haven't noticed any great increase in my normal fatigue levels, either, which is all to the good!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #19

  22. Oh gosh so late this week (eeek last week) don't think I've had the PC on since Wednesday's link up.

    Loving your star wreath die, now that's my kinda thing...

    Hand and wrist still sore seeing the consultant this evening for my dressing off proper, hoping it's all OK, although still not using it much.

    We'll see. BJ#10


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