Wednesday 22 September 2021


 Welcome to Wednesday and desk day - I may be late linking as I am on holiday from work (although so far I've not slept past 6am much as normal)   

I've not got anything much crafty to share apart from some some play time with a Stencil Girl stencil and the Dina Wakley gloss sprays...

started in a journal and some tags, then flip the stencil onto more tags and journal page to use up the spray on the stencil
this is my favourite

then some new goodies turned up on Monday....

I showed the backs of the packs of the collage paper so you can hopefully see the designs.

Might get some play time today (well tomorrow really as I am writing this during Bake Off)
 as I don't think I'm going out anywhere 
 Had 3 trips to Kew  since you last popped round - Saturday,    Sunday    and Tuesday 
Each trip was spectacular in their own way. 

Happy WOYWW   





  1. Enjoy your time off Helen. I know what you mean about waking up at the normal time though. Love the latest art! Have fun with the new goodies too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  2. Fabulously colourful artwork Helen. Didn't the lads do well last night, such a huge stage for youngsters.

    B x

  3. Loving those AJ pages, as I always do. And the collage tissue is looking very useful. With the amount of colour you manage to use on most of your pages, the stark contrast of the B&W always works so well. And, of course, Dina's tissue is the best for your style!

    Happy WOYWW, on the day, for a change!
    Mary Anne (1)

  4. I think you have been very busy doing all those pages. I call that good, no excellent, production. I doubt I do that much in a month.
    Isn't it always the same - you don't have to get up but your body clock still works on the same pattern.
    Glad you have taken advantage of the weather and Kew.
    Hugs, Neet 6 x

  5. Happy WOYWW. Loving that stencil and the colours you used. I am getting excited about stencilling again, and ordered some stencil brushes to use with inks. Going to be using my Silhouette Cameo to cut out my own stencils. Well that is the plan! Enjoy the rest of your week off. Ali x #10

  6. love your playtimes and super photo at kew who took that one? bj#13

  7. Loving the stencil playtime it looks great and I'm sure you will find a use for it. Enjoy your week off too. Have a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x14x

  8. Wow, I am loving your pages and tags - what gorgeous colours and effects you've achieved- they are gorgeous.
    Enjoy the rest of your week off,
    Diana xx #15

  9. Hi Helen, beautiful journal pages. I loved your Kew visits this week. The Titan Arum was spectacular and your grapevine photos made me quite nostalgic as we always used to go to Beaujolais for the harvest. Autumn in the vineyard can be quite spectacular.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 11

  10. Fabulous journal pages, I do like those colours. That’s a very tall flower,very strange looking. You must have a year pass to Kew. We are going today to get one for Chester Zoo. Angela #7

  11. Have fun during your time off and hope you find lots of nice thigs to do,

    Take care ad stay safe,

    Lilian B #17

  12. Love your makes Helen. New goodies - yayyyyy. If you have the same weather as us then you have picked an excellent week. When I worked - 15 years ago now I always awoke at the same time in holidays as I did in term time. Take care. Thanks for popping by Anne x 17

  13. I love the bright colour combo on your stencil pages - they would make fab cards I think. xx Jo

  14. WHat gorgeous pages, Helen. I always love your colours, but this week they are exceptional! I love them all.

    Thank you for your visit and all your good wishes for my treatment. The skin is starting to itch now and I have to resist the temptation to scratch! Putting on loads of moisturiser which should help. I am hoping that the effects of the radiotherapy will be short lived. I am feeling less fatigued today but it's up and down. I'm glad you enjoyed seeing Oldway Mansion - you are right, it was a lovely treat after my scan. The sun was warm and it was a beautiful afternoon.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #9

  15. Hi Helen! That is the most interesting flower I have ever seen! I love your tags, and your favourite is mine too! Gorgeous! Have fun with your new toys, Lindart #27

  16. I’m loving the colours in your stencilled piece, very autumnal, I think the colours o Kew have influenced you! That huge flowering plant is amazing!
    Hugs LLJ 8 xx

  17. Love your projects! Great colors! And what fun goodies!
    Fabulous Kew photos.
    Enjoy your holiday!
    Carol N #24

  18. Lovely to visit Kew three days running!
    I love what you have done with the stencil and sprays at the start...
    Happy WOYWW!
    Stay safe and keep well!
    I am hoping to visit everyone this week – unfortunately last week I just couldn’t make it…
    Susan #20
    Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

  19. You got to see the big plant…did it stink? Seriously, you’re thinner than the plant! Glad you’ve been able to get out and make the most of the September sun, it was a great week to choose for a hol! Lovely colour work through the stencils, bet you’re feeling pleased with those.

  20. I am so impressed that you see so many different things to shoot when you go to the gardens. I love that you got a you in the view too Helen :) ~Stacy #26

  21. I do love those journal pages and stenciled images Helen, the colours are wonderful! Enjoy your weekend sweetie, love from Holland, Marit #3

  22. Hi Helen! ( Waving ;))

    Lovely pages!

    Wish you a great weekend and Thank you
    for visiting my blog earlier.


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