Wednesday 2 September 2020


 Bank Holidays are all very well but I am sure Wednesdays come round faster when there is a Bank Holiday in the week!  So we find ourselves sharing our crafty spaces again with Julia for WOYWW 

I managed to have some play time in my journal at the weekend 

Distress oxide sprays for the background and inks for the stencilled circles before over stamping the circle designs

various layers of stamping in the background too

more circles, stencilled with texture paste (Golden fibre paste) 

the weather where I am wasn't great for the weekend but of course I did go to Kew -link here

it was a funghi type of day on Saturday! 
one of my favourite views at the lake at Kew

tickets booked for the next 4 weeks! 

happy WOYWW - see you soon!  


  1. Morning Helen. Oooo... love the journal pages, and what you have done with them. Fun circles! Well done you! Booked in for the next four weeks! Enjoy as autumn progresses.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  2. Cool journal pages Helen, love the soft colours. I don't blame you for walking to work if it's doable. At least if the weather is kind. Hope it is for as long as possible. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #6

  3. Happy WOYWW. Yes, the flowers in our garden are just glorious. Even hubby keeps going out just to look at them! New ones appearing every day. Very simple compared to Kew, but after 7 years of living in the farmhouse it is wonderful to have some colour in our back garden. Loving your journal pages - the colours and shapes. Ali x #4

  4. That journal page is lovely!
    Love the fungi pic too!
    Happy woyww, Stay safe and keep well! Susan #13

  5. Looks like you've had fun with the circles in your journal pages! After Outlander, I read a series called After Cilmeri by Sarah Woodbury, it's not quite in the same league but I enjoyed it...time travelling etc.
    Hugs LLJ 2 xxx

  6. HI Helen, your journal page looks fab, all the layers and different textures and I always love using circles. Love how the fungi picture continues the circle theme! Have a happy WOYWWday :o) Annie C #16

  7. Morning I love the view looks so peaceful. The distress ink circles look great. Have a fab WOYWW

  8. Love the muted colours in your piece Halen. Kew is probably coming into its own at this time of year with all that heat gone, so good job booking for the next month. Enjoy! zsuzsa #18

  9. Hi Helen, great journal page, always love to see how you put them together.I do love those stamped circles, they're fab. The Kew pics are always a delight, the fungi are so cool. Stay safe, have a lovely week, hugs, Shaz #14. X

  10. Great journal design, Helen! I love your photos of Kew and would love to go there! It's not so far from Folkestone, but I'm still being cautious about travel.
    Have a great week
    Lynne #20

  11. Love the journal pages and I always love to see what you find on your weekly trips to Kew so keep on sharing.
    I'm late visiting today because I've had lots of customers all needing their sewing doing quickly so I had to get that done before I joined in the fun today.
    Annie x #7

  12. Circles seem to be the order of the day..I was struggling with a scrapbook LO that had to feature them and your journal page makes it look so damn easy!! I ended up using a large door red sheet of paper rather than be creative and add my own circles. Lazy, quick fix!!

  13. The trouble with bank holidays is sometimes I don't realise it's Wednesday till it's too late! Nice circles on your pages, will be interested to see where they go. Have a great Wednesday, stay well, stay safe, Cindy #15

  14. Hi Helen, that garden must be huge :) I love seeing all the shots you share of your adventures there too. The texture for the circles looks really cool on the page too. ~Stacy #27

  15. Love these circles Helen! The days all merge together too easily at the moment - I sometimes have to look at the calendar!!! Love the Kew pics, but you know I'm going to have to see them all!! Hugs, Chrisx

  16. Terrific pages and photos ~ Enjoy!

  17. Hi Helen, love the circle pages in your journal. Autumn must be lovely at Kew. Have a great week Angela #28

  18. A day of circles, with your fabulous journal pages and the little round fungi! Your pages are so stunning, Helen, with your use of colour and texture - you are very talented!

    Thank you for your visit and for commiserating about my ring. It's now 5 days and still no sign so I think I'm going to have to resign myself to having lost it for good, which is incredibly sad, and I am also angry with myself for being so careless as to lose it.

    I am looking forward to our new furniture arriving. I think the charcoal grey will be a nice backdrop for colourful cushions and throws! The stairlift is functioning again apart from one of the arm switches, but the engineer will fix that soon. At least it's useable again.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #12

  19. Hi Helen. Loving the journal pages, great techniques. Lovely to see some pics of Kew again and it will be interesting to see how the weeks develop when you make your next visits. Wishing you a very happy week and a creative woyww, Angela x10x

  20. Love your circles Helen. Your pages are looking good. Kew looks very serene. You'll see the season change over the next 4 weeks I'm sure, it feels quite autumnal here already,the light is much softer.
    Take care
    Hugs Lisax #17

  21. Great art journal pages Helen. They'd be good for the Art Journal Journey challenge this month, as the theme is texture, if you're interested.
    We've seen a lot of fungus lately, and a few conkers today. Autumn is here! 🍂
    Hope you're well,
    Alison xx

  22. Hi Helen, just a couple of days and you'll be in your beloved Kew again, so not only does Wednesday come quicker after a bank holiday but Saturday does too. Love the texture on your journal page, and the soft colouring. Have a great weekend. x #30

  23. I bet Kew looks wonderful as we move into the gorgeous colours of Autumn - enjoy! xx Jo

  24. What a fun journal page! I love those circles especially the texture paste ones. Great added interest to your pages. Enjoy your weekend. Dorlene #26

  25. I love those circles! What fun! And you made a great page of it. I found some of those funghi in my garden yesterday too - I guess we've been getting a lot of rain? Have a great time at Kew and I look forward to the pics! Thanks for your earlier visit, have a great week! Lindart #24


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