Wednesday 9 September 2020


 I am not starting by saying.. it's Wednesday again!  But it is time to join in with Julia and the gang at the Stamping-Ground for WOYWW 

I started another journal page on Sunday but messed it up  so I'm only sharing the first steps! 

maybe by next week I'll have thought of something to cover up the stage I don't like!  

I was lying in bed on Sunday morning watching you-tube, as I do;  and saw a video with some fabulous new Dina Wakley goodies.   When I got up I went shopping.... although the new goodies I'd seen weren't yet available I did have a mini splurge! 

To my surprise I got home from work on Monday to find a "despatched" email and they came to work today (prepping this on Tuesday as usual)

I'd have got more only I thought I'd better wait for the new release as there are several great stamp sets I really liked!

I had a beautiful time at Kew last Saturday - took loads of photos (more than usual) as the early autumn - and it did feel like autumn on Saturday - light was staggeringly beautiful

the post is here  and here are the normal teasers! 

this one really made me smile! (and yes, I know, it's not over his nose!) 

I am thrilled that new blogger seems to have learnt the size I like my photos as they have been loading ready sized to the right option!

I am not going to take advantage of my booked slot this week as there is a fun run thing going on and anyone else isn't allowed in till 11am  and that 's too late for me - will be too crowded both on the train and at Kew so I'm giving it a miss.

I'll be round to check out your desks and crafty inspiration when I can (another busy week at work! so not getting much in the way of a break at lunchtime) 


  1. Pity you have to miss Kew this week, but understand why Helen. That was a quick delivery! Lovely new goodies, perhaps one of them will help rescue your journal pages. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

  2. Happy WOYWDW

    Shame you will miss Kew next week as we will miss your lovely picture,
    Hope you manage to find something to cover up the stage you do not like, Lots of new stash to play with,

    Lilian B #4

  3. Happy WOYWW. Sorry about the wrong link and the broken website. After refreshing my page a few times, I reported it over at Siteground where I have my hosting account - and they fixed it immediately. I love Siteground! Some versatile new stash you have there. Definitely use it on the journal pages. Ali x #5

  4. I so love those stamps, Dina is a great artist. I have a few of hers but don't use them much but for the journal they will be great. Lovely Kew pics too. Have a lovely and hopefully creative woyww, Angela x8x

  5. V sensible, even in a non Covid world I would imagine that an 11am start would be too busy for you, but now....yep, avoidance is the greatest tactic! You’re right about last weekend, even I noticed the autumnal light was beautiful, although I don’t have stunning photos to prove it. Liking the journal page. I thought there was no wrong? whatever it is I bet you noodle over it and turn it into a big fat right. Like the stamps you’ve bought, and new paints too. Relief to see those, I wouldn’t want you running out!

  6. shame you won't get to Kew this week but better to go when you know you will enjoy it. I haven't been getting to my early walks this last week as its been warmer in the afternoons but I much prefer the park when it is quiet!! Great goodies and a fast delivery - what we all like! Stay well, stay safe, Cindy # no idea

  7. I'm sure you will miss Kew this weekend but better to be safe than sorry. I can never see anything wrong with your pages but I'm sure when you've finished it will be perfect in your eyes too.
    Have a great week.
    Annie x #7

  8. Enjoy your new supplies & working on your page. Saturday was beautiful here too, but were back with the humidity full force this AM. Terrific photos ~ Enjoy the rest of your week.

  9. I am quite sure you will sort out what you consider to be a problem with your journal page, Helen. You know what they say - "In mixed media, there are no mistakes, only more layers" Lol! Love what you've done, anyway, and well done getting the lovely new stash too. Absolutely gorgeous "season of mists and mellow fruitfulness" shots of Kew, and the mask on the statue made me smile too!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #2

  10. Lol at the Kew statue and the mask! The light was gorgeous in your photos, I remarked to G how it seemed to turn Autumnal overnight. Like the blue of the journal pages and you're going to have fun with that mini splurge new stash!
    Hugs LLJ 9 xxx

  11. Love your Kew photos, so much beauty!
    We're finally getting a bit of cooler temps after setting 100 year record highs. Ugh.
    Thanks for popping by and have a wonderful week!
    Carol N #8

  12. Hi Helen, I smiled at the mask over the statue - someone obviously has a sense of humour! Sorry you won't get your Kew fix this week - but I can understand you wanting to avoid the crowds at Kew and on the train. More great photos from you. I love your new stash too - that's great service! I got some blank journals in a charity pack I bought from Hobbycraft - soooo I'm going to do some journal pages. They won't look anywhere near as good as yours, but I fancy a change from cards. Thanks for stopping by earlier, and your kind comments on the wedding invites. Have a lovely week, take care Heather xx #14

  13. Thanks for your visit, Helen, and for your commiserations re my ring! So glad you liked my outfit. The new project is going to have to wait a while because the tiny carpets have to be finished (people waiting for their needle books) and I really should maintain a bit of self-discipline and complete a few more UFOs!!

    Shoshi x #2 (I stole your number lol!)

  14. Love the blue pages, and your photos of Kew.
    I dream of going there but that’s for another time.
    Stay safe!
    Lynnecrafts #4

  15. Your Kew photos are so so lovely - it well worth taking the time to relax and look through them all. I notice myself taking a big breath - it has a such a calming effect just looking at the wonderful light and the moisture droplets on your stunning photos.

  16. What a quick delivery! I really like Dina Wakley's goodies so may have to put some on my birthday list! Love the photos of Kew. Happy Belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe, With love & God Bless. Caro xxx (#6)

  17. Helen your Kew pictures never get old for me. I love them. It's like I get a weekly tour into a secret garden. I love it. I am glad you are feeling well to enjoy that beautiful space. Stay safe my friend and I will pop in next week!
    Belinda #1

  18. wow that was a really quick delivery! Fair play
    Bit late in my returns this week but thanks for visiting my desk already

  19. I always love DW's stamps when I see them - in packets and in action - but can't really justify spending on them when they're really quite a long way from my creative jam. But you know, styles change, don't they?!

    Love your bluesy page - can't quite see what you don't like, but then we're so often our own harshest critics.

    MORE photos than usual...?! Well, I'm making a cup of coffee before I go to Kew then.
    Alison x


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